WD2000: Applying Single Border to Selected Text Sets All Borders (211576)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2000

This article was previously published under Q211576


When you attempt to apply a single side border to a single character, word, or selection of text, either by clicking Borders and Shading (on the Format menu) or by using the Visual Basic for Applications Borders property, all borders are applied (top, bottom, left, and right).


In Word, all borders (top, bottom, left, and right) are applied to a single character, word, or selection of text.

For example, the following sample Visual Basic for Applications macro places a border around the second word in the document, although the command explicitly states to format the word with a top border only.
   Sub BorderWord()
      Selection.InsertBefore "One two three"
      ActiveDocument.Words(2).Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = 7
   End Sub
The "Add a Border" Help topic incorrectly states that you can add a border to any or all sides of selected text.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/6/2000
Keywords:kbmacroexample kbprb KB211576