BUG: Bus Error When Copying and Pasting In Browse Window (245020)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh 3.0b

This article was previously published under Q245020


Visual FoxPro for Macintosh quits with a type 2 error, or the Macintosh computer stops responding, reporting a bus error in some cases, when copying and pasting in a Browse window. An error of type 11 may also appear.


This is known to happen when the field that is the copy source and copy destination is defined as eight characters wide. Microsoft has tested this on Macintosh operating systems 7.5.3, OS 8.1, OS 8.5, OS 8.5.1 and OS 9. We presume the problem happens on other Macintosh operating systems as well.


If it is possible, do not use character fields with a width of eight to copy and paste into.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Run the following code to create a new table, add two records and browse it:
    CREATE TABLE test (test1 c(8), test2 c(10))
    INSERT INTO test (test1,test2) VALUES ("Hello","Goodbye")
  2. The test1 field is a character field that is eight characters wide. Copy the data in it with either CMD+C or with the Copy command on the Edit menu.
  3. Move to the second record in the test1 field by using the down arrow key.
  4. Paste the data into the second record with either CMD+V or the Paste command on the Edit menu.
  5. If the Macintosh computer does not stop responding or if Visual FoxPro does not quit with an error of type 2, continue copying and pasting in the test1 field.
Cutting and pasting also causes the computer to quit. Copy or cut and then pasting in a character field wider or narrower than eight characters has not been reported to be a problem.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/3/2000
Keywords:kbbug kbXBase KB245020