Contents of the IEAK 4.01a Readme.txt File (191920)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 4.01a

This article was previously published under Q191920


The following is the complete contents of the Readme.txt file located in the main IEAK folder.


       Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit README
                   Version 4.01a - February 1998
             (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1998

   Please refer to the online documentation that is installed with
   Internet Explorer 4.01 for the most current information on
   shell and browser issues.

   This document provides complementary or late-breaking
   information to supplement the Microsoft Internet Explorer
   Administration Kit documentation. You can also look at the
   Microsoft(R) Web site for the latest information.

                      HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT

   To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word
   processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu.


     16-bit/UNIX Support
     Active Setup
     Security Zones
     Webcasting Customizations
     Active Desktop Customizations
     Improved Browser Customizations
     System Policies and Restrictions Management
     Profile Manager
     Code Signing Tools
     General Issues
     Windows 3.11/Windows for Workgroups Issues
     UNIX Issues


   16-bit/UNIX Support
   The IEAK wizard now builds packages for 16-bit Windows (Windows
   3.11/ Windows NT 3.51) and UNIX Solaris (2.5.1 and 2.6). For
   more information about features that are available for these
   platforms, refer to the Help documentation.

   Active Setup
   Active Setup provides some distinct advantages over previous
   installation methods. Internet Explorer is divided into
   components, and each component can be downloaded separately. In
   the case of a broken connection or transfer error, in most
   cases Active Setup can resume where it left off. This
   implementation also provides for components to be dynamically
   updated. The newest components can be downloaded from Microsoft
   Web sites and then provided for your users.

   The IEAK will also create a single-floppy-disk install package
   for ease of distribution. For a full explanation on how Active
   Setup works and how to configure and customize it, refer to the
   Help documentation. Note that UNIX packages do not use Active

   Security Zones
   Internet Explorer 4.01 includes a new security feature called
   security zones. Security zones distinguish between Internet and
   intranet sites to allow for greater manageability. Four default
   zones are included with Internet Explorer 4.01: Local Intranet,
   Trusted Sites, Internet, and Restricted Sites. Different
   security settings (high, medium, low, or custom) can be applied
   to each of these zones. You can specify which settings you want
   to use when you run the IEAK wizard.

   Additional security enhancements include customizable content
   ratings, site certificates, and Authenticode publisher
   certificates. The IEAK 4.01a includes the updated Authenticode
   version 2.0.

   Webcasting Customizations
   The IEAK allows customizations and restrictions of Internet
   Explorer 4.01 webcasting functionality including channels,
   Software Distribution Channels, and subscriptions. ISPs and
   ICPs have the ability to add one channel or channel folder and
   delete any competing channels. Corporate administrators can
   completely customize the Channel bar. Software Distribution
   Channels allow ISPs and corporate administrators to provide
   automatic updates of software through the CDF format. For more
   information about webcasting technology, visit

   Active Desktop Customizations
   You can use the IEAK to fully customize the new features of
   Internet Explorer 4.01. This includes desktop components,
   toolbars, and wallpaper. You can also lock down these settings
   so the end user cannot modify them. Note that the Active
   Desktop applies only to 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows
   95/Windows NT).

   Improved Browser Customizations
   All of the previous browser customizations from the IEAK
   version 3.2 are still available, and the following have been
   added: custom user agent string, browser toolbar background,
   and unlimited Quick links (formerly there were only five) for
   Windows 95/Windows NT and Windows 3.11/Windows for Workgroups
   and 19 for UNIX.

   System Policies and Restrictions Management
   In both the IEAK wizard and the Profile Manager, corporate
   administrators can manage system policies and restrictions from
   an easy-to-use interface. Some of these restrictions include
   Active Desktop and shell feature lock- downs, and also
   component settings, such as preventing users from placing calls
   from NetMeeting. You can even import and apply existing policy
   template (.adm) files, providing for one central administration

   ISPs can also change the settings on the System Policies and
   Restrictions Management page of the IEAK wizard to limit the
   webcasting bandwidth for each of their users.

   Profile Manager
   Profile Manager has expanded the capabilities of the INS Editor
   and now includes a tree-view pane that allows for easy access
   to all the options available in the wizard. You can reach each
   option quickly, and the interface for making changes is as
   simple as the wizard. Profile Manager also has incorporated the
   system policies and restrictions management capabilities that
   are available in the wizard.

   Code-Signing Tools
   The package created by the IEAK wizard must be digitally signed
   in order for your end users to be able to install it. Tools
   have been included in the Resource Kit to allow you to do this.
   All .cab files that are in the destination directory, as well
   as IE4setup.exe, must be signed with the tools provided. For
   more help on digital signatures, refer to the Help
   documentation. Note that 16-bit/UNIX packages do not need to be
   digitally signed.


   Before you can use the IEAK, you must install Internet Explorer

   Before starting the IEAK wizard, calculate how much disk space
   is required for the components you want to install. If you plan
   to install all the components of the Internet Explorer suite,
   then you will need approximately 50 MB in the Program Files
   folder and 50 MB on the destination drive. For more information
   about the size of Microsoft components, refer to the
   "References" section of the Help documentation.


   After the wizard has built your custom packages, you need to
   make sure that your users are able to gain access to the
   created package. For more information about file locations and
   server setup, refer to the Help documentation.


   General Issues
   - To correctly use the Profile Manager to edit an existing .ins
     file, make sure the generated file is in the
     same directory as the .ins file.

   - Do not use 5C DBCS characters in file name edit fields.

   - If you are using Automatic Configuration with an .asp file,
     the MIME type on the server must be set.

   - The color depth of the background bitmap for the CD AutoRun
     program must be less than 24-bit.

   - If the Active Desktop components and the Channel bar are
     positioned too far to the bottom right, they might be
     positioned off the screen when imported from a high-
     resolution computer (1024x768) and installed on a low-
     resolution computer (640x480). To correct this problem,
     adjust the positions of these components on the computer you
     are importing from. Also note that importing Active Desktop
     components and the Channel bar to higher resolution computers
     might cause these items to be repositioned.

   - You should handle bandwidth issues through subscription
     restrictions and security zones settings. Channel restriction
     behavior may depend on these settings.

   - Desktop wallpaper can be changed in the Profile Manager only
     by importing the Active Desktop. Also, explicitly specifying
     desktop wallpaper in the wizard takes precedence over
     importing the Active Desktop.

   - You cannot update desktop toolbars by using automatic

   - If you are an administrator using IIS 4.0 for automatic
     configuration, you must modify your error code 404 message to
     Default rather than File by using the Internet Service

   - The use of extended characters (greater than ASCII 128) are
     not supported in file names for custom animated bitmaps,
     static bitmaps, or when specifying a custom installation

   - Multiple floppy installs on Windows NT 3.51 are not

   Windows 3.11/Windows for Workgroups Issues
   - CD packages with custom components will not install unless a
     Custom Components title is specified in the wizard.

   - To build one CD with both 16-bit and 32-bit Windows packages,
     copy the Win95_nt\CD\Win95 directory into the W31\CD
     directory. The IESETUP.EXE program in the W31\CD directory
     determines which platform to run.

   - The single-floppy-disk media production option is not
     available for Windows 3.11/ Windows for Workgroups.

   - To install channels, you must also download Subscription
     Manager and include it in your installation options.

   - You cannot customize Outlook Express by using automatic

   - Silent-mode installations from a Web server directory that is
     multiple levels deep does not properly create the uninstall
     icon. To work around this issue, limit the number of
     subdirectories on the server.

   - You cannot do a silent-mode installation from a mapped drive
     to a computer that already has Internet Explorer 4.0
     installed. To work around this issue, create an interactive
     install for re-installations.

   - Self-extracting executables (.EXE files) created by IExpress
     are not supported as custom components.

   UNIX Issues
   - Although you can add up to 50 links in the IEAK wizard, only
     19 will be applied to the client.

   - Scripts to be used with the "UNIX Programs" screen should be
     created on UNIX. Most Windows editing tools add a carriage
     return character in addition to the line-feed character at
     the end each line. This makes the script fail when it is
     installed on a UNIX system.

   - When the user runs iexplorer from an installation created by
     IEAK, the version number of the particular package will be
     saved in the user's .microsoft directory as .packversion. If
     a newer version is installed and run, a lock file is
     generated during the configuration process. When iexplorer
     continues to load after configuring the registry, it detects
     the file and assumes that another copy of iexplorer is
     running and warns the user appropriately. This will only
     happen when the user's registry has been re-configured. It is
     safe to clear the ielock file and continue.

   - Self-extracting executables (.EXE files) are not supported as
     custom components.

   - The print command functionality of the "UNIX Programs" screen
     does not work in this version of the product.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/6/2005
Keywords:kbhowto KB191920