Windows CE Services Version 2.2 Readme.txt File (1 of 2) (195517)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows CE Services 2.2

This article was previously published under Q195517


This article contains a copy of the information in the Readme.txt file included on the Windows CE version 2.2 CD-ROM (part 1 of 2).



1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

This document provides late-breaking or other information supplementing
the documentation for Microsoft Windows CE for the Handheld PC (H/PC) and
Palm-size PC (P/PC) devices and the Microsoft Windows CE Services version
2.2 desktop software.





 - If your H/PC supports backlighting, you may have a Backlight tab in
Control Panel Display. On some H/PCs, the Advanced button may be disabled
if the device does not support advanced features.

 - If you are printing via a serial connection and you disconnect and
reconnect your cable, strange characters may appear at the top of your
printout. After disconnecting your cable, turn off your printer before
reconnecting to clear the printer buffer of any extraneous information.

 - File names that contain Russian characters cannot be opened on H/PC
Professional devices. Rename files so that names do not include Russian

 - When installing third-party programs to your H/PC Professional device,
it is recommended that you use Windows CE Services version 2.2 or later,
not version 2.1.

 - If your username is eight characters or longer, you may get an
erroneous error message when trying to print to a network printer. The
message will state that a network error occurred when in fact the print
job prints successfully.

 - On mouse-based devices, the wait cursor may not always be displayed
when performing certain actions, for example, when opening documents from
a network drive that require conversion or when attempting to connect to
a network drive by using the Run command on the Start menu. It will
appear as though nothing is happening; however, the process will be

 - Some modems do not support dial strings with more than 40 characters.
If you encounter this problem, configure the modem to use manual dialing
by selecting your dial-up connection, selecting Properties on the File
menu, selecting the Configure button, and then selecting Manual Dial.

 - Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer does not support the following
tags:  <INPUT TYPE="FILE">, <TABLE ALIGN="">, and <IMG ALIGN="">.
However, the <TD ALIGN=""> tag is supported.

 - DHTML, VBScript, and Java are not supported. JScript is supported.

 - Forms that use "action" as the name for a form element will not work.
The property name "action" is reserved.

 - The "OnFocus" event is not supported in the JScript implementation.
However, the "OnChange" event is supported.


 - Users using Exchange Server to receive e-mail via POP3 or IMAP4 can
also receive meeting requests on their devices. Your administrator must
enable this feature by turning on Rich Text Format on the server.
However, doing this has some drawbacks:

 - Users will no longer be able to receive attachments that have been
sent internally through other e-mail clients, such as Outlook Express.
 - Embedded objects and messages will be removed by the server.
 - Users will not be able to identify whether a message had attachments
unless the entire message and attachments have been completely
downloaded; therefore, attachments may not be downloaded interactively.

 - Some servers, such as Sun Solstice and HP OpenMail, do not support
partial downloading of message bodies. Therefore, if Download n lines is
selected on the Properties tab when configuring the account, these
servers will not download messages. To work around this problem, change
your device Inbox options for the server to Download full copy.

 - Inbox attempts to use the highest level of authentication possible
when communicating with a server. This includes trying several methods of
authentication to determine which method the server will accept.  Nplex
Isocor POP3 servers, by default, only allow three authentication attempts
before canceling the connection. To use Inbox with this server, your
administrator must change the settings on the server to allow up to eight
authentication attempts.

 - If you lose your network connection while attempting to open a .doc
file from a network drive, your device may appear to be hung when in fact
it is taking longer than expected to return an error message. In these
cases, your device will eventually display an error message about the
file being inaccessible.


 - The Pocket Word conversion process uses other converters installed by
Microsoft Office. If you receive an error message during file conversion
indicating that a particular converter cannot be found, reinstall
Microsoft Office on the desktop and turn on all filter options during
setup.  Then reinstall Windows CE Services.

 - When you convert a Pocket Word file on your H/PC to an HTML file on
your desktop computer, the pictures in the Pocket Word file may be lost.
This could be due to a problem in one of the converters supplied by
Microsoft Office. This problem is addressed in the Microsoft Office 97
service release (SR-1), which you can download from

 - When you convert a file from Pocket Word to Microsoft Word .doc or
.rtf format on your desktop computer or on your device, lists that
contain multiple styles of numbering (for example, where the first line
is a number, second is a bullet, and third is a letter) may be formatted
with a single style of numbering.

 - Clip art objects are not retained when converting from Microsoft Word
to Pocket Word on the desktop. To work around this problem, you can
convert your clip art objects to bitmaps by selecting the object, copying
it, and then paste it as a bitmap using the Paste Special command in
Microsoft Word. All objects will then be converted without a problem.

 - Pictures are generally not retained when you open a .doc file on your
device using the device side .doc to Pocket Word converter. Some
pictures, such as bitmap images, can be displayed in Word 95 documents
but not Word 97 documents. To ensure proper display of the pictures in
your document, convert your document on your desktop computer using
Windows CE Services.

 - Pocket Word may hang when attempting to open a Word 97 document that
was originally a Word 95 document that contains footnotes formatted with
non-default separation and continuation options. To work around this
problem, use Word 97 to save the document as .rtf, open the .rtf
document, and then save the .rtf document as Word 97.

 - Pocket Excel implements minimal support for local defined names to be
compatible with Microsoft Excel 95/97. If you must use local names, you
should avoid creating duplicate local and global names.

 - AutoFilter activation is not saved with your workbooks.

 - The Microsoft Excel feature that enables you to change the currency
symbol in the Format Cells dialog box is not supported in Pocket Excel.
Pocket Excel is unable to save files that use this feature.

 - Adding a custom number format results in additional custom number
formats that appear as unrecognized characters (blank squares). The
additional formats are usable UNICODE format strings for formats such as
Chinese dates. These special formats aren't displayed until the user
explicitly puts in a custom format.

 - When printing a worksheet with cells that are formatted with the
"Automatic" color fill, the cells will print using the "Window
Background" color specified in Control Panel Display. To work around this
problem, change the fill of the cells to white instead of automatic.


 - Pocket Excel 1.0 documents that contain 3D references cannot be
converted to Pocket Excel 2.0/3.0 format. To work around this problem,
remove the 3D references from the file, convert the document to Excel
2.0/3.0 format, and re-enter the 3D references.

 - Cells that contain the COUNTBLANK() function may display #VALUE! in
Excel 97 after being edited in Pocket Excel and then converted to Excel
97. To resolve this, do a Replace All that searches for "=" and replaces
it with "=".

 - Cells that contain formulas of the form "=name" and "=name+name",
where "name" is a defined name may not recalculate correctly in Excel 97
after conversion. To resolve this, do a Replace All that searches for "="
and replaces it with "=".

 - Some defined names may get corrupted when saving Pocket Excel files as
Excel 95 on the device. If this occurs, you can work around the problem
by using Windows CE Services to convert the Pocket Excel files to Excel
95 format.

 - Defined names that refer to many levels of nested IF() functions may
get lost during conversion from Pocket Excel to Excel 97. To work around
this problem, reduce the number of nested IF() statements used in the
defined name.

 - Microsoft Excel 97 supports 65536 rows. Pocket Excel supports 16384
rows. Rows beyond this are deleted upon conversion from Excel 97 to
Pocket Excel.

 - Microsoft Excel 97 provides a conditional number formatting feature.
Cells formatted using this feature may not be displayed properly in
Pocket Excel.

 - Border formatting is shown only in the Format Cells dialog box for the
cells you specifically formatted. Even though adjacent cells may appear
to have border formatting in your worksheet, this is not reflected on the
Border tab in the Format Cells dialog box.

 - When converting from Pocket Excel to Microsoft Excel, many formats are
added to the Custom category in the Format Cells dialog box in Microsoft
Excel on your desktop computer. Pocket Excel displays all number formats
it supports.

 - When converting a file that is formatted with color fonts, fills, or
borders from Pocket Excel to Microsoft Excel 95, some colors may not
convert appropriately. All colors convert properly when converting to
Microsoft Excel 97.

 - Column formatting may be lost during conversion where it intersects
with formatting applied to an entire row. For example, if you have a row
with a nondefault height and all other attributes are defaults, column
formatting information, such as borders, will be lost where the column(s)
and row(s) intersect when converting from Microsoft Excel to Pocket
Excel. If you reapply the formatting in Pocket Excel, the formatting will
not subsequently be lost in the conversion process again.

 - When you convert a file from Microsoft Excel to Pocket Excel,
AutoFilter activation is not retained. However, if your AutoFilter
activation resulted in some rows being hidden, these rows are also hidden
in Pocket Excel. To display the rows, unhide them in Pocket Excel.

 - Pocket PowerPoint can require a lot of memory to display complex
graphics. You may need to allocate more RAM to Program Memory using
Control Panel System.

 - Pocket PowerPoint uses a caching scheme to improve performance when
navigating forward and back through a presentation. To minimize delays
when advancing slides during a show, it is recommended that you spend at
least 5-10 seconds on each slide before advancing to the next. This will
allow the next slide image to be cached and ensure a quick transition.
The size of the cache is directly related to the availability of Program
Memory. Also, this cache is automatically flushed if another program
requests additional memory.

 - To display a presentation on an external monitor, your device must
have a VGA port or a compatible VGA PC Card.

 - You cannot apply a font size greater than 645 to your title slide.


 - The Pocket PowerPoint conversion process uses PowerPoint 97 for file
conversion. If you receive an error message during file conversion
indicating that a particular converter cannot be found, reinstall
Microsoft Office on the desktop and turn on all graphic filter options
during setup.  Then reinstall Windows CE Services.

 - Avoid using animations and gradient fills in PowerPoint 97
presentations that you plan to convert to Pocket PowerPoint. The
animation may be partially depicted in the slide image, and the gradient
fills may appear different from those on a PC with more available colors
and higher resolution.

 - "Compact" style file conversion notes: 1) Check your presentation
carefully after conversion. If the presentation file uses fonts not
installed on your H/PC, you may encounter text wrapping and layout
problems. These can best be avoided by using an H/PC installed font or
copying the additional fonts to your H/PC's \Windows folder. 2) For best
results, it is recommended that all text in the original presentation be
formatted with line spacing set to 1 and space between paragraphs set to
0. 3) Slide background images are copied from the Master and Title Master
Slides and used for all slides in the presentation. If a particular slide
uses a custom background, it will be lost during the conversion, and the
Master Slide background will be used instead.

 - During conversion, a number of temporary files will be created in your
desktop computer's \Windows\Temp folder. Under certain conditions, these
temporary files may not be automatically deleted, and you may need to
manually delete them from time to time.

 - Windows CE Services will hang when attempting to convert a database
file that contains a table that is named with a double quote character as
the only character. The documentation states that this is not a legal
character in a table name. The hang only occurs if it is the sole

 - In the Import from Database to Mobile Device dialog box, you can
browse to the target location where you want the database on your mobile
device to exist. The Browse dialog box does not reflect other storage
devices, such as a PCMCIA Flash Card or a Compact Flash Card. You must
manually type these locations in the dialog box.

 - When using the Import from Database to Mobile Device dialog box to
specify the target location of the database on your mobile device, an
erroneous error may occur if the location does not exist. To work around
this, dismiss the error messages and retype the location.

 - If you attempt to filter for a double quote character ("), Pocket
Access will quit after dismissing the incorrect syntax error message.

 - If you lose your network connection while attempting to open a .cdb
file from a network drive, your device may appear to be hung when, in
fact, it is taking longer than expected to return an error message. In
these cases, your device will display an error message about the file
being inaccessible.

 - When synchronizing a password-protected .mdb file and .cdb file, you
will be prompted to enter the password each time you synchronize. This
causes a problem when you synchronize remotely and are not at your
desktop computer to enter the password. Synchronization cannot continue
until you enter the password.

 - If an error occurs when you attempt to convert an .mdb file to a .cdb
file, check the version number in the file properties for Odbc.dll
located in your Windows\System directory. You must have driver version
3.00.2301 or later. Note that this driver is not installed by default
when you do a typical installation. If you do not have this driver or if
you have the wrong version, rerun Office 97 or Access 97 Setup and select
this component.

 - When you drag and drop an .mdb file to the Mobile Devices folder, it
is placed in the My Documents folder regardless of the folder you
selected. To move the location of the resulting .cdb file, click
ActiveSync Options on the Tools menu in the Mobile Devices folder. Select
Table and then click Options. Select the database name and then click

 - Images in Word 97 documents are not handled properly when converted to
InkWriter format. This can result in images that display artifacts such
as lines or incorrect colors, or the image may be converted to random
text. This only appears in the converted file and does not affect the
images in the original Word 97 document. There is no known workaround for
this issue at this time.

 - In the Font, Ink, Drawing dialog box, you can set character and
drawing format attributes. The Font Name, Size, and Style options apply
to text you input with the keyboard or input panel. The Pen Weight, Line
Color, and Style options apply to text you write on your screen. The Fill
Color option is only used for drawings.

 - When you set your Pen Weight to Bold or Thick in the Font, Ink,
Drawings dialog box, the Bold option under Styles is also selected.

 - InkWriter prints with a fixed font size and line height. As a result,
the printed output will not appear exactly as it does on your screen.

 - When installing PowerToys 2.0 for Windows CE on the H/PC Professional
edition, you may see a warning that the program is not compatible with
the current operating system. You can safely ignore the message and
continue with the installation.


2.1 GENERAL ISSUES (All Editions)

 - For information about printing from your H/PC, see Help in Microsoft
Windows CE Services.

 - If your H/PC supports backlighting, you may have a Backlight tab in
Control Panel Display. On some H/PCs, the Advanced button may be disabled
if the device does not support advanced features.

 - If you are printing via a serial connection and you disconnect and
reconnect your cable, there may be strange characters that appear at the
top of your print out. After disconnecting your cable, turn off your
printer before reconnecting to clear the printer buffer of any extraneous

GENERAL ISSUES (Japanese Edition Only)

 - You can transfer a TTC font file to your H/PC \Windows\Fonts folder
using Windows CE Services. This will setup your TTC file for use in your
H/PC applications. You cannot, however, transfer the TTC file from a PC
Storage Card directly to the \Windows\Fonts folder and access it in your
H/PC applications. The transfer must occur through Windows CE Services.

 - To use the following PHS adapter (PIAFS) cards, change the value for
"Cancel the call if not connected within" on the Call Option tab in
Device Properties dialog box to a value within the available range below:

Name of PHS Adapter Card                Available Range
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO 321S         0 ~ 58
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO Data Card DC-1S      0 ~ 58
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO Data Card DC-2S      0 ~ 58
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO Data Card DC-1N      0 ~ 59
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO Data Card DC-2N      0 ~ 59
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO Data Card DC-1P      0 ~ 59
NTT Personal 32K PALDIO Data Card DC-2P      0 ~ 59
Panasonic TO-PHS32K            0 ~ 59

 - If you use a non-Japanese font such as Tahoma and then switch to a
Japanese character input method, the font selection is not automatically
changed to a Japanese font. When you use the IME to switch to a Japanese
character input method, you must manually change the font.

 - A folder named "Storage Card" is displayed in romaji characters in the
Windows Explorer when you insert a memory card.

 - You can transfer data via IR from a device running Windows CE v2.0 for
the Handheld PC to a device running Windows CE v1.0 for the Handheld PC.
You cannot, however, open a bitmap file from a v2.0 H/PC on a v1.0 H/PC.
In addition, you cannot open a file saved in Pocket Excel 2.0 in Pocket
Excel v1.0. You must first save the Pocket Excel 2.0 file as a 1.0 file
and then transmit it via IR to the 1.0 H/PC.

 - If you are unable to successfully connect your device to the COM1
serial port on a Japanese version Windows 95 system running on slower PC
versions, try using the COM2 port.

 - It is strongly advised that you only use the following characters when
entering a Device Name for your mobile device: the letters A-Z, the
numbers 0-9 and the hyphen [-].  If you enter other characters such as
Kanji, or wide English characters, etc., you may not be able to connect
to some Internet Service Providers and you will not be able to use
ActiveSync on your device to make remote connections via an Ethernet

 - Links to folders from a Web page are not supported.  To open the
folder, type the link into the address bar.

 - The Back button doesn't go to the previous page if the link to the
current page is in a frame. Instead, the Back button goes to the page
before the frame.  Links must be traversed again to get to the desired

 - To achieve best results when using the Set as Wallpaper option with a
graphic image on a Web page; do not use the Tile image on background
option from Display Properties.  This affects grayscale devices (both 4
and 16 shades of gray) only.

 - If you save a bitmap to a file from Pocket Internet Explorer on a
device that displays only four shades of gray, the file cannot be
properly converted when transferred to a desktop computer.


 - See the "Synchronization" portion of the Microsoft Windows CE Services
2.2 section for any general desktop synchronization issues.

CALENDAR (All Editions)

 - When accepting group scheduling requests via Inbox, items that were
sent as "private" will not appear as private in Calendar.  After
accepting such an item it will need to be manually edited to be marked as
"private" in the Calendar.

CALENDAR (US and European Editions)

 - Devices that contain a MIPS processor will not allow you to enter any
future appointments that begin at 7:00 AM. You can workaround this
problem by creating the appointment directly in Calendar view or by
changing the start time of the appointment to anything other than 7:00
AM, such as 6:59 AM or 7:01 AM. This issue has been fixed in the Handheld
PC Service Pack 1 release, available from your device's manufacturer.

CONTACTS (Japanese Edition Only)

 - To use the Quickfind feature while sorting on either the "Name" or
"Company" columns, type the Yomi name (rather than literal name) in the
Quickfind field.

 - The Quickfind feature will work completely for any name as long as it
does not contain a Kana character using a dakuten or handakuten accent.
Quickfind is not able to distinguish properly between a regular Kana
character and one with the dakuten or handakuten accent.  At the point
one of these characters is used in a name, switch from using Quickfind to
using the vertical scroll bar in contacts to find the address card you
are seeking.

INBOX (All Editions)

 - Restore from 1.0 backup: Linked messages are corrupted on restore.
Recreate the same services using the exact same name. Then use the
Service/Clear command and refresh for the service to download the
messages again and restore the links.

 - If you get an error when trying to send Internet Mail that says, in
part, "There was an error specifying your return address to the server,"
you can try (after making sure your return address is correct) to either
ask your ISP to turn off strict RFC821 checking, or send mail via Inbox
Sync or Inbox Transfer instead.


 - Inbox Synchronization supports the following clients: Windows
Messaging Client, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Outlook 97.
Microsoft Outlook Express is NOT supported at this time.

INBOX (Japanese Edition Only)

 - If you limit the number of lines in a message that should be
downloaded from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), you will in most
cases see "Message truncated after n lines" at the end of your message.
However, there are some ISP's that return 1 less line than asked for and
as a result, Inbox thinks the message is completely downloaded and you
will not see this text at the end of your message. This is a problem on
the ISP's server.

 - The maximum message size that Inbox supports is 32k. If a message you
download is larger than this, you will see the text "Message truncated
after 31k" at the end of your message. If you use QP to encode your
message, the size of your message may increase dramatically and as a
result, the chance that your message will exceed 32k is much higher. The
encoding is in the first part of the downloaded message and since Inbox
stops downloading at 32k, part or all of the message body may be
truncated. To workaround this problem, do not use QP to encode your

 - When you download a copy of a full message, there may be a discrepancy
between what the server reports as the size of the message and what the
downloaded message size is. This is due to the fact that the message
server reports the size in bytes and Inbox reports the size in
2.4 MICROSOFT POCKET WORD (US and European Edition)

 - The online Help for how to use templates is incorrect. Template
samples are located in the My Handheld PC\Programs\Office\Templates
folder. To create a template, save a file as a Pocket Word template in
this folder. To use a template, tap New on the File menu, and then tap
Document From Template.

 - You cannot open Pocket Word 2.0 files that contain pictures in Pocket
Word 1.0.

MICROSOFT POCKET WORD (Japanese Edition Only)

 - In the Font, Ink, Drawing dialog box, you can set character and
drawing format attributes. The Font Name, Size, and Style options apply
to text you input with the keyboard or SIP. The Pen Weight, Line Color
and Style options apply to text you write on your screen. The Fill Color
option is only used for drawings.

 - When you set your Pen Weight to Bold or Thick in the Font, Ink,
Drawings dialog, the Bold option under styles is also selected.

 - Pocket Word prints with a fixed font size and line height. As a
result, the printed output will not appear exactly as it does on your


 - The Pocket Word conversion process uses other converters installed by
Microsoft Office. If you receive an error message during file conversion
indicating that a particular converter cannot be found, reinstall
Microsoft Office on the desktop and turn on all filter options during
setup.  Then reinstall Windows CE Services.

 - When you convert a Pocket Word file on your H/PC to an HTML file on
your desktop computer, the pictures in the Pocket Word file may be lost.
This is due to a problem in one of the converters supplied by Microsoft
Office. This problem is addressed in the Microsoft Office 97 service
release (SR-1), which you can download from

 - When you convert a file from Pocket Word to Microsoft Word .doc or
.rtf format, lists that contain multiple styles of numbering (for
example, where the first line is a number, second is a bullet, and third
is a letter) may be formatted with a single style of numbering.

 - Clipart objects are not retained when converting from Microsoft Word
to Pocket Word. To work around this problem, you can convert your clipart
objects to bitmaps by selecting the bitmap, copying it, and then paste it
as a bitmap using the Paste Special command in Microsoft Word. All
objects will then convert without a problem.


 - Bullet characters in documents that you convert from Microsoft Word
95J or 97J may be displayed incorrectly as a vertical bar or other
character rather than a bullet. You must have the font that is used to
display the bullet on your device. If the bullet is formatted in the
Symbol font, it will be displayed correctly. The default font for bullets
in Word 95J and Word 97J, however, is Wingdings. You can copy the
Wingdings font from the Fonts folder on your desktop PC to the Fonts (in
English characters) folder on your device. Another workaround is to apply
the bullets in Pocket Word

 - Many operations in Pocket Excel, such as sorting, applying formatting,
or applying an Autofilter, are quicker if you select the specific range
rather than entire columns, rows, or the entire worksheet.

 - The online Help information about using templates is incorrect.
Template samples are located in the My Handheld
PC\Programs\Office\Templates folder. To create a template, save a file as
a Pocket Excel template in this folder. To use a template, tap New on the
File menu, and then tap Document From Template.

 - Omitting the second argument in DCOUNT and DCOUNTA results in an error
value. To work around this problem, you can use the cell reference
containing one of the headings of your database. This will behave the
same as if you omit the second argument.

 - If printing a worksheet fails and results in an error message, close
your file and reopen it before printing again. Otherwise, depending on
the complexity of the file, the available memory on your H/PC may be

 - When you undo an action that you performed on a large number of cells,
such as a sort, a slowdown may occur. Close and reopen the file to work
around the problem.

 - Inserting, deleting, or moving a sheet within a workbook may cause the
AutoFilter arrow buttons to disappear. To make them reappear, reapply the

 - AutoFilter activation is not saved with your workbooks.

 - Adding a custom number format results in additional custom number
formats that appear as unrecognized characters (blank squares). The
additional formats are usable UNICODE format strings for formats such as
Chinese dates. These special formats aren't displayed until the user
explicitly puts in a custom format.

 - Fractions are not always displayed correctly. Pocket Excel does not
correctly limit the digits displayed in the fraction. The underlying
value, however, is correct and can be safely used in calculations. For
example, if you enter 1 5/12 in a cell, Pocket Excel displays it as 1
5/1; however, the underlying value is 1 5/12.

 - Border formatting is shown only in the Format Cells dialog box for the
cells you specifically formatted. Even though adjacent cells may appear
to have border formatting in your worksheet, this is not reflected on the
Border tab in the Format Cells dialog box.

 - Pocket Excel implements minimal support for local defined names in
order to be compatible with Microsoft Excel 95 and 97. If you must use
local names, you should avoid creating duplicate local and global names.


 - The Microsoft Excel feature that enables you to change the currency
symbol in the Format Cells dialog box is not supported in Pocket Excel.
Pocket Excel is unable to save files that use this feature.

 - Microsoft Excel 97 supports 65536 rows. Pocket Excel supports 16384
rows. Rows beyond this are deleted upon conversion from Excel 97 to
Pocket Excel.

 - Column formatting may be lost during conversion where it intersects
with formatting applied to an entire row. For example, if you have a row
with a nondefault height and all other attributes are defaults, column
formatting information, such as borders, will be lost where the column(s)
and row(s) intersect when converting from Microsoft Excel to Pocket
Excel. If you reapply the formatting in Pocket Excel, the formatting will
not subsequently be lost in the conversion process again.

 - When you convert a file from Microsoft Excel to Pocket Excel,
AutoFilter activation is not retained. However, if your AutoFilter
activation resulted in some rows being hidden, these rows are also hidden
in Pocket Excel. To display the rows, unhide them in Pocket Excel.

 - Microsoft Excel 97 provides a new conditional number formatting
feature. Cells formatted using this feature may not be displayed

 - When converting a file that is formatted with color fonts, fills, or
borders from Pocket Excel to Microsoft Excel 95, some colors may not
convert appropriately. All colors convert properly when converting to
Microsoft Excel 97.

 - When converting from Pocket Excel to Microsoft Excel, many formats are
added to the Custom category in the Format Cells dialog box in Microsoft
Excel on your desktop computer. Pocket Excel displays all number formats
it supports.

 - Pocket PowerPoint can require a lot of memory to display complex
graphics. You may need to allocate more RAM to Program Memory using
System Control Panel.

 - Pocket PowerPoint uses a caching scheme to improve performance when
navigating forward and back through a presentation. To minimize delays
when advancing slides during a show, it is recommended that you spend at
least 5-10 seconds on each slide before advancing to the next. This will
allow the next slide image to be cached and ensure a quick transition.
The size of the cache is directly related to the availability of Program
Memory. Also, this cache is automatically flushed if another program
requests additional memory.

 - To display a presentation on an external monitor, your device must
have a VGA port or a compatible VGA PC Card.

 - You cannot apply a font size to your title slide greater than 645.


 - The Pocket PowerPoint conversion process uses PowerPoint 97 for file
conversion. If you receive an error message during file conversion
indicating that a particular converter cannot be found, reinstall
Microsoft Office on the desktop and turn on all graphic filter options
during setup.  Then reinstall Windows CE Services.

 - During conversion a number of temporary files will be created in your
desktop computers \Windows\Temp folder. Under certain conditions, these
temporary files may not be automatically deleted, and you may need to
manually delete them from time to time.

 - "Compact" style file conversion notes: 1) Check your presentation
carefully after conversion. If the presentation file uses fonts not
installed on your H/PC, you may encounter text wrapping and layout
problems. These can best be avoided by using an H/PC installed font or
copying the additional fonts to your H/PC's \Windows folder. 2) For best
results, it is recommended that all text in the original presentation be
formatted with line spacing set to 1 and space between paragraphs set to
0. 4) Slide background images are copied from the Master and Title Master
Slides and used for all slides in the presentation. If a particular slide
uses a custom background, it will be lost during the conversion, and the
Master Slide background will be used instead.

 - Avoid using animations and gradient fills in PowerPoint 97
presentations that you plan to convert to Pocket PowerPoint. The
animation may be partially depicted in the slide image and the gradient
fills may appear different than they would on a PC with more available
colors and higher resolution.

The following issues have been observed when running existing H/PC 1.0
programs on H/PC 2.0 computers.


Programs that you used on Windows CE 1.0 for the H/PC are usable and
functional on version 2.0. However, demand for improved clarity and
readability on H/PCs caused two major changes that have had an impact on
how 1.0 programs and dialog boxes are displayed:

1.   The system font has been changed to Tahoma 9 pt.
2.   The font technology used is now TrueType, which provides programs
much more flexibility and enables enhancements such as zooming.

To ensure compatibility and proper display of 1.0 programs on the H/PC
2.0, every effort has been made to map fonts used in 1.0 program user
interfaces to the closest matching font in terms of size and style
available on the H/PC 2.0. Due to this mapping, your 1.0 programs are
displayed with a smaller menu font and a smaller dialog box font than
H/PC 2.0 programs. Still, because the fonts are being mapped to a font
that is similar though not identical to the 1.0 fonts, you may see one or
more of the following issues in your 1.0 programs:

 - Words at the end of option names in dialog boxes are clipped or
missing due to the string being slightly wider.

 - The Close button (in the upper-right corner of the program window) is
clipped due to the menu names being slightly wider.

 - Button names are not bold.

 - In a few cases, the font in your program's main window is mapped to a
smaller or larger font than that displayed in 1.0.

Finally, due to the change to TrueType font technology, any program that
provides a font dialog box in which you can select a font name and size
needs to be updated to provide a list of sizes. If the font dialog box
allows you to specify the size of the font by typing it, you can specify
whatever size you need, and the font will be displayed correctly due to
the scalability of TrueType fonts. If you cannot type the font size, one
point size is provided for you.


In Windows CE 2.0, you can set your taskbar to autohide. This allows you
to take advantage of the screen space occupied by the taskbar. Some 1.0
programs perform actions that prevent Windows CE from resizing the
program window appropriately. Therefore, when the taskbar is first set to
autohide, the active program does not appear to be resized to take
advantage of the whole screen. Or when the autohide attribute is turned
off, the active program does not resize to accommodate the taskbar. The
workaround is to exit and restart the program (however, this workaround
does not always correct the problems with some version 1.0 programs).

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS (US and European Editions)

Following are known issues regarding specific programs. The manufacturers
of these products have been contacted, and questions regarding the
availability of updated software should be directed to the manufacturer.

 - Microsoft PowerToys 1.0, Pocket Internet Explorer 1.1, and H/PC
Converter Utility 1.0
   PowerToys 1.0 and Pocket Internet Explorer 1.1 are not compatible with
Windows CE 2.x devices. In addition, the H/PC Converter Utility 1.0 is
not compatible with Windows CE Services 2.1 or 2.2.  Please do not
install these programs on  these releases.  Pocket Internet Explorer 1.1
is now replaced by Pocket Internet Explorer 2.0, which is included in
Windows CE 2.x for the H/PC.  PowerToys 2.0 and the H/PC Converter
Utility for Windows CE 2.x are available at

 - ART smARTwriter v1.0
When starting smARTwriter, an internal error is reported. After
installing, you can use the inking capability of smARTwriter in Pocket
Word. However, the handwriting recognition does not work in Windows CE
2.0. Please contact ART about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

 - ART smARTwriter v1.0: InkPad
The leftmost character cannot be selected unless you double-tap the
character or use the keyboard. Tapping and dragging will not select the
character. Please contact ART about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

 - Freeware: Pocket Dial4Me v1.0
The application cannot be minimized by pressing the taskbar button or by
pressing the Desktop button on the right side of the taskbar. You must
close Pocket Dial4Me after using it. In addition, this program is unable
to load the Contacts database because it assumes a particular sort order
for the database, and this sort order has changed.

 - Freeware: Pocket Dial v1.0
The application cannot be started under Windows CE 2.0 for the H/PC.
Check for update plans.

 - CIC: Jot v1.0
On some H/PC's, Jot's inking and handwriting recognition may be slower
than it was on 1.0 devices. Please contact CIC about an update for
Windows CE 2.0.

If you are using v1.0 on an H/PC with a wide screen, such as the Hewlett
Packard Palmtop PC, lines will appear to the right of where you touch the
screen. This issue is fixed in Jot 1.02.

When ink disappears (that is, when it's converted to text), it can leave
a gray or white trail depending on what you inked over.

Some dialog text runs off the side of dialogs.

 - CIC: QuickNotes v1.0
The background color in the thumbnail view is different from the color in
the main window. In addition, the eraser changes the background to white
rather than the original color. Please contact CIC about an update for
Windows CE 2.0.

 - Shareware: JimmyNotePad v1.0
The Symbol font is listed as an option in the Font dialog box. However,
anything you format with the Symbol font will be displayed in Arial.

 - Shareware: JimmySoft Calendar Search v1.0
The search completes correctly, but all items show "Error: No date" in
the Date/Time column.

 - Landware: TakeNote v1.0
Interaction between TakeNote and the Pocket Outlook Contacts database
does not work. You cannot add a new entry to the Contacts database by
using New Contact , nor can the Contacts database be started from the New
Phone form. In addition, in a new Ink Note, if you tap the Information
(I) button, the date appears with block characters. Please contact
Landware about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

 - Shareware: MG Notes v1.0
The Symbol font is listed as an option in the Font dialog box. However,
anything you format with the Symbol font will be displayed in Arial.

 - Odyssey: Pocket OnSchedule v1.0
Pocket Internet Explorer cannot be started using the Contacts  Visit Web
Site command. You must instead copy the Web site URL, start Pocket
Internet Explorer from the desktop, and paste it in the Address box.
Please contact Odyssey about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

Dialing options are not available in the Options dialog box.

Default items are not available in the Manage User Lists dialog box. Note
that this problem only occurs on H/PCs with an SH3 processor (such as
Hewlett Packard Palmtop PC and Casio A-10, A-11).

 - Physix: Pocket Chart v1.0
The list box on the command bar extends off the right side of the screen.
You can still tap the box to display the list. Please contact Physix
about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

You can install Pocket Chart only to internal memory on the H/PC. You
cannot install it to a PC Flash or SRAM Card.

Some characters may be displayed as boxes (unrecognized characters) in
the user interface.

Due to the complex nature of its layout, Pocket Chart exhibits several of
the text issues detailed in "Font Display" in this section.

 - Ruksun: Telnet Force v1.0
When the taskbar is hidden, Telnet Force is displayed in full screen
mode. This causes the contents of any Telnet site to be displayed in a
font that is unreadable because it is so small. To work around the
problem, clear the AutoHide option and then start Telnet Force. Ruksun is
investigating this issue. Please contact Ruksun about an update for
Windows CE 2.0.

On wide displays, such as the Hewlett Packard Palmtop PC, no scroll bar
is displayed. There are some cases in which the text in the window is
scrolled to the left of the screen so that the left edge is not visible.
When this occurs, the text to the left of the screen cannot be accessed
due to the absence of a scroll bar.

 - Shareware: Invaders v1.0
This program cannot be started on Windows CE 2.0 for the H/PC.

 - SkyTel: Messenger v1.0
Messages are delivered with square boxes (unrecognized characters) in
place of carriage returns. Please contact SkyTel about an update for
Windows CE 2.0.

 - SpryNet: Sprynet v1.0
After setting up the SpryNet transport in Inbox, you must reset the
password you specified when setting up the transport. You can do this by
going to step 1 of the Internet Mail service properties and retyping your
password. Please contact Sprynet about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

 - Symantec: PC Anywhere v1.0
PC Anywhere While connected to your PC, dragging icons on your PC desktop
results in black trails being drawn on your H/PC screen. Symantec is
investigating this issue. Please contact Symantec about an update for
Windows CE 2.0.

 - Wynd Communications: WyndMail v1.0
If you want to change properties after installing the WyndMail transport,
open Inbox, tap Service, ensure WyndMail is selected, and then tap
Properties. If you access the Properties dialog box by tapping Compose
and then tapping Options, the dialog box title is cut off; consequently,
you cannot move the dialog box or tap the OK or Cancel button. Please
contact Wynd Communications about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

 - Dataviz: Desktop To Go v1.0
If you install Desktop To Go after installing Windows CE Services, the
filters are not available in the Tools  File Conversion dialog box. You
must reinstall Windows CE Services after installing Desktop To Go for the
filters to appear in the File Conversion dialog box. Please contact
Dataviz about an update for Windows CE 2.0.

 - Wright Strategies: FormLogic v1.0
After completing the desktop installation of FormLogic, use a command in
the main program on the PC to initiate installation to your H/PC. This
command is not available with Windows CE Services installed. Contact
Wright Strategies for an update. Please contact Wright Strategies about
an update for Windows CE 2.0.

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS (Japanese Edition)
Every effort has been made to ensure that v1,.0 applications designed for
Windows CE v1.01 for the H/PC (Japanese Edition) will work on Windows CE
v2.0 for the H/PC (Japanese Edition). If you see any problems with your
v1.0 applications, please report them to your software vendor and inquire
about updates for Windows CE v2.0 for the H/PC.


 - If device performance becomes poor over time, or if you notice odd
behavior, reset your device to restore normal behavior. Instructions for
resetting your Palm-size PC can be found in the manufacturer's
instruction manual.

 - Since Mobile Channel content contains formatting information, and not
just text, strange characters may appear when Find locates Mobile Channel
content. This is normal, and the data will be displayed correctly in the
Channels application.

 - If a component on the Active Desktop is not refreshing properly, go to
Settings > Display, uncheck the component, check it again, and tap OK.
This will cause all Active Desktop components to reload, clearing any
such problems.

 - If you receive "Out of memory" messages on your desktop computer
during channel synchronization, do the following. First, switch to
Channels, go to View > Options, and tap OK without changing anything in
the dialog box. This will make sure that the maximum storage limit is the
full percentage shown in this dialog, instead of a fixed 200KB limit
imposed the first time the device is turned on, as well as after a full
reset (cold boot). If, after opening the dialog box and tapping OK you
still receive frequent "Out of memory" messages, switch to Channels, go
to View > Options, increase the % of storage memory value, and tap OK.

 - If you see sync initialization error 8007000e when trying to enable
channel synchronization, you do not have Internet Explorer version 4.0 or
later installed on your desktop computer. To synchronize channels, you
must be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later on your desktop
computer. You can install Internet Explorer 4.0 from optional components
on the Desktop Software for Windows CE compact disc.

 - See the "Synchronization" section of the Microsoft Windows CE Services
2.2 section for any general desktop synchronization issues.

 - Synchronization will copy text (not ink) notes only between the device
and Schedule+ 7.0. Because Schedule+ does not support ink annotations in
notes, these annotations will not be synchronized between the device and
Schedule+, and changing a note in Schedule+ will remove the ink
annotation on the device the next time the object is synchronized. Ink
notes are synchronized with Microsoft Outlook except when they are
contained in an appointment that is an exception to a recurring


 - If you wish to send meeting requests over a transport other than
Window CE Inbox Services, in calendar, tap Tools > Options and select the
new transport. For example, if you set up a POP3 e-mail transport and
want to use it for sending both meeting requests and e-mail, you must set
the transport in Calendar as well as in Inbox.


 - Meeting requests and attachments are downloaded via the Internet Email
transport only if you select the applicable option in the Service
Properties dialog box, step 3. Note that these options are not turned on
by default. In addition, due to limitations of POP3, you must download a
full copy of the message. Note that you can use Service > Retrieve Full
Copy if you initially limit the number of lines.

 - If you are accessing your e-mail via Microsoft Exchange POP3 server
support and you send and receive meeting requests, have your mail
administrator select the Download Microsoft Rich Text check box on the
POP3 protocol page. This is required to receive meeting requests, but it
will slow down mail transfer because more data is sent from the server
for each message.

 - Note that messages in your Inbox that came from Internet Mail or Inbox
Sync are linked to those on the server, and deleting them on your device
will delete them on the server.

 - If you get an error when trying to send Internet Mail that says, in
part, "There was an error specifying your return address to the server,"
you can try (after making sure your return address is correct) to either
ask your ISP to turn off strict RFC821 checking, or send mail via Inbox
Sync or Inbox Transfer instead.

 - Embedded OLE attachments and e-mail messages are not preserved in
messages. Only file attachments are preserved.


 - Message synchronization: you will receive duplicate messages if you
are using Message Sync and the Internet Mail service to connect to the
same mail server. To avoid this, it is recommended that you use Remote
ActiveSync, rather than Internet Mail, to retrieve e-mail when using
Remote Networking.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/28/2000
Keywords:kbinfo kbreadme KB195517