SMS: Resource Explorer Shows Blank Hardware Inventory Classes (202940)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0

This article was previously published under Q202940


In Resource Explorer, when you are viewing hardware for a Systems Management Server 2.0 client, some hardware inventory classes that are displayed may not contain data, although other clients display data for the same hardware inventory classes.

This behavior can be seen in the following scenarios:
  • A child site reporting to the parent has more options enabled in the SMS_def.mof file than other child sites also reporting to the parent, or more options enabled than are on the parent site itself.
  • A client that is assigned to multiple sites uses the principal site's SMS_def.mof file. If this site has enabled more classes in its SMS_def.mof file than the other site(s) that the client is assigned to, this problem may occur.


During the initial hardware inventory, by default, SMS collects as many as 200 hardware properties with details such as:
  • Number of disk drives
  • Type of processor
  • Amount of memory
  • Operating system
  • Monitor and display settings
  • Computer name and IP address
  • Information about peripherals connected to the resource
  • Network type
The properties that are collected depend on which classes and attributes are enabled in the SMS_def.mof file. Classes are categories of hardware resources. Although this file contains more than 650 properties, it is distributed with approximately 200 of the properties enabled. This file can be modified by administrators.

SMS_def.mof contains classes and properties of hardware that are defined by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF). Properties are the attributes of the classes. SMS_def.mof is used by hardware inventory client components to determine what classes and properties should be gathered. SMS_def.mof is stored on CAPs in the \CAP_sitecode\CLIFILES.BOX\HINV directory. A master copy of this file is stored on the site server in \smsdir\INBOXES\CLIFILES.SRC\HINV. Disabled properties in SMS_def.mof can be enabled by editing the master copy.

Both Windows 16-bit and Windows 32-bit client computers use the SMS_def.mof file to determine what hardware inventory should be collected. However, the way the data is collected on these client computers differs. Windows 32-bit client computers use the CIM Object Manager (started by the Windows Management Service) to collect hardware inventory data from providers. Windows 16-bit client computers use the Hardware Inventory Client Agent to collect inventory data. On both client computer types, collection data is sent to the Client Access Point (CAP) by the Hardware Inventory Client Agent and added to the site server database by threads of the SMS Executive.

Only a subset of the data that is collected by the CIM Object Manager can be collected by the Windows 16-bit Hardware Inventory Client Agent. Further, most hardware data processing for Windows 16-bit client computers is done on the site server. On the other hand, most hardware data processing for Windows 32-bit client computers is completed on the client computer. So, for example, only changes in hardware configuration are sent to the CAP by the Windows 32-bit client agent, while all hardware data is sent to the CAP by the Windows 16-bit client agent, and the site server must then process the data to find changes in hardware inventory.


For additional information about this topic, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

199318 How SMS Uses the SMS_DEF.MOF in Hardware Inventory

200879 Resource Explorer Does Not Show Readable Format of Inventory

237495 Err Msg: ERROR 2 Failed to Run MofComp

Systems Management Resource Guide:
  • Chapter 10 - Customizing Hardware Inventory
  • Chapter 13 - Using SMS 2.0 Tools - Part 1
  • Chapter 14 - Using SMS 2.0 Tools - Part 2

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/14/2005
Keywords:kbClient kbCollections kbConfig kbinfo kbInventory kbResX kbsmsAdmin kbsmsUtil KB202940