Description of the Registry Entries for the Telnet Server Service (226107)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

This article was previously published under Q226107
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry


This article describes the registry entries associated with the Windows 2000 Telnet Server service.

For information about how to use the Telnet Server service, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

225233 Description of the Telnet Server Service Administration Tool


WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

The Telnet Server service values are located in the following registry key:


The possible Telnet Server registry values and data types include:
Name                   Data type         Values
AltKeyMapping          REG_DWORD         0x00: Press CTRL+A.
                                         This key combination emulates
                                         the ALT key. This enables you to
                                         send an ALT combination to
                                         programs running on SFU Telnet 

                                         0x19: Press CTRL+Z.
                                         This key combination emulates
                                         the ALT key. This enables you to
                                         send an ALT combination to
                                         programs running on SFU Telnet 
DefaultDomain          REG_EXPAND_SZ     Uses default Windows domain for 
                                         login authentication.
DefaultShell           REG_EXPAND_SZ     Defines the full path of
                                         the shell or command
                                         interpreter that runs 
                                         when a Telnet user logs 
                                         on. The default is Windows NT 
                                         Command Prompt (Cmd.exe), but can
                                         be set to a UNIX shell.

LoginScript            REG_EXPAND_SZ     Sets the full path of a batch
                                         file when a Telnet user logs on. 
                                         This is similar to a global 
                                         .cshrc file or profile in UNIX.

MaxConnections         REG_DWORD         Applies only if you 
                                         purchase a license through
                                         Services for UNIX. In Windows
                                         2000, the Telnet Server service
                                         has a hard coded limit of two
                                         simultaneous connections. 

MaxFailedLogins        REG_DWORD         Determines the number of 
                                         unsuccessful logons before a user
                                         is disconnected. (default is 3)

NTLM                   REG_DWORD         0x00: Disables Windows NT
                                         LAN Manager (NTLM)

                                         0x01: Attempts NTLM first, and
                                         then uses clear text

                                         0x02: Uses NTLM authentication

TelnetPort             REG_DWORD         Defines the Transmission Control
                                         Protocol (TCP) port for Telnet
                                         connections. (default is 23)
TermCap                REG_EXPAND_SZ     Sets the full path to the 
                                         "terminal capabilities" file. 
                                         This file is similar to a UNIX 
                                         file, which is used to define 
                                         standard layouts and key mappings
                                         for common emulation types (for 
                                         example, VT52, VT100, and ANSI). 

NumThreadsPerProcessor REG_EXPAND_SZ     Determines the number of threads 
                                         assigned to each processor for 
                                         execution. The default value is
                                         set to 10. The minimum value 
                                         is 2. 
NOTE: The NumThreadsPerProcessor value is located in the following registry key:


If you change any of these registry values, you have to stop and then restart the Telnet Server service.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/18/2003
Keywords:kbenv kbinfo KB226107