Stop 0x0a in Ibmsync.sys at ibmsync!SyncPutDPCQueueTail+0x58 (223415)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0

This article was previously published under Q223415


Under heavy stress loads using a SDLC card with SNA Server, a blue screen error message may be displayed in Windows NT. The blue screen indicates a Stop 0x0a in Ibmsync.sys. This problem was found when stressing conversations across SDLC and token ring links to the mainframe simultaneously. The problem was encounted when using a Microgate Digital Services Adapter. The contents of the dump file are in the More Information section of this article.


There were two problems found causing the problem. The trap occurred because of a logic error in the handling of hardware errors, which resulted in the driver crashing. The hardware error was diagnosed as a problem with the Microgate SDLC card not responding fast enough to the driver under heavy load. For a related problem in the Ibmsync.sys driver, please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: 172913 Server Stops with STOP 0xA in Ibmsync.sys Driver Under Stress


To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for SNA Server version 4.0. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

215838 How to Obtain the Latest SNA Server Version 4.0 Service Pack


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Microsoft SNA Server, Versions 4.0, 4.0sp1, 4.0sp2. This problem was first corrected in SNA Server version 4.0 Service Pack 3.


The following is an excerpt from the Windows NT crash dump file when this problem occurred:
kd> kv
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
8014d72c f730ba35 0000e407 000000b2 80063ffe ntkrnlmp!KiTrap0E+0x284 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ 8014d72c)
8014d7a4 f730979d 806978b8 80686d88 80686fec ibmsync!SyncPutDPCQueueTail+0x58 (FPO: [1,0,2])
8014d7c0 801449a2 80686d88 80697800 8014a402 ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x29a (FPO: [EBP 0x80686d88] [2,1,4])
8014d7c0 5024648c 80686d88 80697800 8014a402 ntkrnlmp!KiInterruptDispatch+0x32 (FPO: [0,2] TrapFrame @ 80686d88)
8014d79c 806945a0 806978b8 f730979d 806978b8 0x5024648c [Stdcall: 0]
kd> !trap 8014d72c
!trap 8014d72c
eax=00000000 ebx=00000001 ecx=00000000 edx=00000388 esi=806978b8 edi=00000000
eip=f730ba35 esp=8014d7a0 ebp=00000005 iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz na pe nc
vip=0    vif=0
cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010282
ErrCode = 00000002
f730ba35 89780c           mov     [eax+0xc],edi

kd> !kv
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
8014d7a4 f730979d 806978b8 80686d88 80686fec ibmsync!SyncPutDPCQueueTail+0x58
8014d7c0 801449a2 80686d88 80697800 8014a402 ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x29a
8014d7c0 5024648c 80686d88 80697800 8014a402 ntkrnlmp!KiInterruptDispatch+0x32
8014d79c 806945a0 806978b8 f730979d 806978b8 +0x5024648c

kd> u ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x20a ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x29a
u ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x20a ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x29a
f730970d 2500008844       and     eax,0x44880000
f7309712 3d01ffb6e0       cmp     eax,0xe0b6ff01
f7309717 0100             add     [eax],eax
f7309719 00e8             add     al,ch
f730971b 37               aaa
f730971c 250000bbff       and     eax,0xffbb0000
f7309721 0100             add     [eax],eax
f7309723 008b46688b40     add     [ebx+0x408b6846],cl
f7309729 54               push    esp
f730972a 83c008           add     eax,0x8
f730972d 50               push    eax
f730972e e81d250000       call    ibmsync!READ_PORT_UCHAR (f730bc50)
f7309733 a250bf30f7       mov     [ibmsync!LastWaitUntilStatus (f730bf50)],al
f7309738 240a             and     al,0xa
f730973a 3c08             cmp     al,0x8
f730973c 7543             jnz     ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x27e (f7309781)
f730973e 6a01             push    0x1
f7309740 59               pop     ecx
f7309741 3bd9             cmp     ebx,ecx
f7309743 7e14             jle     ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x256 (f7309759)
f7309745 ffb6e0010000     push    dword ptr [esi+0x1e0]
f730974b e806250000       call   ibmsync!KeStallExecutionProcessor (f730bc56)
f7309750 8bc3             mov     eax,ebx
f7309752 4b               dec     ebx
f7309753 85c0             test    eax,eax
f7309755 75cd             jnz     ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x221 (f7309724)
f7309757 eb28             jmp     ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x27e (f7309781)
f7309759 8b4628           mov     eax,[esi+0x28]
f730975c 56               push    esi
f730975d ff4038           inc     dword ptr [eax+0x38]
f7309760 8b4628           mov     eax,[esi+0x28]
f7309763 ff4008           inc     dword ptr [eax+0x8]
f7309766 894e18           mov     [esi+0x18],ecx
f7309769 e8f1210000       call    ibmsync!SyncGetFreeQueueHead (f730b95f)
f730976e 84c0             test    al,al
f7309770 740f             jz      ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x27e (f7309781)
f7309772 8b86d0010000     mov     eax,[esi+0x1d0]
f7309778 56               push    esi
f7309779 c60001           mov     byte ptr [eax],0x1
f730977c e85c220000       call    ibmsync!SyncPutDPCQueueTail (f730b9dd)
f7309781 45               inc     ebp
f7309782 83fd05           cmp     ebp,0x5
f7309785 0f8c6bffffff     jl      ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x1f3 (f73096f6)
f730978b 83be4001000001   cmp     dword ptr [esi+0x140],0x1
f7309792 750b             jnz     ibmsync!EntryPointISR+0x29c (f730979f)
f7309794 56               push    esi
f7309795 c60702           mov     byte ptr [edi],0x2
f7309798 e840220000       call    ibmsync!SyncPutDPCQueueTail (f730b9dd)

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:9/22/2005
Keywords:kbHotfixServer kbQFE kbbug kbfix kbQFE kbsna400sp3fix KB223415