ACC2000: Contents of the Readme File (210178)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access 2000

This article was previously published under Q210178
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

This article applies to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) and to a Microsoft Access project (.adp).


The Microsoft Access 2000 Readme file, Acread9.txtTXT, contains late-breaking information about issues related to setup, conversion, and use of the application. This file is installed by default to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office folder on your computer.

The full text of the Microsoft Access 2000 Readme file follows. For late-breaking information about other applications in the Microsoft Office 2000, Professional Edition suite, see the Readme file for that application:
   Application               Readme File Name
   Microsoft Office        OFREAD9.txt

   Microsoft Outlook       OLREAD9.txt

   Microsoft PowerPoint   PPREAD9.txt

   Microsoft Word          WDREAD9.txt

   Microsoft Excel         XLREAD9.txt


Microsoft Access 2000 SR-1 Readme File, December 1999

(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.
      Turn Off Virus Protection
      Problems Installing to a Folder Whose Name
         Contains Punctuation Characters
      Minimum System Requirements for Access 2000
      Some Features Switch Automatically to a Different   
         Setting During Custom Install
      Installing Access 2000 on a Network
      Prompt for CD Key When Installing from an 
         Administrative Installation
      Message "File already in use" When Running Access 2000 
         from a Network
      Installing Access 2000 over an Access 97 Run-time 
      Unexpected Message during Installation
      Installing Access 2000 Without Removing the Beta 2 
         Build of Office 2000 
      Access 2000 Shortcut on the Programs Menu Varies 
         According to Your Operating System
      Displaying Dates with Four-Digit Years 
      Euro Symbol Not Printed Correctly 
      Maximum Number of Levels of Nested Forms or Reports
      "Out of Memory" Message on Windows NT Server 4.0 or 
         Windows NT Workstation 4.0
      Enclosing Controls or Using ToolTips in a Rectangle
      Using the Image Control in a Data Access Page
      Print Commands Unavailable When Data Access Page Is 
         Selected in Database Window
      "Undefined function" Message When Opening Data Access 
      Preventing Unauthorized Access from Scripts in Data 
         Access Pages
      Color Palette in Data Access Pages When Display Is 
         Configured to Use 256 Colors
      Problems When Using Taskbar Buttons To Navigate 
         Between Multiple Data Access Pages
      Display Problems When Scrolling Through the Employees 
         Form in Northwind
      Using Northwind Sample Database Located on 
         Read-only Share
      Obtaining Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools
      WebBot Components Not in Office 2000 Developer
      Colors May Not Display Correctly on 256-Color Monitors
      ANSI-92 Compliant SQL
      Compatibility Library
      Turning On Name AutoCorrect in a Converted Access 
      Unexpected Behavior When SQL Statement Output Contains 
         Two Fields with Same Name
      Can't Refer To Controls in Forms or Reports in 
         Aggregate Functions
      Rebooting Your Computer after Installing Microsoft 
         Data Engine (MSDE)
      "Order by clause may not be used in this query type" 
         When View Has TOP Clause
      Incoming Named Pipe Connections Not Supported on 
         Windows 95 or Windows 98
      Microsoft Data Engine Rules for Naming Identifiers
      Editing a Formula in a Cell That Contains a Hyperlink
      ASC Worksheet Function Not Supported by the 
         Spreadsheet Component
      Additional Information about Data Access Components
      Functions Broken Because Of vbDatabaseCompare
      DataAccessPage Object, DataAccessPages Collection Code   
      Context Property (CommandBar Object)
      Chart Workspace Object Model (Office Web Components)
      SelectionChange Event (Office Web Components)
      GetValue Method (Office Web Components)
      HTMLData Property (Office Web Components)
      KeyChar Property (Office Web Components)
      RecordsetLabel Property (Office Web Components)
      Value Property (Office Web Components)
      Default Language for Visual Basic Editor and Microsoft   
         Script Editor
      New Properties (VBA)
      Use F3 to Find Next Text Occurrence in the Code Window
      System Event Notification System
      HTML Reference Documentation
      Internet Explorer Versions and Editing HTML
      "Topic Not Found" Topic (Microsoft Script Editor)
      "Property cannot be set" When Changing ControlSource 
         on Data Access Page
         Code Page of Client Machine Must Match Code Page of 
         Create Registry Keys To Temporarily Enforce a Code 
            Page During Conversion
         Error Messages Appear in Wrong Language When Using 
            Language Pack
         Key Assignment Macros in AutoKeys Macro Group No 
            Longer Work
         Message "Database 'msdb' cannot be opened"
         Cannot Log On As "Administrator" When Modifying 
            Page Connection String
         Non-U.S., Non-East Asian: Northwind SQL Project Not 
            Advertised in the User Interface
         Hyperlink to Database Object Doesn't Work with 
            Object Type Name in Local Language
         Printing in Right-to-Left Languages
         Expression Builder Limitations for Right-to-Left 
         Hijri Database Calendar in Sample Applications
         Input Mask Restrictions for Right-to-Left Languages
         Hijri Calendar Support in Data Access Pages and Web 
         Viewing Arabic Data in Microsoft Replication 
            Conflict Viewer and Import/Export Wizards
         Possible Display Problems When Using Multiple Asian 
   Turn Off Virus Protection
   Some virus protection programs can interfere with the 
   Microsoft Office 2000 or Microsoft Access 2000 stand-
   alone version installation program. If you use a virus 
   protection program on your computer, turn it off before 
   installing. You can turn the virus protection program 
   back on after installation is complete. 
   Note -- If your virus-protection program starts 
   automatically when you start Windows, you can turn it off 
   by restarting Windows while holding down the SHIFT key.
   Problems Installing to a Folder Whose Name Contains 
   Punctuation Characters
   Do not use a comma (,), single quotation mark ('), or 
   exclamation point (!) in the name of the folder where you 
   install Access 2000. It is recommended that you use the 
   default folder or use only letters and numbers in folder 
   Minimum System Requirements for Access 2000
   Microsoft Access 2000 is included in the following 
   * Microsoft Office 2000 Professional
   * Microsoft Office 2000 Premium
   * Microsoft Office 2000 Developer
   To use Access 2000, you need:
   * PC with a Pentium 75 MHz or higher processor
   * Microsoft Windows 95 or later operating system, or 
     Microsoft Windows NT Workstation operating system 
     version 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later
   * For Windows 95 or Windows 98:
       16 MB of RAM for the operating system, plus an 
       additional 8 MB of RAM for Access
   * For Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 Service Pack 3 
     or later:
       32 MB of RAM for the operating system, plus an 
       additional 8 MB of RAM for Access
   * Available hard-disk space for Access 2000 (Number 
     indicates  typical installation. Your hard-disk usage 
     will vary depending on configuration. Choices made 
     during Custom installation might require more or less 
     hard-disk space): 
       Typical installation: 161 MB
   * Available hard-disk space for Office 2000 (Numbers 
     indicate typical installation; your hard-disk usage 
     will vary depending on configuration. Choices made 
     during Custom installation might require more or less 
     hard-disk space.):
       217 MB for Disc 1 (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, 
   * CD-ROM drive
   * VGA or higher resolution monitor; Super VGA recommended
   * Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or 
     compatible pointing device
   Additional items or services required to use certain 
   * 9600 baud modem; 14,400 or higher baud recommended
   * Multimedia computer required to access sound and other 
     multimedia effects
   * Microsoft Exchange client or Microsoft Outlook 
     required to run Office E-mail
   * 8 MB of additional memory required to run Office E-mail
   * Some Internet functionality might require Internet 
     access and payment of a separate fee to a service 
   Some Features Switch Automatically to a Different Setting 
   During Custom Install
   During a custom installation, if you set Access to "Not 
   Available" and then change certain features of Access to 
   something other than "Not Available," some additional 
   features will also switch from "Not Available" to the new 
   setting you chose.  The features affected are:
   Typical Wizards
   Additional Wizards
   Snapshot Viewer
   Database Replication
   If you are trying to save space on your disk, try setting 
   Access or the individual feature to "Installed on First 
   Use" instead. 
   Installing Access 2000 on a Network
   >>> To create an administrative installation point for 
   Access 2000:
   1. Create a share on a network server for the 
      administrative installation point. The network share 
      must have at least 550 megabytes (MB) of available 
      disk space. 
   2. On a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 95/98,
      Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server and that 
      has write permission to the share, connect to the 
      server share. 
   3. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse. 
   4. On Office Disc 1 in the CD-ROM drive, select setup.exe 
      and click Open. 
   5. On the command line following setup.exe, type 
        /A DATA1.MSI 
      and click OK. 
      For example: 
        E:\SETUP.EXE /A DATA1.MSI 
   6. When prompted, enter the organization name that you 
      want to define for all users who install Office from 
      this location. 
   7. When prompted for the installation location, enter the 
      server and share you created. 
   For more information about network and administration 
   issues, see the Office Resource Kit Web site at:
   Prompt for CD Key When Installing from an Administrative 
   When you install Access 2000 on your computer from an 
   administrative installation on a server, you might be 
   prompted for a CD key. This occurs if the system 
   administrator who created the administrative 
   installation did not enter the CD key.
   To solve this problem, ask the system administrator to 
   create a new administrative installation and enter the CD 
   key in the first dialog box. After this has been done, 
   you will not be prompted for the CD key when you install 
   Access 2000 from this new administrative installation.
   Message "File already in use" When Running Access 2000 
   from a Network
   If you are running Access 2000 from the network, you 
   might receive the following message when you open an 
   Access database:
      Could not use 'Admin'; file already in use.
   This message occurs when a user who has Write permissions 
   to the network share opens an Access database; subsequent 
   users who have only Read permissions to that share 
   receive the message when they attempt to open an Access 
   After you have run the administrative installation of 
   Office 2000 or Access 2000, you can prevent this message 
   by setting the effective share-level permissions to Read 
   permissions for all users who will run Access 2000 from 
   the network server. If you are an administrator, you 
   might want to create a separate share to the same folder, 
   and give any administrators Full Control permissions so 
   that they can maintain the files in this folder. However, 
   all users should install Office 2000 or Access 2000 from 
   the share with Read permissions.  
   Installing Access 2000 over an Access 97 Run-time 
   If you are upgrading from Access 97 or Office 97 on a
   computer where you have installed an Access 97 run-time 
   application, the default installation location for Office 
   2000 or Access 2000 is:
      C:\Program Files\Office2K
   Installing Office 2000 or Access 2000 to this alternate 
   default location ensures that you keep the Access 97 
   version of Msaccess.exe if it is needed by the run-time 
   Unexpected Message during Installation
   If you get an unexpected message during the installation 
   of Office, and you get the same message when you try to 
   install Office again, you can create a log file that will 
   be useful to Microsoft Product Support Services in 
   troubleshooting the problem. Once you create the file, 
   you will need to call Microsoft Product Support Services.
   >>> To create the log file:
   1. Click the Start button on the taskbar, and then click 
   2. In the Open box, type: 
         <path>\Setup.exe /L*v c:\Verboselog.txt
      where <path> is the location of Setup.exe. For  
      example, if you are installing from a CD-ROM drive, 
      then the text you would type might look like:
         d:\Setup.exe /L*v c:\Verboselog.txt
   3. Click OK.
   Setup will start again and a log file called 
   Verboselog.txt will be created at the root of your C: 
   Installing Access 2000 Without Removing the Beta 2 Build 
   of Office 2000 
   When starting Access 2000, you might receive the 
   following message: 
      Required registry information is missing and this 
      application cannot run. Please rerun Setup to correct 
      this problem. 
   Or, after a few seconds, the program might quit. 
   You might experience either of the above if you installed 
   Access 2000 without removing the Beta 2 build (2221b) of 
   Microsoft Office 2000.
   >>> To solve this problem, do the following to remove the 
   Beta 2 build of Office 2000:
   1. Click the Start button on the taskbar, point to 
      Settings, and click Control Panel.
   2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
   3. In the list of installed programs, click Microsoft 
      Office 2000 Premium Edition. (This is the Beta 2 
      version of Office 2000.)
   4. Click Add/Remove.
   5. Click Remove Office.
   6. Click Yes to the prompt confirming that you want to 
   Access 2000 Shortcut on the Programs Menu Varies 
   According to Your Operating System 
   The Access 2000 shortcut on the Programs menu might have 
   the following problems: 
   1. It does not self-repair the program.
      This problem occurs because your operating system does  
      not support Windows Installer shortcuts. Only the 
      following versions of Microsoft Windows support these 
         * Windows 98
         * Windows 95  with Internet Explorer 4.01, Service 
           Pack 1 and Active Desktop installed
         * Microsoft Windows NT version 4 with 
           Internet Explorer 4.01, Service Pack 1, and 
           Active Desktop installed. 
      Note: If you install Internet Explorer 5 on a computer 
      that has Windows 95 or Windows NT version 4 with 
      Internet Explorer 4.01, Service Pack 1, and Active 
      Desktop installed, it will still support Windows 
      Installer shortcuts. 
   2. It does not install the program on first use. 
      This problem occurs because Installed on First Use is  
      not an option for Access in the Selecting Features 
      dialog box during setup. Installed on First Use is not 
      an option because your operating system does not 
      support Windows Installer shortcuts. The operating 
      systems listed under 1. support Windows Installer 
   3. It does not display a path on the Shortcut tab of the 
      Properties dialog box for the shortcut. 
      This indicates that the shortcut is a Windows   
      Installer shortcut. Windows Installer shortcuts do not  
      directly reference the path of the shortcut target. 
      Instead, they contain a token that the Windows 
      Installer resolves to the path of the shortcut 
      target. The operating systems listed under item 1
      support Windows Installer shortcuts.
   Displaying Dates with Four-Digit Years 
   In Access 2000, you can specify that date fields and 
   controls display four-digit years. This helps you to 
   ensure that the century of a particular date is correct. 
   On the General tab of the Options dialog box (Tools 
   menu), under Use Four-Digit Year Formatting, you can do 
   one of the following:
   *  Select the This Database check box to display four-
      digit years at the database level (in the current 
      Access database or Access project);
   *  Select the All Databases check box to display four-
      digit years at the application level (in all Access 
      databases and Access projects).
   Selecting one of these check boxes only changes how dates 
   are displayed--it does not change the data itself. These 
   options override Format property settings for individual 
   fields and controls.
   Euro Symbol Not Printed Correctly 
   Although the euro symbol might be displayed correctly in 
   Print Preview, it might not print correctly; for example, 
   it might not appear at all in the printout, or it might
   appear as another character. 
   This behavior can occur if you are using a printer font 
   that does not support the euro. To resolve this problem, 
   first try using a True Type font that does support the 
   euro, such as Arial, Courier New, or Times New Roman. If 
   the euro symbol still isn't printed correctly, change the 
   Spool Data Format for your printer from EMF to RAW. 
   >>> To change the Spool Data Format for your printer from 
   EMF to RAW:
   1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then 
      click Printers.
   2. In the Printers dialog box, right-click your printer, 
      and then click Properties.
   3. In the <Printer> Properties dialog box, click the 
      Details tab, and then click Spool Settings.
   4. In the Spool Data Format box, change the setting from 
      EMF to RAW.
   For more information, contact your printer vendor.
   Maximum Number of Levels of Nested Forms or Reports
   The maximum number of nested forms or reports is seven.
   "Out of Memory" Message on Windows NT Server 4.0 or 
   Windows NT Workstation 4.0
   You might receive an "Out of Memory" message when you 
   attempt to save or close a large Access database or 
   Access project on Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or Windows 
   NT Server 4.0. To prevent this message, install Windows 
   NT 4.0 Service Pack 4. 
   Enclosing Controls or Using ToolTips in a Rectangle
   In a form or data access page, if you enclose a control 
   or use a ToolTip in a rectangle, it might not be 
   displayed correctly. To ensure that the control or 
   ToolTip is displayed correctly, open the form or data 
   access page in Design view, click the rectangle, and then 
   click Send To Back on the Format menu.
   Using the Image Control in a Data Access Page
   In Access 2000, you cannot bind an image control in a 
   data access page to an OLE object field in an underlying 
   table. However, you can use an image control in a data 
   access page to display a different picture for each 
   record. In the table, create a Text field that contains 
   the URLs of the pictures. Then in the data access page 
   based on the table, add an unbound image control, and set 
   its ControlSource property to that field.
   Print Commands Unavailable When Data Access Page Is 
   Selected in Database Window
   When a data access page is selected in the Database 
   window, the Page Setup, Print Preview, and Print commands 
   on the File menu are unavailable. You might also receive 
   the following message when you try to use the PrintOut 
   action in a macro, or when you try to use PrintOut method 
   of the DoCmd object in a Visual Basic for Applications 
   (VBA) procedure: 
      Run-time error '2046': The command or action 
      'PrintOut' isn't available now.
   To use these commands, or to use the PrintOut action or 
   method, first make sure that the data access page is 
   "Undefined function" Message When Opening Data Access 
   In a data access page, if you use a function that is not 
   available outside of Access, you receive the following 
   message when you open the page in Microsoft Internet 
   Explorer 5:
      Undefined function '<FunctionName>' in expression.
   For example, you receive this message if your data access 
   page is based on a query in which an expression contains 
   Nz, EuroConvert, Eval, or a user-defined function. You 
   also receive this message if you use a function that is 
   not available outside of Access in a control on a data 
   access page. The message does not appear when you open 
   the data access page in Access.
   Preventing Unauthorized Access from Scripts in Data 
   Access Pages
   You can provide security against scripts that run in a 
   data access page and attempt to access databases on 
   servers other than the one the page was downloaded from.  
   For more information, see "Creating Secure Data Access 
   Pages" (DAP Security.doc) and "Deploying Data Access 
   Pages on the Internet" (DAP Internet Deployment.doc) in 
   the Appendixes folder on the companion CD-ROM to the 
   Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide. 
   You can also obtain these documents on Microsoft's web 
   site at the Office Developer's Forum. You can find more 
   information in Chapter 18, "Securing Access Databases," 
   in the Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's 
   Color Palette in Data Access Pages When Display Is 
   Configured to Use 256 Colors
   Data access pages might not be displayed correctly on 
   computers where the Color Palette of the video display is 
   set to 256 Color or less. If you need to ensure that data 
   access pages appear correctly on 16-color or 256-color 
   video displays, limit the colors that you use to those 
   included in the Windows 16-color palette.
         		R	G	B
      Black		00	00	00
      White		FF	FF	FF
      Dark Gray	80	80	80
      Light Gray	C0	C0	C0
      Dark Red	      80	00	00
      Red		FF	00	00
      Mustard	      80	80	80
      Yellow	      FF	FF	00
      Dark Green	00	80	00
      Light Green	00	FF	00
      Teal		00	80	80
      Light Blue	00	FF	FF
      Dark Blue	00	00	80
      Blue		00	00	FF
      Purple	      80	00	80
      Lavender	      FF	00	FF
   Problems When Using Taskbar Buttons To Navigate Between 
   Multiple Data Access Pages
   If you have installed the Active Desktop, and in Internet 
   Explorer you have cleared the check box to launch 
   browser windows in a separate process, you might 
   experience problems if you open multiple data access 
   pages and move between them by clicking their 
   corresponding taskbar buttons. For example, if you open 
   one data access page and you then open a second data 
   access page in another window, in some cases you might 
   not be able to navigate back to the first page until you 
   have closed the second page. To prevent this behavior, 
   start Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the 
   Tools menu, and on the Advanced tab, select the check box 
   to launch browser windows in a separate process.  
   Display Problems When Scrolling Through the Employees 
   Form in Northwind
   In the Northwind sample database, the display might 
   flicker when you scroll through the records in the 
   Employees form. 
   >>> To prevent this problem: 
   1. In Windows Control Panel, double-click the Display 
      icon, and then click the Settings tab.
   2. In the Color Palette box, click a setting with more 
      than 256 colors.
      NOTE: If your system does not support more than 256 
      colors, you will not be able to select a higher 
   Using Northwind Sample Database Located on a Read-only 
   If you open a copy of the Northwind sample database that 
   is located on a read-only share, you might receive the 
   following message:
      There were 5 errors fixing your data access page    
      connections.  Some pages may not function as expected.
   When you first open the Northwind sample database, it 
   attempts to fix the connections of its data access pages. 
   This process checks the file attribute of Northwind. If 
   the attribute is read-only, the process cannot fix the 
   connections, and execution stops without error. However, 
   the fixup process does not check the permissions of the 
   network share where Northwind is located; if the share is 
   read-only, the connections cannot be fixed.  
   This behavior may occur in any database containing 
   similar code that fixes data access page connections. If 
   you are deploying Northwind or any database with a 
   similar fixup process on a read-only share, you can avoid 
   this problem by setting the file attribute of the 
   database to read-only. You can also prevent the fixup 
   process from running by pressing the SHIFT key while you 
   open the Northwind sample database. However, this might 
   mean that the data access pages will not function as 
   Obtaining Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools
   Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools is an add-in package 
   for Office 2000 that contains all the language tools 
   Microsoft makes for more than 30 languages. It can be 
   obtained from a licensed reseller. The part and SKU 
   numbers listed in Help are incorrect. See for more information on 
   obtaining Office 2000 Proofing Tools. 
   WebBot Components Not in Office 2000 Developer
   Some topics in Help erroneously state that Microsoft 
   Office WebBot components and associated white papers are 
   available in Microsoft Office 2000 Developer. WebBot 
   components are not available in this release of Office 
   2000 Developer. 
   Colors May Not Display Correctly on 256-color Monitors
   After you view pop-up windows in Help topics, colors for 
   some elements may no longer display correctly on 256-
   color monitors. For example, the following elements may 
   appear differently on the screen after you view pop-up 
   * Bitmaps
   * Pictures embedded in files
   * Office Assistant
   * Hyperlinks
   To fix the display problem, change the color palette for 
   your monitor.
   >>> To change the color palette:
   1. Click Start on the Windows taskbar, point to Settings, 
      and then click Control Panel.
   2. Double-click the Display icon.
   3. On the Settings tab, select an option other than 256 
      colors. Microsoft recommends that you choose more than 
      256 colors, if such an option is available.
   ANSI-92 Compliant SQL
   The Microsoft Jet 4.0 database engine supports two forms 
   of SQL syntax; one mode supports the same Jet SQL 
   commands used in previous versions of Access, and another 
   new mode supports new Jet SQL commands and syntax that 
   are more compliant with the ANSI SQL-92 standard. The 
   mode that supports the SQL commands used in previous 
   versions of Access is the only mode that is available 
   through the Access 2000 user interface. The newer SQL 
   syntax is currently available only in Visual Basic for 
   Applications (VBA) procedures that use ActiveX Data 
   Objects (ADO) and the Microsoft OLE DB provider for Jet 
   version 4.x. When you use the OLE DB provider for Jet 
   version 4.x through ADO, you can execute temporary 
   queries (i.e., queries that are not stored and are used 
   as part of a recordset's source by using 
   Connection.Execute or Command.Execute) or create stored 
   queries (by using the new CREATE VIEW, CREATE PROCEDURE 
   Although you can use ADO and the OLE DB provider for Jet 
   4.x to access all stored queries created through the OLE 
   DB provider for Jet 4.x, they are not visible in the 
   Access user interface. For example, you cannot set the 
   RecordSource property of a form to a query created with 
   the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Extensions for DDL and 
   Security (ADOX) version 2.1 object library, and you 
   cannot import a query created with ADOX into another 
   database. However, you can still use ADO code to run 
   stored queries created by using ADOX.
   If you try to save a new query and receive a message that 
   the name you entered already exists for another object, 
   try using a different name. An ANSI-92 query with the 
   same name might already exist, but might not be visible 
   in the Objects list in the Database window. 
   For more information about ANSI-92 compliant SQL with the 
   Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet version 4.x, type 
   Assistant or on the Answer Wizard tab in the Help window, 
   and then click Search. 
   COUNTER and IDENTITY are Microsoft Jet SQL reserved 
   words, but they are not Jet SQL data types. For more 
   information about the Microsoft Jet data types, see the 
   Microsoft Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guide 
   published by Microsoft Press.
   Compatibility Library
   Access 2000 does not ship with the DAO 2.5/3.x 
   compatibility library. If you attempt to convert an 
   Access database in which the code contains older versions 
   of DAO objects, methods, and properties that depend on 
   the DAO 2.5/3.x compatibility library, you might receive 
   a message that there were compilation errors during the 
   conversion of the database. If the DAO 2.5/3.x 
   compatibility library that shipped with a previous 
   version of Access still exists on your computer, you can 
   create a reference to it and then use it. However, before 
   you convert an Access database on a computer where the 
   DAO 2.5/3.x compatibility library does not exist, you 
   must update the code so that it does not depend on 
   that library. 
   Turning On Name AutoCorrect in a Converted Access 
   By default, Name AutoCorrect is not turned on in a 
   converted Access database. To turn on Name AutoCorrect, 
   click Options on the Tools menu, click the General tab, 
   and under Name AutoCorrect, select the appropriate check 
   boxes. Then open each table, query, form, and report in 
   Design view, save the object, and close it.
   For more information, type NAME AUTOCORRECT in the 
   Office Assistant or on the Answer Wizard tab in the Help 
   window, and then click Search, or see the Microsoft 
   Office Update Web site at
   Unexpected Behavior When SQL Statement Output Contains 
   Two Fields with Same Name
   In an Access project (*.adp), you might see unexpected 
   results when you use an SQL statement whose output 
   contains two or more fields with the same name. For 
   example, you might see unexpected behavior when you 
   work with a view that is based on two tables and that 
   contains two fields that have the same name but are 
   located in different tables. To prevent unexpected 
   behavior, specify an alias for one of the fields to 
   ensure that every field in the output has a unique name. 
   Can't Refer to Controls in Forms or Reports in Aggregate 
   In an Access project, your aggregate functions cannot use 
   references to controls in objects such as forms or 
   reports. For example, you cannot use the following 
      =DLookUp("CategoryName";"Categories";"CategoryID =   
   Rebooting Your Computer after Installing Microsoft Data 
   Engine (MSDE)
   To ensure that Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) runs 
   correctly, you must reboot your computer after installing 
   MSDE. If you do not reboot your computer, you might see 
   unexpected behavior while using MSDE. For example, if you 
   attempt to create a new publication from an Access 
   project, you might receive a message that one of the 
   library files needed to run this application cannot be 
   found (error 1157). For more information about MSDE, type 
   Assistant or on the Answer Wizard tab in the Help window, 
   and then click Search.
   "Order by clause may not be used in this query type" When 
   View Has TOP Clause
   When you save a view that contains a TOP clause and an 
   ORDER BY clause, you might receive the message "Order by 
   clause may not be used in this query type." However, when 
   you run the query, it returns the correct results and no 
   message appears.
   Incoming Named Pipe Connections Not Supported on Windows 
   95 or Windows 98
   You cannot connect to a remote Microsoft Data Engine 
   (MSDE) or SQL Server 7.0 Desktop database located on a 
   Windows 95 or Windows 98 computer unless you use a 
   protocol other than Named Pipes. These platforms do not 
   support incoming Named Pipe connections. To connect to 
   the database, run the Client Network Utility 
   Cliconfg.exe, which is located in the Windows\System 
   folder on the client computer; add a server alias that 
   specifies the remote server you need to connect to, and 
   select TCP/IP as the default network library. 
   Microsoft Data Engine Rules for Naming Identifiers
   You might see unexpected behavior if you are using a 
   Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE) database whose name does 
   not conform to the following rules for identifiers:
   1. The first character must be one of the following:
      A letter as defined by the Unicode Standard 2.0. The 
      Unicode definition of letters includes Latin   
      characters a-z and A-Z, in addition to letter 
      characters from other languages. 
      The _ (underscore), @ (at sign), or # (number sign) 
      symbol. Certain symbols at the beginning of an 
      identifier have special meaning in MSDE. An identifier 
      beginning with @ denotes a local variable or 
      parameter. An identifier beginning with # denotes a 
      temporary table or procedure. An identifier beginning 
      with double number signs (##) denotes a global 
      temporary object. 
      Some Transact-SQL functions have names that start with 
      double at signs (@@). To avoid confusion with these 
      functions, it is recommended that you do not use names 
      that start with @@. 
   2. Subsequent characters can be: 
      Letters as defined in the Unicode Standard 2.0. 
      Decimal numbers from either Basic Latin or other  
      national scripts. 
      The @, $, #, or _ symbols. 
      The identifier must not be a Transact-SQL reserved 
      MSDE reserves both the uppercase and lowercase 
      versions of reserved words. 
   3. Embedded spaces or special characters are not allowed. 
   Editing a Formula in a Cell That Contains a Hyperlink
   The Help topic "Change a formula in a spreadsheet" 
   incorrectly states that if a cell you want to edit 
   contains a hyperlink, you should click a cell next to 
   that cell, use an arrow key to select the cell you want 
   to edit, and then click the cell once. Clicking the cell 
   once will take you to the page that the hyperlink links 
   to. Instead, once you have used an arrow key to select 
   the cell, press F2 to begin editing.
   ASC Worksheet Function Not Supported by the Spreadsheet 
   The Help topic "Microsoft Excel worksheet functions not 
   available in Web spreadsheet" does not list the ASC 
   worksheet function, but this function is not available in 
   spreadsheets published on the Web. If you publish a 
   worksheet that contains the ASC function, the function is 
   replaced with its resultant value.
   This sections lists updates to Access Help.
   Topic: "Data Access Page Control Properties" 
   This topic contains links to further information about 
   data access page properties. Some of these links do not 
   work unless you have started Microsoft Script Editor at 
   least once on your machine. To start Microsoft Script 
   Editor, click HTML Source on the View menu. If this 
   feature has not yet been installed, you are prompted to 
   install it.
   Topic: "ProjectName Property"
   Replace the third paragraph with the following text:
   "You can set the ProjectName property by starting the 
   Microsoft Visual Basic Editor (VBE), clicking 
   <projectname> Properties on the Tools menu, clicking the 
   General tab, and typing a new name in the Project Name 
   box. You can also use the SetOption method in Visual 
   Basic. For example:"
   Topic: "Subforms: What they are and how they work" 
   Replace the second sentence of the last paragraph 
   with the following text:
   "You can also nest up to seven levels of subforms."
   Topic: "Form and report specifications"
   The maximum number of levels of nested forms or reports 
   should be 7.
   Topic: "Turn confirmation messages on or off" 
   Replace the last sentence with the following text:
   "Note    The Record changes and Action queries options do 
   not apply to data access pages."
   Topic: "Secure a database using the User-Level Security 
   Replace the second paragraph under "Notes" with the 
   following text:
   "If your current Access database protects Visual Basic 
   for Applications (VBA) code with a password, the wizard 
   will not run. You must first remove the password, and 
   then run the wizard."
   Topic: "Remove the placeholder text at the top of a data 
   access page"
   Replace step 2 with the following text:
   "Click here and type title text."
   Topic: "Display a title and other informational text on a 
   data access page"
   Replace step 2 with the following text:
   "To add a title or other text, click the placeholder 
   text labeled Click here and type title text."
   Topic: "FilterType Property"
   The constants "JrFltrTypeTable" and 
   "JrFltrTypeRelationship" should be replaced with 
   "JRFilterTypeTable" and "JRFilterTypeRelationship" 
   Topic: "SQL Reserved Words"
   When you click COUNTER or IDENTITY, you jump to the topic 
   "SQL Data Types." COUNTER and IDENTITY are Microsoft Jet 
   SQL reserved words, but they are not Jet SQL data types. 
   Topic: "SQL Data Types"
   Under DATETIME in the Data type table, replace "(See 
   DOUBLE)" with "(See FLOAT)".
   Topic: "Microsoft Office 2000 Developer contents"
   Under "Office Developer Tools CD-ROM," ignore the 
   following paragraph:
   "Microsoft Office WebBot Components, with which you 
   applets embedded inside Office 2000 documents. With the 
   user interface these applets provide, users don't need to 
   author script and Visual Basic for Applications code to 
   take advantage of DHTML features. WebBots are written in 
   Microsoft Script Editor."
   Topic: "View, refresh, or change the file name and 
   path for linked tables in a Microsoft Access database" 
   Under "To view or refresh links" and "To change the path 
   for a set of linked tables," change step 2 to the 
   following text:
   "On the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, and then 
   click Linked Table Manager."
   Topic: "My code can't compile"
   Change the first sentence of the second paragraph to the 
   following text:
   "In the converted Access database, open a module in 
   Design view and click Compile <ProjectName> on the Debug 
   menu; by default, <ProjectName> is the name of the Access 
   Topic: "Considerations when sorting records in a table, 
   query, form, or report" 
   Change the last sentence to the following text:
   "You can't sort a field whose data type is OLE Object."
   Topic: "Hyperlink subaddress syntax"
   In the Microsoft Access section, replace the last 
   paragraph with the following text:
   "On a non-English system, Access recognizes only the 
   English-language string for the object type, and does not 
   recognize the string if it is in the local language. 
   Hyperlinks created by clicking Object In This Database in 
   the Insert Hyperlink or Edit Hyperlink dialog box always 
   have the English-language string for an object type."
   Topic: "OrderBy Property"
   Ignore the second sentence, a note that states this 
   property is ignored in a Microsoft Access project.
   Topic: "Examples of expressions used on data access 
   When you click "Functions you can use in controls on data 
   access pages, and in the queries underlying them," the 
   topic "Functions Reference" appears. The following 
   functions, which appear on the list in this topic, are 
   not available outside of Access. If you use them in an 
   expression in a control on a data access page, or in an 
   expression in the underlying query of a data access page, 
   the page may not work correctly if you open it in 
   Microsoft Internet Explorer:
   The following functions are designed to be used in a 
   Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) procedure, or in a 
   Microsoft Excel worksheet. You cannot use them in an 
   expression in a control on a data access page, or in an 
   expression in the underlying query of a data access page:
   Topic: "What's installed with Microsoft Access 2000" 
   Under "Installed (default)," add "Calendar Control" to 
   the "Feature" column; in the corresponding "Location in 
   the installation program" column, add the text "Microsoft 
   Access for Windows".
   Under "Installed on first use (default)," add "Northwind 
   SQL Project File" to the "Feature column; in the 
   corresponding "Location in the installation program" 
   column, add the text "Microsoft Access for Windows; 
   Sample Databases".
   Under "Not installed (custom installation only)":
   * Ignore "Calendar Control" in the "Feature" column and 
     the corresponding text "Microsoft Access for Windows" 
     in the "Location in the installation program" column. 
   * Ignore "Northwind SQL Project File" in the "Feature" 
     column and the corresponding text "Microsoft Access for 
     Windows; Sample Databases" in the "Location in the 
     installation program" column. 
   * Ignore the last paragraph containing the note about the 
     Calendar Control and the Northwind SQL Project File.
   Topic: "Set Options from Visual Basic"
   Under "View Tab":
   * In the "Option text" column, replace "Use taskbar for 
     each document" with "Windows in Taskbar"; in the 
     corresponding "String argument" column, replace "Use 
     Taskbar For Each Document" with "ShowWindowsInTaskbar".
   Under "General Tab," in the "Option text" column:
   * Replace "Compact current database" with "Compact On 
   * Add the text "Use four-digit year formatting in this 
     database"; in the corresponding "String argument" 
     column, add the text "Four-Digit Year Formatting".
   * Add the text "Use four-digit year formatting in all 
     databases"; in the corresponding "String argument" 
     column, add the text "Four-Digit Year Formatting All 
   Under "Advanced Tab (MDB ONLY)":
   * In the "Option text" column, replace "Use Record Level 
     Locking" with "Open databases using record-level 
   * In the "String argument" column, replace "Use Record 
     Level Locking" with "Use Row Level Locking".
   Topic: "Work with euro currency symbols"
   In the table under "Typing the euro currency symbol":
   * Replace the text in the "On" columns that corresponds 
     with "ALT+0128 (numeric pad)" with the following text:
     "Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, and United States 101 
   * Replace the text in the "On" columns that corresponds 
     with "ALTGR+E" with the following text:
     "Belgian, Belgian Dutch 120, Croatian, Czech, Czech 
     101, Czech Programmer's, Danish, Dutch KBD143,  
     Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, German (IBM), 
     German (Standard), Icelandic, Italian, Italian 142, 
     Latvian, Lithuanian, Lithuanian (New), FYRO Macedonian 
     (Cyrillic), Norwegian, Portuguese-KBD163, Serbian 
     (Cyrillic), Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovak-QWERTY, 
     Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss French, Swiss 
     German, Turkish F 440, and Turkish Q 179 keyboards"
   * In the "Press" column, add "ALTGR+4" and in the 
     corresponding "On" column, add the following text:
     "Irish, Latvian-QWERTY, and United Kingdom keyboards"
   * In the "Press" column, add "ALTGR+U" and in the 
     corresponding "On" column, add the following text:
     "Hungarian, Hungarian 101, Polish, and Polish 
     Programmer's keyboards"
   In the table under "Displaying values with the euro 
   sign," under "Operating system": 
   * Ignore "Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98" and the 
     corresponding text in the "Fonts" column.
   * Ignore "Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000" and the 
     corresponding text in the "Fonts" column.
   * Add "Microsoft Windows 95 with the euro product update" 
     and in the corresponding "Fonts" column, add the 
     following text:
     "Arial Black, Arial, Comic Sans (regular and bold), 
     Courier New, Impact, MS Sans Serif, Tahoma (regular and 
     bold), Times New Roman, Verdana"

   * Add "Microsoft Windows 98" and in the corresponding 
     "Fonts" column, add the following text:
     "Arial, Courier New, Tahoma (regular and bold), Times 
      New Roman"
   * Add "Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 and 
     the euro product update" and in the corresponding 
     "Fonts" column, add the following text:
     "Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman"
   * Add "Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4" and 
     in the corresponding "Fonts" column, add the following 
     "Arial, Courier New, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans 
     Unicode, Times New Roman"
   Topic: "About OLE DB and Data Links"
   In the second section, "Defining connection information,"
   the last paragraph refers to the Help file available for
   the Data Link Properties dialog box. The help file name
   show is incorrect; the correct name of the Help file is 
   Correct Procedure for Starting Microsoft NetMeeting
   The following Help topics contain incorrect information 
   about how to start Microsoft NetMeeting:
      * Start an Impromptu Online Meeting
      * About Online Meetings

      * Start NetMeeting
   >>> To start NetMeeting:
   * On the Start menu in Windows, point to Programs, 
     Accessories, Communications, and then click NetMeeting.
   Additional Information about Data Access Components
   For more information about Microsoft Data Access Objects 
   (DAO) version 3.6, see Daoread.txt. The default location 
   of this file is:
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO
   For more information about Microsoft Jet and Replication 
   Objects (JRO), Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and 
   Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Extensions for DDL and 
   Security (ADOX), see JROReadme.txt, ADOReadme.txt, and 
   ADOXReadme.txt. The default location of these files is:
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ado
   Functions Broken Because Of vbDatabaseCompare
   The InStrRev, Split, Filter, and Replace functions may 
   fail because of errors resulting from the use of 
   vbDatabaseCompare. The workaround is to explicitly 
   specify a comparison argument, for example, 
   vbBinaryCompare or vbTextCompare.
   DataAccessPage Object, DataAccessPages Collection Code 
   In the second example, the line 
      Dim Dap As DataAccessPage 
   should be replaced with the line 
      Dim Dap As AccessObject
   Context Property (CommandBar Object)
   This property returns an empty string and is otherwise 
   Chart Workspace Object Model (Office Web Components)
   The diagram for the Chart Workspace object model is 
   incorrect. The WCPlotArea, WCScaling, and 
   WCSeriesCollection objects and all their associated 
   objects should appear under the WCCharts object, not the 
   ChartSpace object as shown in the documentation. Also, 
   the WCCharts object should also contain a WCTitle object.
   SelectionChange Event (Office Web Components)
   In the SelectionChange event handler for the Spreadsheet 
   component, all properties of the SpreadsheetEventInfo 
   object are invalid for this event with the exception of 
   the Range property.
   GetValue Method (Office Web Components)
   The Dimension argument can also be either 
   chErrorBarPlusValues or chErrorBarMinusValues for 
   returning values for custom WCErrorBars objects.
   HTMLData Property (Office Web Components)
   This property is read/write for Spreadsheet objects and 
   read-only for Range objects.
   KeyChar Property (Office Web Components)
   The KeyChar property returns an empty string for the 
   KeyDown and KeyUp events.
   RecordsetLabel Property (Office Web Components)
   The RecordsetLabel property of the 
   RecordNavigationControl object is parsed for specific 
   information to use when displaying the label. For 
   example, the tags |0, |1, and |2 are replaced with record 
   numbers when displayed. If the RecordsetLabel property 
   equals the string "Categories |0 of |2;Categories |0-|1 
   of |2", a label for a banded page might read "Categories 
   1-5 of 8", and a label for an unbanded page might read 
   "Categories 1 of 8".
   Value Property (Office Web Components)
   The Remarks section for the Value property states that if 
   the specified range contains more than one cell, this 
   property returns an array containing the values for all 
   the cells. This is incorrect: The property only returns 
   the value of the active cell in the range.
   Default Language for Visual Basic Editor and Microsoft 
   Script Editor
   The Visual Basic Editor and Microsoft Script Editor 
   default to English if the current system code page does 
   not support the user interface language.
   New Properties (VBA)
   The following are new properties that apply to class 
   modules in standalone projects:
   * Instancing Property
     Sets a value that specifies whether you can create 
     instances of a public class outside a project, and if 
     so, how they will behave. Not available at run time.

     The Instancing property has these settings:
     Setting    Description
     1          Private (default). Other applications are  
                not allowed access to type library 
                information about the class and cannot 
                create instances of it. Private objects are 
                only for use within your component. The 
                Instancing property default varies depending 
                on the project type. Private is the default 
                only for class modules in standalone 
     2          PublicNotCreatable. Other applications can 
                use objects of this class only if your 
                component creates the objects first. Other 
                applications cannot use the CreateObject 
                function or the New operator to create 
                objects from the class.
   * Name Property
     Returns the name used in code to identify a class. 
     Read-only at run time.
     The object placeholder represents an object expression 
     that evaluates to a class.
     An object's Name property must start with a letter and 
     can be a maximum of 40 characters long. It can include 
     numbers and underline (_) characters but can't include 
     punctuation or spaces. Although the Name property 
     setting can be a keyword, property name, or the name of 
     another object, this can create conflicts in your code.
   Use F3 to Find Next Text Occurrence in the Code Window
   Press F3 to find the next occurrence of previously 
   specified search text in the code window, not SHIFT+F4 as 
   stated in the documentation.
   System Event Notification System
   For programmers writing to the System Event Notification 
   System (SENS) and the IEventSubscription and IEventSystem 
   interfaces, please see the documentation for these 
   interfaces at MSDN Online ( or 
   a version of the Platform SDK later than that which 
   shipped with the April MSDN.
   HTML Reference Documentation
   The latest HTML, DHTML, and CSS documentation is 
   available online from MSDN Online at
   Internet Explorer Versions and Editing HTML
   Selection works differently in Microsoft Script Editor 
   for sited elements depending on what version of Internet 
   Explorer you have installed. A sited element is any 
   element that has a height or width, such as BUTTON. 
   With Internet Explorer 4.01, selection for sited elements 
   works as follows:
   - The first click on an element allows you to edit the 
   text within the element.
   - The second click on an element selects the element.
   - Double-clicking an element selects the text block 
   within the element.
   With Internet Explorer 5.0, selection for sited elements 
   works as follows:
   - The first click on an element selects the element.
   - The second click on an element allows you to edit the 
   text within the element.
   - Double-clicking the element brings up the source code 
   for the element.
   Note: Selection for tables in Internet Explorer 5.0 is 
   the same as it was in Internet Explorer 4.01.
   Also, Internet Explorer 5.0 preserves white space better 
   than Internet Explorer 4.01 when switching between views 
   in the editor.
   "Topic Not Found" Topic (Microsoft Script Editor)
   You do not need the MSDN Library or MSDN Library CD to 
   view help topics for Microsoft Script Editor. If you 
   encounter the "Topic Not Found" topic, try one of the 
   - Reinstall Microsoft Script Editor from the Microsoft 
   Office setup.
   - Insert the Microsoft Office CD into the CD-ROM drive.
   "Property cannot be set" When Changing ControlSource on 
   Data Access Page
   If you have code in your data access page that attempts 
   to change the ControlSource property of a control, you 
   might receive the following message:
      Run-time error '26072': Property cannot be set in this 
   You can only change the ControlSource property with 
   inline code at page load time. 
   Code Page of Client Machine Must Match Code Page of 
   For SQL Server international applications, you may see 
   unexpected behavior if the system code page of client 
   machines doesn't match the character set of Microsoft SQL 
   Server on the server. On the client, the system code page 
   is the character set that is used by the language 
   specified in operating system; if you are running Windows 
   NT Workstation 4.0 or Windows NT Server 4.0, this is the 
   Default Locale. On the server, the character set is 
   specified during SQL Server installation.  
   In an Access project (*.adp), result sets containing ANSI 
   text fields are not displayed correctly if the system 
   code page of the client computer does not match the 
   character set of the SQL Server to which the client is 
   connected. This problem does not occur for data that is 
   stored as Unicode on the server. 
   Create Registry Keys To Temporarily Enforce a Code Page 
   During Conversion
   Access normally uses the code page of the operating 
   system to convert previous-version databases to Access 
   2000. If you are converting an Access database in which 
   the code page is different from that of the operating 
   system on your computer, create a ForceCP entry in the 
   Windows Registry. 
   The ForceCP registry entry temporarily enforces the code 
   page that corresponds to the language you are using. The 
   code page is the character set that is used by the 
   language specified in the Regional Settings of the 
   operating system. You might need to create a ForceCP 
   registry entry if you don't have the necessary language 
   version of the operating system, or if the database is in 
   a language for which the previous version of Access had 
   no sort order support. For example, previous versions of 
   Access did not support a sort order for Vietnamese, 
   Farsi, or a Baltic languages (Estonian, Latvian, or 
   Lithuanian); therefore, the sort order for databases in 
   these languages was General. The ForceCP registry entry 
   allows non-Western data in your tables to be converted 
   correctly. WARNING: The ForceCP registry entry affects 
   only tables and queries; non-Western characters in forms, 
   reports, macros, and modules might not be converted 
   correctly if the code page of the Access database doesn't 
   match the code page specified by the operating system. 
   The full subkey you should add will be one of the 
   If you are converting a database that was created in 
   Access 95 or later, create the new string value in the 
   Jet3.x subkey with the name; if you are converting a 
   database that was created in Access 2.0 or earlier, 
   create the new string value in the Jet2.x subkey. In 
   either case, the name of the entry is "ForceCP"; the 
   value is the number of the code page that you want to 
   use. For example, the number of the code page for Windows 
   Baltic Rim is 1257.
   To allow the registry entry to take effect, quit 
   Access and restart it. After you have converted the 
   Access database, delete the registry entry so that 
   Access can resume its normal mode of operation.
   For a more information about customizing Windows Registry 
   settings for Microsoft Jet, type CUSTOMIZE WINDOWS 
   REGISTRY SETTINGS in the Office Assistant or on the 
   Answer Wizard tab in the Help window, and then click 
   Error Messages Appear in Wrong Language When Using 
   Language Pack
   If you are using the Office 2000 Language Pack, error 
   messages might appear in the wrong language. To ensure 
   that error messages appear in the appropriate language, 
   first back up the U.S. versions of the files Msjint40.dll 
   and Mswstr10.dll that are located in your \Windows\System 
   folder. Then copy the localized versions of the files to 
   your \Windows\System folder.
   You can find localized versions of these files on the 
   Language Pack CD in the following folder:	
   where <language> is the three-letter abbreviation for the 
   language that you are using.
   Key Assignment Macros in AutoKeys Macro Group No Longer 
   If you convert an Access database that was created in 
   German, Spanish, Brazilian, or Portuguese versions of 
   Access, key assignment macros in the AutoKeys macro group 
   might no longer work. In Access 2000, change the name of 
   the AutoKeys macro group to the English word "AutoKeys" 
   to enable the key assignment macros. This permits the key 
   assignment macros in your database to work as expected in 
   any language version of Access 2000.  
   Message "Database 'msdb' cannot be opened"
   You might receive the message "Database 'msdb' cannot be 
   opened" when using database utilities, database security, 
   or replication in an Access project that is connected to 
   a Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) database. This message 
   might occur if you selected a character set besides the 
   default 1252/ISO character set in the Character Set/Sort 
   Order/Unicode Collation dialog box during MSDE 
   installation, and you also accepted the other default 
   settings. The default locale identifier is General 
   Unicode, the Case-sensitive, Width-insensitive and Kana-
   insensitive check boxes are selected by default. 
   >>> To correct the problem with the msdb database:
   1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to 
      MSDE, and click Service Manager.
   2. Stop the MSDE service. 
   3. Click the Start button, point to Programs, and then 
      click MS-DOS Prompt.
   4. Change to the \Binn directory of MSDE; by default,
      this directory is C:\MSSQL7\Binn.
   5. Type the following in the case shown:
         sqlservr -c -T1806
   6. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
   7. In the second MS-DOS Prompt window, type the 
      following in the case shown:
         osql -Usa -P
         use msdb
      Note that the checkpoint command generates a warning 
      that the sort order in the database differs from the 
      server sort order.
   8. Close the MS-DOS Prompt windows, and restart the MSDE 
   Cannot Log On As "Administrator" When Modifying Page 
   Connection String
   In non-English versions of Access, if you attempt to 
   establish a connection between a database and a data 
   access page, and you log on to the database with the user 
   name "Administrator," you receive the message "Not a 
   valid account name or password." To modify the connection 
   string of a data access page, use the English word 
   "Admin" as the logon name.
   Non-U.S., Non-East Asian: Northwind SQL Project Not 
   Advertised in the User Interface
   In non-U.S. English and non-East Asian versions of 
   Access, the Northwind SQL Project File is not advertised 
   in the user interface. You must run the Office 2000 
   installation program or Access 2000 installation program, 
   and change the installation setting of the Northwind SQL 
   Project File from "Installed on First Use" to "Run from 
   My Computer."
   Hyperlink to Database Object Doesn't Work with Object 
   Type Name in Local Language
   If you click a hyperlink whose subaddress specifies a 
   database object, you might receive a message that Access 
   is not able to follow the hyperlink. This problem occurs 
   if the object type string is in the local language 
   instead of in English. For example, you might receive the 
   message if the subaddress is "#LocalizedReportString 
   <ReportName>" instead of the English string "#Report 
   <ReportName>". When you create a hyperlink that points to 
   a database object, you can prevent this message by 
   clicking Object in This Database in the Insert Hyperlink 
   or Edit Hyperlink dialog box. When you select an object 
   from the list of objects in the database, Access 
   automatically creates a hyperlink whose object type 
   string is in English.
   Right-to-Left Languages
   Printing in Right-to-Left Languages
   Certain printers will require updated printer drivers. 
   Please contact your printer manufacturer if you encounter 
   problems printing.
   Expression Builder Limitations for Right-to-Left 
   You can enter and edit expressions directly in the 
   Properties window of controls or you can use the 
   Expression Builder. If you have mixed right-to-left and 
   Latin text in your expressions, use the Properties 
   window. If you use the Expression Builder, your mixed-
   text expressions will be correctly transferred to the 
   Properties window, but the appearance of mixed text might 
   be confusing.
   Hijri Database Calendar in Sample Applications
   Sample applications such as the Northwind database expect 
   the database calendar to be Gregorian.  Because the 
   sample application contains hard-coded date constants 
   that are not valid Hijri dates, running the sample 
   application with the database calendar set to Hijri 
   (Tools.Startup.Use Hijri Calendar) is not recommended.
   Input Mask Restrictions for Right-to-Left Languages
   Input masks that you create for data entry will operate 
   as expected only when Latin text and numbers are entered.  
   Right-to-left text entered in a field with an input mask 
   will produce undesirable masked input behavior.
   Hijri Calendar Support in Data Access Pages and Web Pages
   All data-bound controls on data access pages and Web 
   pages can display date values in Gregorian calendar 
   format. Date display in Hijri calendar format is also 
   possible if certain controls are used. 
   * Office Web Controls (WebCalc, PivotList and WebChart) 
     support date display in Hijri calendar format. The 
     calendar used for date display is determined by the 
     Calendar Type setting on the Date tab of the Regional 
     Settings Properties dialog box (available through 
     Windows Control Panel).
   * Most other controls used for data binding, such as the 
     intrinsic textbox and label controls of Internet 
     Explorer 5, display date values only in Gregorian 
     calendar format.
   Viewing Arabic Data in Microsoft Replication Conflict 
   Viewer and Import/Export Wizards
   To view sample information and certain other Arabic data 
   correctly when running the Microsoft Replication Conflict 
   Viewer and the Import/Export Wizards, the locale setting 
   on the Regional Settings tab of the Regional Settings 
   dialog box (available through the Windows Control Panel) 
   must be Arabic (Saudi Arabia). 
   East Asian Languages
   Possible Display Problems When Using Multiple Asian Fonts
   If you install multiple Asian fonts on non-Asian versions 
   of Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 or Microsoft Windows 
   NT Workstation 4.0, you might experience display 
   problems, such as very large text, blank text, or very 
   large blank areas occurring in Access 2000 or in Windows 
   NT. This is a known problem in Windows NT version 4.0 
   Service Pack 4 that will be fixed in an upcoming Service 

   Pack release for Windows NT version 4.0.
(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/26/2005
Keywords:kbdownload kbinfo KB210178