SMS: Error Message Occurs When Status Messages Are Deleted (245613)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0

This article was previously published under Q245613


When you attempt to delete the status messages associated with a status message query, you may receive the following error message:
An error was encountered deleting status messages: rc = -2147217407. No status messages were deleted.
In addition, the Microsoft Systems Management Server Provider log (Smsprov.log) may contain an error message similar to the following:
E:\OPALSP1\sdk_provider\nt\smsprov\SspStatusMessage.cpp(927) : Error
executing delete query: delete from StatusMessages WHERE RecordID IN
(SELECT SMS_StatusMessage.RecordID from vStatusMessages AS
SMS_StatusMessage LEFT OUTER JOIN StatusMessageInsStrs AS
SMS_StatMsgInsStrings ON SMS_StatMsgInsStrings.RecordID =
SMS_StatusMessage.RecordID LEFT OUTER JOIN StatusMessageAttributes AS
SMS_StatMsgAttributes ON SMS_StatMsgAttributes.RecordID =
SMS_StatusMessage.RecordID )
SQL Error: SQL Server connection timed out.


This error message can occur because the deletion query has timed out. On a site that has a large number of status messages stored in the database, the preset time-out interval of 10 minutes may not be enough time for Microsoft SQL Server to complete the deletion request.


To work around this behavior, use the status message filter rules to limit the number of status messages in the database. For additional information on using the status message filter rules, see Chapter 20 of the Microsoft Systems Management Server Administrators Guide.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server version 2.0.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/14/2006
Keywords:kbBug kbprb KB245613