Readme.txt: Microsoft Site Server 3.0 U.S. Service Pack 1 (192130)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0

This article was previously published under Q192130


This article contains a copy of the Site Server version 3.0 Service Pack 1 readme file.



This readme file contains important, late-breaking information about
Microsoft Site Server Service Pack 1 (SP1), a maintenance release for
Microsoft Site Server version 3.0. This readme file also contains
information about how to contact Microsoft for product support.

For additional information about Site Server 3.0, please see: 

IMPORTANT: Due to the integrated nature of Site Server components, it is
recommended that you print this document and read it thoroughly. Following
the steps in this document will ensure a successful setup.

 - What's in Site Server Service Pack 1?
 - Installing Service Pack 1 Updates
 - Installing Symbol Files
 - Additional Information
 - Known Issues
 - Product Support


SP1 includes bug fixes and other information important to successful
implementations of Site Server 3.0.

 - SP1 Updates (bug fixes) for Site Server 3.0 components
 - Microsoft SQL Server scripts to enable AutoReply with
 - Microsoft Commercial Internet Service (MCIS) Internet Mail
 - Service optimization
 - Content Deployment for UNIX Updates

SP1 create the following directories in the root of your system drive:

   Directory                            What it contains

   \Site Server 3.0                     SP1 Site Server SP1 Readme Files
   \Site Server 3.0 SP1\Samples         Updated sample site rule files for
                                        Visual InterDev 6.0
   \Site Server 3.0 SP1\Scripts         Personalization and Membership SQL
   \Site Server 3.0 SP1\Unix            Content Deployment for UNIX
   %SystemRoot%\$Site Server 3.0
   Service Pack 1-Uninstall$            Hidden uninstall directory


SP1 updates can only be installed on computers already running at least
one Site Server 3.0 product.

SP1 contains all updates since the release of Site Server 3.0. When you
install the SP1 updates, only relevant files are applied to existing Site
Server components.

For a list of bug fixes in this release and other related Knowledge Base
articles, see:


To install the SP1 updates, run SS3SP1.exe and follow the instructions on
the screen.

Command-Line Operation:

SS3SP1.exe is a self-extracting executable file that uncompresses the SP1
files into a temporary directory and then runs the Update.exe command. SP1
supports the following command-line arguments.

   Switch                  Description

   /q                      Quiet mode (uncompresses files with no screen
   /C:Update.exe           Runs Update.exe with optional parameters.
                           Update.exe supports the following optional
                           /m - Unattended mode
                           /q - Quiet mode (unattended with no screen
                           /u - Uninstall mode
                           /f - Force applications to close at shutdown
                           /n - Do not create uninstall directory
                           /z - Do not restart after update if a file was
                                locked during the update
   /t:path                 Specifies the temporary directory name
   /c                      Extract files only
   /?                      View these options

Installing Content Deployment for UNIX Updates:

1. After loading SP1, copy the Install.sun file from the \Site Server 3.0
   SP1\Unix directory to a file system on the UNIX server.

2. Change the file permissions on the Install.sun script to allow
   execution by the root user (chmod 744 install.sun).

3. From the directory where the install script is located, start the
   install script by entering ./install.sun at the command line. The
   install script guides you through the installation process.

Running Personalization and Membership Update Scripts:

The Personalization & Membership (P&M) updates require additional
database reconfigurations. A SQL Server script, mcis2upd.sql, has been
provided to assist in this step. Either before or after installing the SP1
updates, this script must be run against every SQL Server database
supporting an SP1 P&M Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Service
instance. A SQL Server supporting an SP1 updated LDAP server will record
harmless Windows NT Application Event messages until this additional
configuration step is completed.

NOTE: If you have already run this script as part of a Microsoft
Commercial Internet System (MCIS) 2.0 installation, it is not necessary to
repeat this step. Also, if you are using a Microsoft Access database, this
step is not necessary.

To run this script:

1. Copy Mcis2upd.sql from \Site Server 3.0 SP1\Scripts to a location
   accessible from your SQL Server computer.

2. On the Start menu of the SQL Server computer, point to Programs, point
   to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, and then click SQL Enterprise Manager.

3. Click the plus sign (+) next to the name of the SQL Server computer
   that is hosting the Membership Directory, click the plus sign (+) next
   to Databases, and then click the Membership Directory database.

4. On the Tools menu, click SQL Query Tool.

5. In the Query window, click the Load SQL Query icon, and then in the
   Open File dialog box, open Mcis2upd.sql from the location to which it
   was previously copied. The Mcis2upd.sql script is loaded into the Query

6. Click the Execute Query icon.

NOTE: The script may display this warning on your partition databases,
which you can safely ignore:

   Invalid object name 'DsTimestamp'.

The following event sequence in an LDAP server Windows NT Application
Event Log indicates that you have not run Mcis2upd.sql against one or more
of your Membership Directory databases. If you see this event sequence,
ensure that you have run Mcis2upd.sql against all of your target
databases. To verify that all supporting databases have been updated,
monitor the event log for further occurrences of this sequence.

   Source               Event ID    Description
   PM Directory Store   30          SQL Error: HRESULT: 80040e14 Minor
                                    Code: 2812 Source: Microsoft OLE DB
                                    Provider for ODBC Drivers Description:
                                    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
                                    Driver][SQL Server]Stored
                                    procedure'sp_QueryTimestamps' not
                                    found. SQLErrorInfo: 2812, 37000
   PM Directory Store   150         Missing timestamp stored procedure
                                    Indicates that the master database for
                                    this server may not have been updated
                                    with the mcis2upd.sql script. Please
                                    run this script from your Site Server
                                    3.0 Update for MCIS 2.0 installation


Each program file in Site Server has a corresponding symbols file that is
used to find the cause of Site Server component program faults. Symbols
files are available in a separate download package. When the symbols
package is downloaded, a directory named \Site Server 3.0 SP1\Symbols is
created, and the symbols files are installed into subdirectory structures
that correspond to the file type extensions.

To install the symbols files corresponding to the new binaries in SP1,
type the following at the command prompt (assuming that your symbols files
are located in the C:\Winnt\Symbols directory, and "C" is your system

   xcopy /s /u /d /r /i "C:\Site Server 3.0 SP1\Symbols" C:\Winnt\Symbols

This command copies the SP1 .dbg files over the existing versions of
these files. The XCOPY command shown copies only those .dbg files that
are already installed (/u switch), and only those with a more recent time-
date stamp (/d switch).


Enabling AutoReply for MCIS 2.0 customers using Internet Mail Service

MCIS 2.0 customers who are using the Internet Mail Service optimization
feature from the Site Server Update can add the AutoReply attribute to the
Membership Directory schema and include it in the sp_IMS1 and sp_IMS25
stored procedures.

IMPORTANT: You must run the Mcis2upd.sql script before you complete the
following procedure. For information, see the topic "Running
Personalization and Membership Update Scripts".

To enable AutoReply, complete the following procedure:

For a non-partitioned Membership Directory:

1. After loading SP1, copy Imsupd.sql from \Site Server 3.0 SP1\Scripts to
   a location accessible from your SQL Server computer.

2. On the Start menu of the SQL Server computer, point to Programs, point
   to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, and then click SQL Enterprise Manager.

3. Click the plus sign (+) next to the name of the SQL Server computer
   that is hosting the Membership Directory, click the plus sign (+) next
   to Databases, and then click the Membership Directory database.

4. On the Tools menu, click SQL Query Tool.

5. In the Query window, click the Load SQL Query icon, and then in the
   Open File dialog box, open Imsupd.sql from the location to which it was
   copied earlier. The Imsupd.sql script is loaded into the Query window.

6. Click the Execute Query icon. The sp_ModifyIMSQuery stored procedure
   will be created and a value for the AutoReply attribute will be

For a Partitioned Membership Directory:

Run Imsupd.sql against the root database. Run Imsupdpart.sql against each
Membership Directory partition database of the root database.

1. After loading SP1, copy Imsupd.sql and Imsupdpart.sql from \Site Server
   3.0 SP1\Scripts to a location accessible from your SQL Server computer.

2. On the Membership Directory root database, follow steps 2 through 6
   as for a non-partitioned Membership Directory. For later use, make a
   note of the AutoReply attribute value.

3. On the Tools menu, click SQL Query Tool.

4. In the Query window, select the first Membership Directory partition

5. In the Query window, click the Load SQL Query icon, and then in the
   Open File dialog box, open Imsupdpart.sql from the location to which it
   was copied previously. The Imsupdpart.sql script is loaded into the
   Query window.

6. Click the Execute Query icon.

7. Open a new Query window that points to the same database where you
   created the new stored procedure.

8. In this Query window, type sp_ModifyIMSQuery "n" (surround n with
   quotation marks), where n equals the AutoReply attribute value that you
   noted previously.

9. Click the Execute Query icon. The successfully completed query returns
   the following message in the Results pane of the Query window:

      This command did not return data, and it did not return any rows.

10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 for each database that contains a
    Membership Directory partition.

NOTE: If the AutoReply attribute is deleted and then added, the scripts
must be rerun to update the Internet Mail Service query stored procedures
with the new attribute value.

Migration Utilities for Personalization and Membership:

The Site Server 3.0 P&M migration kit, available on the Web for download,
contains an updated version of the Migrate.exe migration kit that was
shipped on the Site Server 3.0 CD. The migration kit guide contains
information about migrating user data to the P&M Membership Directory from
one or more of the following systems:

 - Microsoft Personalization System (MPS) version 1.0 or 2.0
 - Microsoft Address Book Server (ABS) version 1.0
 - Microsoft Membership System (MBS) version 1.0
 - Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)-compliant

The migration kit guide also provides information about the migration
procedure for Microsoft Internet Locator Service (ILS). Note that no user
data migration is required for ILS.

The migration tool is available on the Web, in the Tools and Sample
section of the Site Server Update Site.

Microsoft Wallet:

The version of the Microsoft Wallet that shipped with Site Server Commerce
3.0 (Wallet version posts the incorrect expiration year for
cards with expiration dates in the year 2001 and beyond. SP1 contains a
fixed version of the Wallet (Wallet version and is also
available from

To ensure that users who use the Wallet at your site are upgrading to a
fixed version of the Wallet, update the minimum Wallet version specified
in the <object> or <embed> tags of your site.

In a site based on the MSPress or Volcano starter sites, this version
number is specified in the Include\selector.asp file. In stores generated
by the Site Builder Wizard, this version is in the I_selector.asp file.

In either of these files, the line to be changed is:

   strMSWltDwnldVer = "2,1,0,1378"

This line should be changed to:

   strMSWltDwnldVer = "2,1,0,1383"

This change ensures that users of the Wallet at your site have at least
this minimum version with the Year 2000 fixes.


The following are known issues for this release:

Important Personalization & Membership Security Information:

When you first install P&M, or create a new instance of the Membership
Server and create a new Membership Directory, by default the access
control lists (ACLs) in the Membership Directory allow Public access to
most directory objects and attributes.

In addition, by default, anonymous access is enabled on the Site Server
LDAP service. This condition, in combination with the Public or Everyone
group access control entry (ACE) on the root node of the directory, allows
access to information in the Membership Directory without requiring

IMPORTANT: Securing the Membership Directory should be the final step in
installation of the system or creation of a new Membership Directory.

 - For detailed information about Membership Directory security,
   see "Securing a Membership Directory" in the Site Server 3.0
   online documentation.

 - For detailed information about using the Membership Directory
   Manager (MDM) to grant user and group access permissions to
   objects and attributes in the directory, see "Managing Access
   to the Membership Directory" in the Site Server 3.0 online

Interoperability of Site Server 3.0 and Visual InterDev 6.0:

SP1 installation is necessary for the interoperability of Site Server 3.0
and Microsoft Visual InterDev version 6.0.

Sample Sites on Visual InterDev 6.0 Platforms:

For the Site Server CMSample and FPSample sites to function properly "out
of the box" in a Visual InterDev 6.0 environment, Visual InterDev 6.0 must
be installed either as an upgrade to Visual InterDev version 1.0 or after
installation of IIS 4.0. For more information, refer to the Knowledge Base
articles referenced by Q188289.

If Visual InterDev 6.0 is installed as a fresh install prior to installing
IIS, these sample sites fail to properly execute their rules files. In
this case, to fix your sample sites, you may do one of the following:

For an uncustomized sample site installation: New sample rule files have
been provided and are installed on your system root in the \Site Server
3.0 SP1\Samples directory. You can search your existing rule files and
replace with these updated files.

For previously customized sample site content: Run a text search for the
offending lines in the existing rule files and fix them according to the
instructions in Knowledge Base article Q188289.

Evaluating Site Server 3.0 with SQL Server 7.0:

If you are a member of the Microsoft Beta Program and plan to evaluate
Site Server 3.0 against the beta version of SQL Server 7.0, take note that
the order of installation for Internet Information Server (IIS) and SQL
Server 7.0 has changed since SQL Server 6.5.

SQL Server 6.5 must be installed before the Windows NT Server 4.0 Option
Pack, whereas SQL Server 7.0 must be installed after the Windows NT Option

SP1 is required to run Site Server 3.0 Analysis with SQL Server 7.0.

SQL Server Enterprise Edition hotfix needed to run P&M on SQL Server 6.5
Enterprise Edition:

SQL Server Service Pack 4 cannot be installed on SQL Server Enterprise
Edition. Site Server 3.0 cannot run with the SQL Server Enterprise Edition
without this hotfix.

To run P&M on SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition, apply the following
hotfix build:

1. Download the hotfix archive file from the following ftp sites: - Intel - Alpha

2. Copy the archive file into a temporary directory on your server.

3. Extract files in this directory by running:

      (sql318a for Alpha) sql318i -s6.50.318

4. Read the Readme.txt file for all remaining instructions to apply the
   hotfix. Be sure to follow all steps in this file. There are special
   instructions to apply this fix for SQL Server Enterprise Edition.


If you have technical questions about Site Server SP1 that are not
answered in this Readme file, Microsoft offers technical support and
services ranging from pay-per incident to annual support plans, which are
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, information is
regularly posted in the Knowledge Base, which is accessible at Peer-to-peer (free) support is available
through newsgroups.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/2/1999
Keywords:kbinfo KB192130