Works: How to Format Merged Data in a Works Word Processor Document (246528)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Works 2000
  • Microsoft Works 6

This article was previously published under Q246528


This article describes how to format merged data in a Microsoft Works Word Processor document.


When you insert database fields into a Works Word Processor document, the data from the database is represented in the document by a placeholder with the name of the merged database field.

Works does not transfer character formatting or paragraph formatting from a database file to a merged document. To apply character formatting or paragraph formatting to a merged database field, apply the formatting to the placeholder in the document.

If you attempt to use the SPACEBAR or the default tabs to arrange merged data in columns in a Works Word Processor document, the columns may not be properly aligned. To align merged data in columns in a Works Word Processor document, define and use custom tab settings. To do this:
  1. Select the paragraph or paragraphs for which you want to define custom tab settings.
  2. On the Format menu, click Tabs.
  3. Under Alignment, click the tab alignment that you want to use.
  4. Under Leader, click the tab leader that you want to use.
  5. In the Tab stop position box, the position for the tab stop, and then click Set.
  6. To define additional tab stops for the selected paragraphs, repeat steps two through five.
  7. When you finish defining tab stops, click OK.
The following rules apply to custom and default tab stops:
  • Default tab stops apply to an entire document.
  • Custom tab stops apply only to the paragraph for which you set them.
  • You cannot change the alignment of a default tab stop.
  • You can change the alignment of a custom tab stop to Left, Right, Center, or Decimal.
  • A custom tab stop overides a default tab stop in the same position.
  • A custom tab stop overrides all default tab stops located before the custom tab stop.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/6/2003
Keywords:kbhowto kbprint kbui KB246528