640 Megabyte Magneto-Optical Disk Listed as 512 Megabyte Disk (188230)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 98

This article was previously published under Q188230


When you view the drives listed in the Drives box in the Drive Converter (FAT32) tool, a 640 megabyte (MB) magneto-optical disk may be listed as a 512MB disk, and if you try to convert this disk to the file allocation table 32 (Fat32) file system, you may be unable to do so.


The behavior occurs because 640MB magneto-optical disks use a non-standard sector size of 2 kilobytes (K).

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:12/16/2004
Keywords:kbHardware kbprb kbui KB188230