List of Bugs Fixed in Site Server Version 3.0 Service Pack 4 (258288)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0
  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition

This article was previously published under Q258288


This article contains a current list of article numbers for issues that are fixed in Site Server 3.0 and Site Server 3.0, Commerce Edition Service Pack 4. Service packs are cumulative, which means that the bugs fixed in a service pack are also fixed in subsequent service packs.

In addition to the articles listed in the "More Information" section, the latest service pack for Site Server 3.0 and Site Server 3.0, Commerce Edition fixes the problems listed in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

243533 List of Bugs Fixed in Site Server Version 3.0 Service Pack 3

223998 Readme: Fixes Included in Site Server 3.0 SP2

For additional information about obtaining the latest service pack for Site Server 3.0 and Site Server 3.0, Commerce Edition, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

219292 How to Obtain the Latest Site Server 3.0 Service Pack


Service Pack 4

Click the Qxxxxxx number that precedes the title of the fix to view the article about that issue. For additional information about any of the following bugs, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

263462 Usage Import Cannot Find HTML Titles for Imported Documents

261230 P&M Fails to Redirect to Custom Forms Login Pages on Network Shares

260515 Usage Import Incorrectly Associate Requests with Sites That Have URL Path Extensions

259803 Content Analyzer Does Not Format a No-Break Space Properly

258803 Report Prefix Specified in Remap Project Does Not Save to Project's WMP File

258596 Site Server Search Fails When You Use Large Catalog Files

257704 Inconsistency with Group and Subgroup Membership

257511 Content Analyzer May Delete Content

255915 Seconds Are Not Saved in Date/Time Field in the Site Server Membership Directory Database

255293 Search File Exclusion Rules Do Not Apply to Custom Protocol Handlers

255093 Content Deployment Statistics Are Only Updated for 200 Replications

254906 Usage Import Fails with Automation Error -2147023174 When Importing Large Query Strings

254201 Content Replication System Gets Fatal Error When End-Point Server Is Restarted

253749 Error Message: "Variable is Undefined" When Creating a New Content Type

253746 GetObjectAsUser Method of the AUO Membership.UserObjects Object Fails Sometimes

253529 Site Server Search SP3 Puts Temp Files in System32 Folder

252621 Usage Import Reports Automation Errors for Large Number of Query Parameters

252614 Potential Security Vulnerability Due to Unvalidated Variable in Wizard and Some Sample Sites

252178 LDAP Search "Not Present" Filter Does Not Work with Site Server Membership Directory

250829 Usage Import Reports Ad Log Placement Incorrectly

250617 Site Server Administrator Is Not Added to the Correct Groups with Createssadmin.vbs

250384 Posting Acceptor AllowAnonymous Upload Repost Failure on Windows 2000

249966 Greek Documents Are Identified as Russian Instead of Greek

249222 Importing Proxy Log File in an Access Database May Fail if Log File Contains a Pipe Character

248840 Possible Security Problem in LDAP_ANONYMOUS Account

248812 MMC Does Not Update After CRS Stopped and Restarted from Command Line

248625 Error Message: This Site Has Not Been Enabled for FrontPage

248296 WHOIS Lookups Fail After Internic Changes on Nov-30-1999

247959 Report Writer Does Not Display Total for Number of Visitors

247953 Error Message: The Object You Tried to Create Already Exists in the Directory

247948 DBCS Data May Not Be Stored Correctly in the Membership Directory After MDAC 2.1 Update

247013 Low Amount of WHOIS Queries after Applying Site Server Service Pack 3

246902 Error Occurs When Adding a New Category to the German Version of the Trey Research Sample Site

246899 Error Occurs When Adding a New Article to the German Version of the Trey Research Sample Site

246898 Error Occurs When Adding a New Content Provider to the German Version of the Trey Research Sample Site

246897 Error Occurs When Adding a New Product to the German Version of the Trey Research Sample Site

246402 File Upload Fails with "Unknown Error was Encountered"

245562 Memory Leak in Pipeline Caching Component

245547 Access Violation for DPA Authentication in Site Server

245363 Importing Log File Fails When Query String Contains Single Quotes

243792 Site Server Setup Stops Responding on Windows 2000 after Opening Setup Documentation

243580 Mbrmgmt Requires Refreshes When Database Is Partitioned

231732 Updating Member Properties Using ADSI May Cause Corruption

265502 LDAP Queries That Use the ADSI NOT Character (!) in a Filter May Work Incorrectly

265500 LDAP Queries That Contain the Single-Quotation Character (') Fail

258670 ADSI Filters May Return Incorrect Results When Text Is Inside a Filter Match

263000 Content Deployment Command Line Options Inconsistently Localized in SP3

263144 QueryProdInfoADO Does Not Recognize a Connection Map in the Connection String

259692 AuthFilter Misdirects Cookie Enabled Browsers to Nocookies.asp

255048 Error Message: ASP 0115 A Trappable Error Has Occurred

258984 Site Server Search Database Crawl Wizard Fails on Windows 2000

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/30/2006
Keywords:kbbug kbfix KB258288