ACC2000: Cannot Add Fields to Form or Report When Using Wizard (209024)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access 2000

This article was previously published under Q209024
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.

This article applies only to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb).


When you select a form or report wizard, the wizard's move buttons are not available (dimmed) and no fields appear in the Available Fields list when you select the form or report wizard.


The query that is selected for the form or report wizard is a parameterized crosstab query. The wizards require fixed column headings so that you can select the fields to be displayed on the form or report.


There are three workarounds for this behavior:

  • Define column headings for the crosstab query. Use the ColumnHeadings property.
  • Instead of using parameters, enter value ranges in the crosstab query. For example, in the Criteria row of the parameterized field, replace between [Start Date] and [End Date] with between #5/15/97# and #5/25/97#.
  • Export the results of the query to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file, and then import that file into Microsoft Access.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Open the sample database Northwind.mdb. Create a new query based on the Orders table. Then, on the Query menu, click Crosstab Query. Create the following query:
       Query: Test Wizard
       Type: crosstab query
       Field: EmployeeID
          Table: Orders
          Total: Group By
          Crosstab: Row Heading
       Field: OrderDate
          Table: Orders
          Total: Group By
          Crosstab: Column Heading
          Criteria: Between [Start Date] and [End Date]
       Field: Freight
          Table: Orders
          Total: Sum
          Crosstab: Value
  2. On the Query menu, click Parameters. Define Start Date and End Date as Date/Time data types.
  3. Save the query, and then run it. Type 5/10/97 as the start date and 5/15/97 as the end date. Close the query.
  4. In the Database window, click Forms under Objects, and then click New.
  5. In the Choose the table or query where the object's data comes from box, select the Test Wizard query. Click Form Wizard, and then click OK.


For more information about column headings, click Microsoft Access Help on the Help menu, type ColumnHeadings property in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topic.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/30/2004
Keywords:kbprb KB209024