Description of a Join in Microsoft Metadirectory Services (250584)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Metadirectory Services 2.1

This article was previously published under Q250584


You can use a Microsoft Metadirectory Services (MMS) management agent (MA), to perform a join for a connected directory. The MA contains the join rules and join criteria that govern the process. The Metadirectory contains two entities, the Metaverse, and the Connector Namespace. The join process automates joining the Connector Namespace object and Metaverse object entries. Understanding the mechanics of a join helps you to design good join criteria.


The join processes each disconnected entry in the connector space below the MA. For each disconnector, the MA processes a join that is based on each attribute listed in the join criteria. To propose a join means to search, and any entry with a matching value in any hashed attribute in the metaverse, is a candidate. If only one metaverse entry matches the proposed join, the connector space entry is joined. If not, the join inclusions are applied to narrow the field. If the MA obtains a one-to-one relationship, the join is made; if not, the next criteria is evaluated. If the MA does not find a match, the join is not performed.

For example, if one of the connected directories has an Employee ID field, that is probably the best candidate to join entries in the metaverse. However, the Employee ID field may not be sufficient; perhaps the Employee ID field is not used to identify contractors or temporary workers. Therefore, a secondary candidate, such as the Common Name field, is added. Finally, the MA adds join inclusions, for example:

If surname and telephone match, perform the join.

You must be familiar with the quality of the data in the connected directory (CD) to choose the most efficient join strategy. Unless you have a GUID, you do not have 100 percent accuracy. To resolve final exceptions, you must use the Account Joiner utility.

For additional information about setting inclusions and exclusions, and using Account Joiner, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

250528 Using the Account Joiner Utility in Microsoft Metadirectory Services

250586 Configuring the Join in Microsoft Metadirectory Services

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/2/2003
Keywords:kbinfo KB250584