FIX: Access Violation May Occur with BCP when Skipping a Column from Input Data File (248454)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

This article was previously published under Q248454
BUG #: 54557 (SQLBUG_70)


An access violation may occur in the ODBC SQL Server driver if an application attempts to skip a column from the input data file using the bcp_colfmt function.


Extract out any column you need to skip from the input data file before bulk copying into the database.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server 7.0. This problem has been corrected in U.S. Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

254561 INF: How to Obtain Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0

For more information, contact your primary support provider.


As defined by the SQL 7.0 Books Online (BOL) the bcp_colfmt function allows a value of 0 for the idxServerCol parameter. SQL BOL states:

If this value is 0, bulk copy ignores the column in the data file.

The Bcp.exe utility that ships with SQL 7.0 uses the bcp_colfmt function when a user specifies that a column is to be skipped through a "format file". A user can set the server column number field in the format file (the sixth field) to 0 to specify that a column is to be skipped from the input data file. For more information about Bcp.exe, see SQL 7.0 Books Online.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:3/14/2006
Keywords:kbHotfixServer kbQFE kbBug kbfix KB248454