INFO: Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme: Part 3 - Visual Basic (230726)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 SP3

This article was previously published under Q230726


This Readme file contains updated information for the entire Microsoft Visual Studio suite of developer tools. If you downloaded a Core service pack from the Internet, not all sections of this file apply to the updates you received. The fixed issues appropriate for the Core downloads are those listed in the Visual Studio section plus the sections for the products updated by your Core download.

The Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 3 Readme contains the following sections:

PART 1: Overview and Installation

PART 2: Visual Studio

PART 3: Visual Basic

PART 4: Visual C++

PART 5: Visual FoxPro

PART 6: Visual InterDev

PART 7: Visual J++

PART 8: Visual SourceSafe

PART 9: File Versions

For the latest product information, see the Visual Studio Web site at:

For the latest product updates, see the Visual Studio Support Highlights site at:

Please see the REFERENCES section below for more information about the other parts of this readme.


Microsoft Visual Basic

Microsoft Agent 2.0

Microsoft Agent, which shipped with Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Basic 6.0, has a new release on the Internet. You can download Agent 2.0 royalty-free from the Microsoft Agent Web site where you will also find the updated Agent SDK, including documentation, HTML and code samples, and licensing information.

Installation Information

Setup updates files that are not versioned, such as text files and nonbinary files, based on the date of the file. If you have previously modified one of these files and the date/time stamp is more recent than the date/time stamp on the file included with Service Pack 3, Setup will not update the file. One likely file in this category is vb6dep.ini. For additional information, see Determining the update history of products based on file versions.

Controls Issues

The following Controls issues have been fixed:
  • "Invalid Page Fault" occurred when using a RichTextBox control with Excel.
  • 192648 Adding a windowless transparent control to a Frame control caused the Frame to display incorrectly.
  • 193025 Visual Basic did not dynamically load unlicensed MFC controls at run-time.
  • 195840 The DataGrid's RowColChange event did not occur if the new row being scrolled to was not visible before the row change occurred.
  • 198880 The MinDate and MaxDate properties of the DTPicker control could be set during run-time, but only the last property set had any effect.
  • 221225 Loading the MaskedEdit control in Internet Explorer and setting the PARAM Name mask value to greater than 64 characters caused a buffer overrun error.
  • 223066 An "Invalid Page Fault" error occurred in Visual Basic if you had a MsgBox in a DataGrid control's SelChange event.
  • 223087 Some accelerator keys and text edit control keyboard shortcuts (such as SHIFT+CTRL+END) were ignored in UserControls that were hosted by Internet Explorer.
  • 223099 The DataMemberChanged event did not work correctly with UserControls.
  • 223062 The DataGrid control could not add a new record if that record's field values were set programmatically.
  • 223065 The Button argument always equaled 0 in the DataGrid control's MouseUp and MouseDown events.
  • 223072 Adding a non-null value to a Boolean DataFormat property of a TextBox control contained in a DataReport resulted in an application error.
  • 223078 When using MDAC 2.1 with a DataGrid control, the column sizes were lost, and the columns bunched up to the left side.
  • 223117 Customizing the Toolbar control (from common controls) caused the buttons to enlarge.
  • 223108 Visual Basic would stop responding if you set the AxisScaleType property of an MSChart control to logarithmic.
  • An "Invalid property value" error occurred in the RichTextBox control's Property page when it was hosted in PowerPoint.
  • An automation error would occur in Visual Basic 6.0 if you ran a compiled .Exe with a UserControl containing a public User-Defined Type (UDT).
  • Clicking the thumb of a DataGrid control's horizontal scrollbar caused a hidden column 0 to display.
  • Errors, stopped programs, and problems with the nodes occurred when expanding and collapsing a TreeView control on a form.
  • If you attempted to set the Recordset property of an ADO Data Control to a child recordset in a hierarchy, you got the error message:
    "Method 'Recordset' of object 'Iadodc' failed"
  • In the BeforeColUpdate event of the DataGrid control, data was moved to the buffer prior to the event occurring. This meant, for example, DataGrid1.Columns(1).Value returned the contents of the cell prior to the edit, not the edited contents of the cell.
  • OLE-DB bound Hierarchical Flexgrid controls (MSHflexGrid) would crash in Internet Explorer.
  • The DataMember property of a UserControl was blank when you clicked its DataField combo box.
  • The MSFlexGrid control stopped running when its MergeCells Property was changed to Restrict.
  • The system would stop responding when you changed the size of an image in an ImageList control.
  • The vertical and horizontal scroll bars would not work correctly in PowerPoint or Word after running a project two or more times using a DataGrid control bound to a Data Control.
  • Using SendKeys with a TextBox with its Locked property set to True caused extra events to occur.
  • Visual Basic 6.0 controls were not functioning correctly when embedded in Office applications.
  • Visual Basic would stop responding when you closed an ActiveX DLL form that contained an RTF control.
  • Visual Basic would stop when compiling a project that used a With statement on a UserControl that contained a public User-Defined Type.
  • Visual Basic would stop when deleting nodes from a TreeView control.

International Product Issues

The following international product issues have been fixed:
  • 216379 Boolean values for non-English versions of Visual Basic were converted to their localized form. For example, setting b = True could result in a value of "Sant" for b if the Regional settings for Windows were set to Swedish.
  • 223132 An error occurred in French, Italian, and Spanish versions of Visual Basic after adding the Repository Add-In and then adding control details to the repository.
  • 223103 A memory leak occurred when using a CommandButton control with Visual Basic 6.0 and Japanese Windows version OSR2.5.
  • A General Protection Fault would occur in Japanese Visual Basic running in Windows 98 when you attempted to unload an MDI child form.
  • A Reserved Error occurred in the German version of Visual Basic when creating a Web Project after making changes to the HTML file and then choosing Close All.
  • An error occurred in the Korean Visual Basic Data Environment when using a default grouping command name.
  • Creating a Japanese procedure name in Japanese Visual Basic, using the IME, then running the procedure caused the name to change.
  • In Korean Windows, the IME Interim window would erroneously appear when an intrinsic control set focus with the KeyDown or KeyUp event of a Custom control.
  • In the French version of Visual Basic, some style attributes in the DHTML Page Designer and the HTML Select and List controls, such as Width, Height, Left, and Top, were erroneously translated to French instead of remaining in English.
  • The StrConv function did not support Japanese character sets on non-Japanese systems.
  • Using the RDO GetChunk method with DBCS characters resulted in a bad string.
  • When entering DBCS characters in Visual Basic running in Korean Windows, an IME Level 2 interim window would appear rather than the expected IME Level 3.

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Documentation

Updated Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) documentation is installed with Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 3. All users can gain access to the updated ADO 2.1 documentation (ado210.chm) from the Help folder in their Windows directory. Visual Basic users will be able to gain access to this documentation through context-sensitive (F1) Help if they have installed Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1 and created a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 library.

To create a reference to the ADO 2.1 library:
  1. From the Project menu, select References.
  2. Ensure "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library" is selected.
  3. Click OK.
Context-sensitive Help is available for all ADO 2.1 objects, collections, methods, and properties. Pressing the F1 key calls the standalone ADO 2.1 help, not the MSDN library.

For important information about a known issue with ADO, see Access ODBC Keyset Cursor Becomes Corrupt After a Delete at:

Package and Deployment Wizard Issues

The following Package and Deployment Wizard issues have been fixed:
  • 198052 When you ran the PDW and chose "Standard Setup Package," COMCT332.OCX showed up in the "Out of Date Dependencies" list.
  • 221604 When distributing an Internet Explorer 5 and Page Designer Application with the Package and Deployment Wizard, you will get a warning indicating "There is no dependency information for MSHTML.tlb." Ignore this warning, and remove the type library from your distribution package. The application will run without errors on a computer equipped with Internet Explorer 5.
  • 223090 After installing an application that used a UserControl to the Active Desktop, an error would occur during Windows shutdown.
  • A "Type Mismatch" error occurred running the PDW in Italian Visual Basic.
  • During Visual Basic setup, an illegal operation occurred when registering the file MSRDO20.DLL.
  • Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC) 2.1, which is provided with the Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 3, includes the Microsoft® Jet 4.0 OLE Database provider instead of the Jet 3.51 OLE Database provider, which was included with Visual Studio 6.0. Thus, if you install the Service Pack release, you should upgrade your applications to use the Jet 4.0 OLE Database provider. If you still wish to use the Jet 3.51 provider, you will have to resolve a redistribution issue with the Package and Deployment Wizard. Because the Service Pack 3 setup replaces MDAC_TYP.exe in the Package and Deployment Wizard's Redist folder, you will need to distribute the Mdac_typ.exe file from your Visual Studio 6.0 CD separately.
  • The dependency file for the HFlexGrid control (MSHFLXGD.dep) in Japanese Visual Basic contained invalid information for a satellite DLL.
  • The error "Can't setup" occurred in the PDW if the Name property of the project contained DBCS characters.
  • The following error occurred although the temp folder existed and was on the same drive as the system folder:
    "The TEMP folder is not on the same drive as your system folder is. Setup cannot continue"
  • The Package and Deployment Wizard (PDW) setup was unable to replace the Msvcrt.dll file, because the file was reportedly in use, resulting in the following error:
    "File in use"
  • Uninstalling a Visual Basic application would crash when running st6unst.exe.
  • Using the PDW with the Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese version of Visual Basic resulted in an error when packaging a project with the DataEnviroment:
    "Missing relative file"
  • You could not select a mapped network drive in the Change Directory dialog box when installing a Visual Basic 6.0 application using a Setup program created by the PDW.

Run-Time Error with COM DLLs

The following Microsoft Visual Basic issue has been fixed with Service Pack 1 and is included with Service Pack 3:
  • 192653 A run-time error can occur in compiled Visual Basic code when the application uses more than eight in-process COM DLLs.
If your applications download run-time components from the Web on setup, note that the following files have changed with this Service Pack:

Miscellaneous Issues

  • "Error 429 - Can't Create Object" occurred when running an ActiveX Exe server on Windows NT 4.0.
  • 194912 If you attempted to add a form (such as Forms.Add("Form1")) at design time, it would work as expected, but if you did the same thing at run time, you'd get an automation error.
  • 223088 The WhatsThisHelp property did not work correctly in UserDocuments, either by clicking the "?" icon in the application or by calling the ShowWhatsThis method from with the UserDocument object.
  • 223074 In RDO, rs.Update would cause the system to not respond if the table was locked and you used an ODBC-side cursor.
  • 223060 Incorrect parameter values showed in the Local Variables window of the T-SQL Debugger.
  • 223092 If you had a UserDocument (ActiveX Document DLL or EXE) that displayed a modal dialog that loaded another modal dialog and then you closed both dialogs, when you attempted to quit the browser, you would get the error:
    "The browser window (or ActiveX control in this page) is busy."
  • 223105 Running RegSvr32 /u with msvbvm60.dll would fail.
  • 223114 Printer.Scale in Visual Basic 6.0 was not fully compatible with earlier versions of Visual Basic.
  • 223118 The PSet statement was slow in Visual Basic 6.0.
  • 223120 Visual Basic stopped when you used Redim Preserve on an array of User-Defined Types in a public object.
  • A run-time error and General Protection Fault occurred after adding an Explorer-style submenu in the Visual Basic Application Wizard.
  • After editing and running a project, the Remove Project command caused Visual Basic to stop running.
  • Enumerated lists in statement completion did not appear after "Optional. As." (For example, "Sub Test(Optional x As VbAppWinStyle=".)
  • If you created several standard DLLs, released them, then created the same amount of standard DLLs again, Visual Basic stopped running.
  • Sporadic stoppages of Visual Basic would occur running asynchronous RDO operations on multiprocessor systems.
  • The first data field updated during an ADO EndOfRecordset event always contained the previous value no matter to what it was set.
  • The fonts of all data view-created dialog boxes (such as the Properties sheet, the Stored Procedure Parameters dialog box, and so on) and controls were changed if any control's Font property was changed.
  • There were inconsistencies in event firing order between Visual Basic 5.0 and Visual Basic 6.0 when showing a modal form.
  • Using the RDO ClientBatch cursor engine, decimal data was truncated after four digits of precision.
  • Visual Basic applications implementing the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) context object will not debug but will compile and run. You are encouraged to implement ASP objects provided by the Webclass run-time (Request, Response, Server, and so on) or create separate Visual Basic classes that employ the functionality of the MTS context object rather than utilizing the MTS context object in the Visual Basic process space.
  • Visual Basic stopped running when a string with extra spaces (such as ? Text1 . Text) was entered in the Immediate window.
  • Visual Basic stopped running when enumerating through CurrentDB.Properties.
  • Visual Basic stopped running when, in an IIS project, an error occurred after a command object's recordset was opened and a debug operation was performed.

Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles for Fixed Bugs

Some Microsoft Knowledge Base articles refer to and describe workarounds for bugs that were fixed in Visual Basic Service Pack 3. For a complete list of these articles, see:


For more information about the Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 readme, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

230722 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 1 - Overview and Installation

230724 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 2 - Visual Studio

230727 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 4 - Visual C++

230729 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 5 - Visual FoxPro

230730 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 6 - Visual InterDev

230731 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 7 - Visual J++

230732 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 8 - Visual SourceSafe

230733 Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme Part 9 - File Versions

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/20/2001
Keywords:kbinfo KB230726