WD2000: Conversion of Bullets and Numbering (211595)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2000

This article was previously published under Q211595


If you use Microsoft Word to open a document that was created by another program, the numbered lists or bulleted lists in the document may be converted in your Word document in a variety of ways.

This article lists some of the ways that numbered lists or bulleted lists are converted into Word from documents were created by other programs.


   Converter                    Result

   WordPerfect 6.x              All outline numbering and paragraph
   Windows or MS-DOS            numbering are converted in Word.

   Word 6.0/95                  Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted correctly.

   AmiPro 3.x                   Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted to plain text.

   Text Only                    Bullets, numbering, and outline numbers are
   MS-DOS Text Only             converted to plain text. Indents are not

   Text w/Line Breaks           Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
   MS-DOS Text w/ Line Breaks   are converted to plain text. Indents are
                                not retained.

   MS-DOS                       Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
   Word 3-6                     are converted to plain text. Indents are
   RTF-DCA                      retained with tabs.

   Text with Layout             Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
   MS-DOS Text with Layout      are converted to plain text. Indents are
                                retained with spaces.

   Rich Text Format (RTF)       Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted correctly.

   Mac Word 4.0, 5.0, 5.1       Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted to plain text. Indents are
                                preserved with tabs.

   Word for Windows 2.0         Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted correctly.

   HTML Document                Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted correctly.

   Unicode Text                 Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
                                are converted to plain text. Indents are
                                retained with tabs.

   Windows Write 3.0            Bullets are converted correctly. Numbering
                                and outline numbering are converted to
                                plain text. Indents are retained with tabs.

   WordPad                      Bullets are converted correctly. Numbering
                                and outline numbering are converted to
                                plain text. Indents are retained with tabs.

   Works 3.0 for Windows        Bullets, numbering, and outline numbering
   Works 4.0 for Windows        are converted to plain text. Indents are
                                retained with tabs.

   WordStar 4.0                 Bullets are not converted. Numbering and
   WordStar 7.0                 outline numbering are converted to plain
                                text. Indents are retained with tabs.
                                Formatting is not retained.

   WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1, 5.2    WordPerfect paragraph numbers are converted
                                to Word sequence fields by default. Word
                                automatically numbers lists to convert
                                to paragraph numbers.

                                To convert WordPerfect paragraph numbers
                                to plain text, set this option in the
                                registry as follows:


Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:4/1/2002
Keywords:kb3rdparty kbconversion kbinfo KB211595