FP98: Setup Switches Available in FrontPage 98 (194450)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft FrontPage 98 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q194450

For a Microsoft FrontPage 97 version of this article, see 181979.


This article describes the switches you can use with the Microsoft FrontPage 98 Setup program.


FrontPage 98 has three setup switches: /f, /r, and /s.
Setup /f   The /f switch allows you to select one of several languages
           in the multi-language version of FrontPage.  This switch can
           only be used when the Setup program is run from the root folder
           of the compact disc. The setup /f command uses the following

              <x>:\setup /f

           where <x> is the drive that contains the Setup program. After
           you run this command, the Setup program will prompt you to
           select which language version of FrontPage to install.

           As an alternative to using the /f switch, you can specify the
           language on the command line, like this

              <x>:\setup <language>

           where <x> is the drive that contains the Setup program and
           <language> corresponds to one of the following language

              DEU (German)
              ENU (English)
              ESP (Spanish)
              FRA (French)
              ITA (Italian)

setup /r   The /r switch records all choices you made while running the
           Setup program. It also stores these results in the Setup.iss
           file. This file is saved in the folder in which you installed
           Windows. The setup /r command uses the following syntax

              <x>:\Frontpg\<language>\setup.exe /r

           where <x> is the drive that contains the setup program and
           <language> corresponds to one of the following language

              DEU (German)
              ENU (English)
              ESP (Spanish)
              FRA (French)
              ITA (Italian)

           The Setup.iss file will be executed if you run the Setup program
           with the /s switch. In this case, the Setup program will use
           this file as a template as it performs a silent installation.

setup /s   The /s switch installs FrontPage "silently," meaning that little
           or no user intervention is required when the Setup program is
           run. During the installation process, the Setup program reads
           the information in the Setup.iss template that was created when
           you previously ran Setup with the /r switch. The steps
           recorded in the Setup.iss file are carried out silently, making
           it easier for network administrators to install the same
           components of FrontPage on multiple computers. The Setup.iss
           file must reside in the folder that contains the FrontPage Setup

           NOTE: Because you cannot copy the Setup.iss file to the
           FrontPage compact disc, you will have to copy the <lang> folder
           and all of its contents to a file or network location.

           The setup /s command uses the following syntax:

              <x>:\Frontpg\<language>\setup.exe /s

           where <x> is the drive that contains the setup program and
           <language> corresponds to one of the following language

              DEU (German)
              ENU (English)
              ESP (Spanish)
              FRA (French)
              ITA (Italian)

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/3/2001
Keywords:kbinfo KB194450