MIDI Playback Is Garbled When Computer Resumes from Standby (227753)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

This article was previously published under Q227753


When you place your computer in Standby mode while Media Player is playing a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) file, the MIDI file may continue to be played. When you resume your computer, audio may be garbled. When the logon dialog box appears, the MIDI file continues to be played normally, but the file is played as if it was never paused. For example, if you place your computer in Standby mode after playing the MIDI file for 1 minute, and resume your computer 5 minutes later, the MIDI file should start at the 1 minute point, but instead starts at the 6 minute point.


This problem can occur if the MIDI sequencer runs off of computer time and does not account for suspend or resume time. Because of this, when you resume your computer from Standby mode, the MIDI sequencer incorrectly interprets that it has fallen behind and tries to catch up by submitting all of the late data for playback.


To work around this problem, stop all MIDI playback before placing your computer in Standby mode.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/24/2003
Keywords:kbPowerMan kbprb kbsound KB227753