Site Server 3.0: Cannot Create Membership Instance (195298)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0

This article was previously published under Q195298


When you attempt to create a new Personalization and Membership (P&M) instance, one of the following errors may occur:

The New Membership Server Wizard has failed to create a new Site Server LDAP Service. Continue?
The database specified is either not empty or not valid. Please verify that the information entered is correct and that the database is empty.


The new membership directory wizard has failed to generate the full distinguished name of the user name required to complete the configuration.


This is a generic error indicating there is a problem creating the instance.


The following are some possible resolutions:
  • If you are connecting to the SQL Server computer through a firewall, make sure that port 1433 is open on the firewall.

  • The SQL Server database that is being used for the Membership instance contains special characters or spaces. Do not use special characters or spaces in the name of the database.

  • The SQL Server port has been changed. Site Server requires that the default port 1433 is set. For additional information on changing the SQL Server port, consult your SQL Server documentation.

  • The SQL Server Sort Order is incorrect. Site Server requires "Dictionary-Order, Case Insensitive." A reinstallation of the SQL Server database is required to set a different sort order. Please consult your SQL Server documentation for more information.

  • The System Administrator (SA) user ID is not used during Membership instance creation. The SA privilege account is required. Please consult your SQL Server documentation to set or create the SA equivalent account.

  • There are more than 11 characters in the computer name.

  • Make sure the account LDAP_ANONYMOUS exists and has "Logon Locally" rights.

  • Add TCPIP Sockets support on the SQL Server computer.

  • If you are using SQL Server 7.0 and have not upgraded to Site Server 3.0 SP2, do so now.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/11/2006
Keywords:kbpending kbprb KB195298