How To Send Mail to a Queue from Exchange with Microsoft Messaging Queue Exchange Connector (239813)

This article was previously published under Q239813


This article describes how to set up both a custom recipient and a queue that sends a message from Microsoft Exchange to Microsoft Messaging Queue (MSMQ) through the MSMQ Exchange Connector.


To send messages from Exchange to MSMQ, you need to set up a queue for the MSMQ Exchange Connector, and set up a custom recipient in Exchange to address the message. To do this, perform the following steps:
  1. Create a new queue, or utilize an existing one. Do not use a queue that has been set up with the MSMQ Exchange Connector, if you send a message to this queue, the MSMQ Exchange Connector attempts to import the message back into Exchange.
  2. Assign the Exchange connector service type Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to the queue. To assign the GUID to the queue, click queue in Internet Explorer, then right-click to display its context menu. Click Properties to open the Queue Properties dialog box. In the General tab there is a place to enter type ID. Enter the GUID type {5EADC0D0-7182-11CF-A8FF-0020AFB8FB50} to assign it to the queue in question, and then run the MSMQ Explorer. Your queue is ready to accept MSMQ Exchange Connector messages.
  3. Enter CTRL-R to set up your Exchange custom recipient. This opens a dialog box to enter in the custom recipient properties. You can leave most fields blank in this dialog box, but you must fill in Alias and Display on the General tab. Perform the following steps to enter the e-mail address:
    • To set up the e-mail address for the recipient, click the E-mail button at the end of the General page. The e-mail address is the label of the queue that you want to send to. This label is found on the General properties page for the queue (refer to step 2 to bring this up). The label property is case sensitive, so make sure the case is correct. The e-mail type is MSMQ.
  4. Send mail to your queue. Through an Outlook or Exchange client, click the mailbox that you just set up for the queue. This mail is forwarded to your MSMQ queue.
MSMQ SDK Guide (About MSMQ | MSMQ Mail Services), Exchange Server Help


MSMQ SDK Guide, Exchange Server Help

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 7/13/2004
Keywords: kbhowto KB239813