XGEN: DSAccess Performance Monitor Counters in Exchange 2000 (246271)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server

This article was previously published under Q246271


This article lists the important DSAccess Performance Monitor counters available in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.


Cache Expiries TotalTotal number of objects expired from the cache since system initialization
Cache Expiries/SecNumber of objects expired from the cache per second
Cache Hits TotalTotal number of "object found in cache" events since system initialization
Cache Hits/SecNumber of "object found in cache" events per second
Cache Inserts TotalTotal number of objects inserted into the cache since system initialization
Cache Inserts/SecNumber of objects inserted into cache per second
Cache Misses TotalTotal number of "object not found in cache" events since system initialization
Cache Misses/SecNumber of "object not found in cache" events per second
Cache TimeoutNumber of seconds a Distinguished Name (DN) entry can stay in the cache before being expired
DN Entries Total number of DN object-type entries in the cache
DN Entries Memory Memory occupied by all DN entries in the cache (in bytes)
LDAP Searches TotalTotal number of LDAP search requests issued since system initialization
LDAP Searches/SecNumber of LDAP search requests issued per second
LRU EntriesNumber of cached object entries on the LRU chain (that is, currently unused)
Max EntriesMaximum number of entries allowed in the cache
Max Memory SizeMaximum allowed memory size of the cache (in bytes)
Not Found DN Entries Total number of "Not Found DN" type entries in the cache
Not Found DN Entries Memory Memory occupied by all "Not Found DN" Entries in the cache (in bytes)
Not Found GUID Entries Total number of "Not Found GUID" type entries in the cache
Not Found GUID Entries Memory Memory occupied by all "Not FOund GUID" Entries in the cache (in bytes)
Outstanding Async NotifiesNumber of outstanding LDAP notification requests
Outstanding Async ReadsNumber of outstanding LDAP read requests
Outstanding Async SearchesNumber of outstanding LDAP search requests
Search Entries Total number of Search type entries in the cache
Search Entries Memory Memory occupied by all search entries in the cache (in bytes)
Total EntriesTotal number of entries in the cache, including DN, Search, Not Found DN, and Not Found GUID type entries
Total Entries Memory Memory occupied by all entry objects in the cache (in bytes), not including the cache tables overhead
Total Memory SizeTotal shared memory size of the cache (in bytes) including cache Entry objects and the cache table data structures
Total Search EntriesTotal number of search objects entries in the cache

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/25/2005
Keywords:kbinfo KB246271