Terminal Server Error Messages: 3300 to 3699 (186546)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition

This article was previously published under Q186546


This article describes Terminal Server error messages 3300 to 3699.


Error 3301

Remote IPC

Error 3302

Remote Admin

Error 3303

Logon server share

Error 3304

A network error occurred.

Error 3400

There is not enough memory to start the Workstation service.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The computer does not have enough memory available to start the Workstation service.

Action: Stop other applications that are running on the computer, and then start the Workstation service again.

Error 3401

An error occurred when reading the NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. LAN Manager could not read the entries in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file.

Action: Be sure that the Lanman.ini file exists (in the LANMAN directory). Check the format of the entries in the [networks] section.

Error 3402

This is an invalid argument: ***.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The listed variable or option (from an entry in the [networks] section of the Lanman.ini file) is invalid.

Action: Check the format of the entries in the [networks] section of the Lanman.ini file.

Error 3403

The *** NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file has a syntax error and will be ignored.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The listed entry in the [networks] section of the Lanman.ini file has a syntax error.

Action: Check the format of the listed entry.

Error 3404

There are too many NETWORKS entries in the LANMAN.INI file.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The Lanman.ini file cannot have more than 12 entries in the [networks] section.

Action: Remove entries from the [networks] section until 12 or fewer remain.

Error 3406

An error occurred when opening network device driver *** = ***.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The listed device driver could not be installed.

Action: Check that the listed entry in the [networks] section of the Lanman.ini file is valid. In the Config.sys file, check the DEVICE entry that loads this device driver -- the parameters of that entry may not be correct. Also check that the DEVICE entry specifies the correct path of the device driver.

Error 3407

Device driver *** sent a bad BiosLinkage response.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The device driver specified is incorrect. It may be incompatible with the network adapter card, or it may be out-of-date.

Action: Use a different device driver.

Error 3408

The program cannot be used with this operating system.
Explanation: Your computer has an incorrect version of the operating system.

Action: Upgrade your computer to the latest version of Windows NT.

Error 3409

The redirector is already installed.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The redirector is already installed.

Action: No action is needed.

Error 3410

Installing NETWKSTA.SYS Version ***.***.*** (***)

Error 3411

There was an error installing NETWKSTA.SYS. Press ENTER to continue.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The LAN Manager device driver Netwksta.sys could not be installed.

Action: Another error message that contains a more detailed explanation of the error, should have been displayed prior to this message. See that message for the cause of the problem.

Error 3412

Resolver linkage problem.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact technical support.

Error 3413

Your logon time at *** ends at ***. Please clean up and log off.

Error 3414

You will be automatically disconnected at ***.

Error 3415

Your logon time at *** has ended.

Error 3416

Your logon time at *** ended at ***.

Error 3417

WARNING: You have until *** to logoff. If you have not logged off at this time, your session will be disconnected, and any open files or devices you have open may lose data.

Error 3418

WARNING: You must log off at *** now. You have two minutes to log off, or you will be disconnected.

Error 3419

You have open files or devices, and a forced disconnection may cause you to lose data.

Error 3420

Default Share for Internal Use

Error 3421

Messenger Service

Error 3500

The command completed successfully.

Error 3501

You used an invalid option.
Explanation: You typed an invalid command option.

Action: To see a list of options for this command, type:

NET HELP command

NOTE: When typing commands, remember that most options must be preceded with a slash, as in /DELETE.

Error 3502

System error *** has occurred.
Explanation: The specified system error occurred.

Action: Correct the problem and retype the command.

Error 3503

The command contains an invalid number of arguments.
Explanation: The command has an invalid number of options or variables.

Action: To see the syntax of this command, type:

NET HELP command

Error 3504

The command completed with one or more errors.
Explanation: The command tried to perform multiple tasks and some of them could not be completed.

Action: No action is needed.

Error 3505

You used an option with an invalid value.
Explanation: You typed an incorrect value for a command option.

Action: To see the syntax of this command and its options, type:


Error 3506

The option *** is unknown.
Explanation: The specified option is invalid.

Action: Check the spelling of the option you typed. To see a list of options for this command, type:

NET HELP command

Error 3507

Option *** is ambiguous.
Explanation: The specified option can be confused with other options.

Action: Type enough letters of the option so that it is unambiguous. If the command has two options that both begin with /OPT, such as /OPT and /OPTION, you must type at least four letters to designate the second option. To see a list of options for this command, type:

NET HELP command

Error 3510

A command was used with conflicting switches.
Explanation: You typed a command with two options that conflict, such as /YES and /NO.

Action: Retype the command without contradictory options.

Error 3511

Could not find subprogram ***.
Explanation: The specified program file could not be found.

Action: Check that the program is in the same directory as NET.EXE, which is usually in your system directory.

Error 3512

The software requires a newer version of the operating system.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The software you are attempting to run requires a more recent version of the operating system.

Action: Run the software using a more recent version of the operating system.

Error 3513

More data is available than can be returned by Windows NT.
Explanation: Windows NT could not display all available data.

Action: The action required depends on the command that returned the error. Contact your network administrator.

Error 3514

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG ***.

Error 3515

This command can be used only on a Windows NT Domain Controller.
Explanation: This command can be used only on a Windows NT Server system.

Action: Redo the operation on a Windows NT Server system.

Error 3520

These Windows NT services are started:

Error 3521

The *** service is not started.

Error 3522

The *** service is starting.

Error 3523

The *** service could not be started.

Error 3524

The *** service was started successfully.

Error 3525

Stopping the Workstation service also stops the Server service.

Error 3526

The workstation has open files.

Error 3527

The *** service is stopping.

Error 3528

The *** service could not be stopped.

Error 3529

The *** service was stopped successfully.

Error 3530

The following services are dependent on the *** service. Stopping the *** service will also stop these services.

Error 3533

The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later.
Explanation: This task cannot be performed while the service is starting or stopping.

Action: Try the task later.

Error 3534

The service did not report an error.
Explanation: The service did not report an error.

Action: Try the task later. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.

Error 3535

An error occurred controlling the device.

Error 3536

The *** service was continued successfully.

Error 3537

The *** service was paused successfully.

Error 3538

The *** service failed to resume.

Error 3539

The *** service failed to pause.

Error 3540

The *** service continue is pending

Error 3541

The *** service pause is pending.

Error 3542

*** was continued successfully.

Error 3543

*** was paused successfully.

Error 3544

The *** service has been started by another process and is pending.

Error 3547

A service specific error occurred: ***.
Explanation: A service-specific error occurred.

Action: Refer to the Help or documentation for that service to determine the problem.

Error 3660

These workstations have sessions on this server:

Error 3661

These workstations have sessions with open files on this server:

Error 3666

The message alias is forwarded.

Error 3670

You have these remote connections:

Error 3671

Continuing will cancel the connections.

Error 3675

The session from *** has open files.

Error 3676

New connections will be remembered.

Error 3677

New connections will not be remembered.

Error 3678

An error occurred while saving your profile. The state of your remembered connections has not changed.

Error 3679

An error occurred while reading your profile.

Error 3680

An error occurred while restoring the connection to ***.

Error 3682

No network services are started.

Error 3683

There are no entries in the list.

Error 3688

Users have open files on ***. Continuing the operation will force the files closed.

Error 3689

The Workstation service is already running. Windows NT will ignore command options for the workstation.

Error 3691

There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to ***.

Error 3693

The request will be processed at the primary domain controller for domain ***.

Error 3694

The shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You attempted to delete an active printer.

Action: After the current job has finished spooling, either print or delete the job. Then delete the printer.

Error 3695

*** has a remembered connection to ***.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/28/2004
Keywords:kbinfo KB186546