Information About Designated Subnet Bandwidth Manager Advertisements and Parameters (247102)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

This article was previously published under Q247102


This article provides information about Designated Subnet Bandwidth Manager (DSBM) advertisements and parameters.


I_AM_DSBM Components

DSBM Address Information

Contains Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Layer 2 addresses of the DSBM and its Subnet Bandwidth Manager (SBM) priority. The priority value is used to choose among SBM candidates during the election algorithm. The higher the value, the higher the priority, and a value of zero means that the SBM is not eligible to participate in an election. The TCP/IP address is required, and is used for breaking ties. The Layer 2 address is the address of the interface on the managed segment.

Refresh Interval

Contains the refresh interval value in seconds. A value of zero means that this parameter has been omitted, and that receivers may use their own default value.


Contains the SBMDeadInterval value in seconds. If omitted or set to zero, a default value from the initial configuration should be used.

DSBM_WILLING Advertisements

DSBM Address Information

If it wants to be the DSBM, it contains the SBM own address information.

SBM State Variables


The current DSBM TCP/IP address and priority. All TCP/IP addresses are interpreted as being in network byte order. Also, the current DSBM Layer 2 address is stored as part of this state information.


The SBM own TCP/IP address and Layer 2 address for the interface, and its own priority.

DSBM RefreshInterval in Seconds

When the DSBM is not yet elected, it is set to a default value specified as a configuration parameter.

DSBMDeadInterval in seconds

When the DSBM is not yet elected, it is initially set to a default value specified as a configuration parameter.

ListenInterval in Seconds

Configuration parameter that decides how long a SBM stays in the DetectDSBM state.

ElectionInterval in Seconds

Configuration parameter that decides how long a SBM stays in the ElectDSBM state when it has declared its candidacy. Note that for each network interface, a SBM maintains the state variables related to the election of the DSBM.

DSBM Election States


The SBM is not operational.


This should be the initial state of a SBM when it starts up. In this state, the SBM checks to see if there is already an existing DSBM on the segment.


In this state, the DSBM is already elected, and no election is occurring. The SBM remains idle on the network, monitoring the state of the DSBM.


During this state, an election is in progress.


During this state, the SBM is the DSBM.

For additional information about DSBM, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

228830 Description of Subnet Bandwidth Manager (SBM) in Windows 2000

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/3/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbnetwork KB247102