PRJ: Tasks Scheduled Incorrectly When Rescheduled to Nonworking Day (242649)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Project 2000
  • Microsoft Project 98 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q242649


In Microsoft Project, in the Multiple Task Information dialog box, when you reschedule two or more tasks to a day that is nonworking by default, one or more tasks may not be scheduled on the day you choose.


This behavior occurs when the following conditions are true:
  1. You are working in a master project.
  2. You select multiple tasks to edit, and at least one of the tasks that you select belongs to an inserted project.
  3. In the Multiple Task Information dialog box, you reschedule the selected tasks to a nonworking day.
  4. You choose to make the nonworking day a working day when prompted.
This behavior occurs because the nonworking day changes to a working day in the master project's calendar, but not in the inserted project's calendars. Note that as expected, all of the selected tasks have a SNET (Start No Earlier Than) constraint added with a constraint date equal to the nonworking day that you specified; however, the tasks that belong to inserted projects are not rescheduled to the day you chose.

The date that the tasks in the inserted projects are actually scheduled depends on the version of Microsoft Project that you are using:
  • In Microsoft Project 98: The tasks in the inserted projects are scheduled for the next default working day.
  • In Microsoft Project 2000: The tasks in the inserted projects do not move. Instead, the constraint icon in the Indicators column has a ToolTip indicating that the task is scheduled to start before its constraint date.


To work around this behavior, modify the inserted project's calendar to match the nondefault working time in the master project's calendar. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Open the inserted project that contain the tasks you rescheduled.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Change Working Time.
  3. In the Change Working Time dialog box, select the day on which you want the tasks scheduled.
  4. Click Nondefault working time.
  5. Click OK.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/7/2003
Keywords:kbbug kbnofix KB242649