Using Index Server to Achieve Hit Highlighting in Site Server Search (234791)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0
  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition

This article was previously published under Q234791


Site Server Search does not provide hit-highlighting capabilities. If you desire this functionality and you meet at least the following requirements, you can use Index Server to implement this functionality:

You are performing a file crawl on local documents.You have IIS installed and running on the document server.You are already familiar with coding Search Server ASP and Index Server HTW pages.


To enable hit-highlighting, do the following:
  1. Create a new Web site on the document server that points to the document data.
  2. Create an HTW file as a template for your hit highlighting and place this file in a directory on your document server. Grant this file Script permissions.
  3. Modify your search results page to reference the HTW file on the document server, passing in at least the following parameters: CiWebHitsFile, CiRestriction, CiHiliteType, CiBeginHilite, CiEndHilite.
At this point, clients can perform a search using the Search Server search and results pages. When they click on a result, they can forward to the hit-highlighted version of the document as constructed by the HTW page.

  • No catalogs need to be generated in Index Server. You are only using the hit-highlighting functionality.
  • No additional security problems should arise because the Web sites introduced do not have default pages or directory browsing. Additionally, they will be protected by using NTCR. No additional configuration is needed for this beyond the initial creation of the Web site.
  • The document server may reside on the Search server itself.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/24/2004
Keywords:kbhowto KB234791