XL2000: EUROCONVERT Rounds Number Up (231015)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 2000

This article was previously published under Q231015


The result returned by the EUROCONVERT worksheet function may be rounded up.


This behavior occurs when you do both of the following:
  • You set the Full_Precision argument to FALSE or 0.

  • You set the Triangulation_Precision argument to 3.
For example, this problem occurs when you convert French francs to euros using the following formula:


This formula returns 15.25.

However, if you set the Full_Precision argument to TRUE or 1 in the same formula, it will return 15.245.


If you want to round the result of the EUROCONVERT by setting the Full_Precision argument to FALSE, increase the value of the Triangulation_Precision argument. Using the example in the "Cause" section, setting the Triangulation_Precision to a value of 4 would cause the first formula to return 15.24 instead of 15.25.


The EUROCONVERT worksheet functions use the European Union (EU) members' conversion factors to express one euro in each of the euro member currencies. (See the help topic listed in the "References" section later in this article for a list of these euro member currencies.) Each EU rate has six significant digits. For example, one euro might be 6.55957 French francs or 1.95583 deutsche marks. When EUROCONVERT converts values to euros, it rounds the result to the nearest cent within two decimal places (each euro contains 100 cents). When converting to another currency, if the result is exactly half of the smallest unit, EUROCONVERT rounds up the result.

Discrepancies may result however, if you round the results. Using the Triangulation_Precision argument of the EUROCONVERT function helps to correct these rounding errors.


For more information about the EUROCONVERT worksheet function, click Microsoft Excel Help on the Help menu, type EUROCONVERT worksheet function in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topic.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/5/2003
Keywords:kbpending kbprb KB231015