Encarta: How to Transfer or Restore Integrated Yearbook Files (197633)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia for Windows
  • Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 97 Deluxe for Windows
  • Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia for Windows
  • Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia for Windows

This article was previously published under Q197633


This article discusses how to back up and restore Encarta yearbook files that have already been integrated. You can also use this procedure to transfer integrated Encarta yearbook files to a different computer on which the matching version of Encarta is installed.


To transfer or restore yearbook files that have already been integrated, use the appropriate method for your version of Encarta Encyclopedia.

Encarta 98

  1. Use Microsoft Backup or a similar program to make a backup of the following files on your computer

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Ybbst98a.dat

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Ybbdat\Ybbst98a.dat

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Update98\*.ewl

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Update98\*.ybk

    where <drive> is the drive letter of the hard disk on which Encarta 98 Encyclopedia is installed.

    For information about how to use Microsoft Backup, please see the Backup topic in Microsoft Windows online Help.
  2. Remove and then reinstall Encarta 98, or install Encarta 98 on a different computer.
  3. Restore the previously backed up files to the appropriate folders on your computer. When you are prompted to overwrite the files in the following table, click Yes.

    Adv797a.ybk42 KB8/10/97 3:12 PM
    Yb797a.ybk982 KB8/10/97 3:13 PM
If you did not make a backup of your index file (Ybbst98a.dat), you can download a new update file, and then start Encarta to integrate the new file and reintegrate the other yearbook update files. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download a new Encarta 98 yearbook update file from the following MSN Web site: When you are prompted to open the file or save the file to disk, save the yearbook update file in the following folder on your hard disk:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Update98
  2. Start Encarta to integrate the yearbook update files.

Encarta 1997

  1. Use Microsoft Backup or a similar program to make a backup of the following files on your computer:

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Ybbst97a.dat

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Updates\*.ewl

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Updates\*.ybk

    where <drive> is the drive letter of the hard disk on which Encarta 97 Encyclopedia is installed.

    For information about how to use Microsoft Backup, please see the Backup topic in Microsoft Windows online Help.
  2. Remove and then reinstall Encarta 97, or install Encarta 97 on a different computer.
  3. Restore the previously backed up files to the appropriate folders on your computer. When you are prompted to overwrite the files in the following table, click Yes.

    Adv796a.ybk42 KB8/12/96 1:36 PM
    Yb796a.ybk 640 KB8/12/96 1:43 PM
If you did not make a backup of your index file (Ybbst97a.dat), you can download a new update file, and then start Encarta to integrate the new file and reintegrate the other yearbook update files. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download a new Encarta 97 yearbook update file from the following MSN Web site: When you are prompted to open the file or save the file to disk, save the yearbook update file in the following folder on your hard disk:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Updates
  2. Start Encarta to integrate the yearbook update files.

Encarta 1996

  1. Use Microsoft Backup or a similar program to make a backup of the following files on your computer

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Ybstate.dat

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Updates\*.ewl

    <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Updates\*.ybk

    where <drive> is the drive letter of the hard disk on which Encarta 96 Encyclopedia is installed.

    For information about how to use Microsoft Backup, please see the Backup topic in Microsoft Windows online Help.
  2. Remove and then reinstall Encarta 96, or install Encarta 96 on a different computer.
  3. Restore the previously backed up files to the appropriate folders on your computer. When you are prompted to overwrite the file in the following table, click Yes.

    Yb895a.ybk560 KB8/18/95 12:21 AM
If you did not make a backup of your index file (Ybstate.dat), you can download a new update file, and then start Encarta to integrate the new file and reintegrate the other yearbook update files. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download a new Encarta 96 yearbook update file from the following MSN Web site: When you are prompted to open the file or save the file to disk, save the yearbook update file in the following folder on your hard disk:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Updates
  2. Start Encarta to integrate the yearbook update files.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/24/2003
Keywords:kbhowto kbui KB197633