You receive a syntax error message when you open documents that were created in a non-English (U.S.) version of Word 97 (247144)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2000
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q247144


When you open documents that were created in a non-English (U.S.) version of Word 97, the following error message may appear when you update some fields:
Syntax Error


This problem occurs because the list separator in the non-English (U.S.) version is a semicolon and the semicolon (;) is replaced with a comma (,) when the document is opened in Word 2000. This can cause a problem in fields. For example, if you use the following equation in a table

= sum(A1; A2)

Word converts it to the following:

= sum(A1, A2)

When the field is updated, the error message in the "Symptoms" section of this article appears.


To resolve this problem, obtain Microsoft Office 2000 Service Release 1/1a (SR-1/SR-1a).

To obtain SR-1/SR-1a, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

245025 OFF2000: How to Obtain and Install Microsoft Office 2000 Service Release 1/1a (SR-1/SR-1a)


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1/SR-1a.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/12/2005
Keywords:kbbug kbfix kbQFE KB247144