FIX: Bad Codebase Parameter Made by VB6 PDW for DHTML Projects (223091)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q223091


ActiveX controls or documents packaged using the Package and Deployment Wizard (PDW) do not upgrade to newer versions.


The HTML file created by the PDW does not have the correct object tag. The object tag created did not put a "=" between Version and the version number. This causes the page not to upgrade the ActiveX control.

For example:

<OBJECT codebase=MyControl.CAB#Version1,0,0,6


Install Visual Studio Service Pack 3.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

This bug was corrected in Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 3.

For more information about Visual Studio 6.0 Service Packs, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

194022 INFO: Visual Studio 6.0 Service Packs, What, Where, Why

194295 HOWTO: Tell That Visual Studio 6.0 Service Packs Are Installed


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

To reproduce this bug, follow these steps:
  1. Start an ActiveX DLL project in Visual Basic 6.0.
  2. Add a DHTML Page to the project.
  3. Save the project and compile it into a DLL.
  4. From the Add-ins menu, start the Package and Deployment Wizard.
  5. Package the project.
    1. When prompted, choose an Internet Package.
    2. Choose the default setting for the options on subsequent screens of the wizard.
  6. Open the HTML file that was created in the Package directory.

    Result: The source contains a codebase parameter similar to the one decribed above in the OBJECT tag if you do not have Visual Studio Service Pack 3 installed.


For more information on how to debug issues related to Package and Deployment Wizard, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q194296 HOWTO: Debug PDW Internet Deployment Issues

For other issues related to Package and Deployment of Visual Basic Project, please see:

Personal Online Support: Deploying Visual Basic Applications

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/12/2003
Keywords:kbActiveDocs kbbug kbCAB kbcode kbDownload kbfix kbInetDev kbVBp600fix kbVS600sp3fix KB223091