Terminal Server Commands: MSG (186480)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition

This article was previously published under Q186480


MSG sends a message.


msg [username] [/server:servername] [/time:seconds] [/v] [/w] [/?]
[message]msg [sessionname] [/server:servername] [/time:seconds] [/v] [/w]
[/?] [message]msg [sessionID] [/server:servername] [/time:seconds] [/v]
[/w] [/?] [message]msg [@filename] [/server:servername] [/time:seconds]
[/v] [/w] [/?] [message]msg * [/server:servername] [/time:seconds] [/v]
[/w] [/?] [message]


Identifies the user.

Identifies the name of the session. The name was created by the system administrator when the session was configured.

Specifies the ID of the session.

Identifies a file containing a list of usernames, sessionnames, and sessionIDs to which to send the message.

message (message string)
The text of the message you want to send. If no message is entered, standard input (STDIN) is read for the message.

Allows the Terminal Server to be specified. Otherwise, the current Terminal Server is used.

/time:seconds (time delay)
Sets the amount of time you must wait before you receive confirmation from the target session that the message has been received.

/w (wait)
Wait for a response from the target user(s).

/v (verbose)
Displays information about the actions being performed.

/? (help)
Displays the syntax for the command and information about the command's options.

Security Restrictions

The user must have Message access permission for the session.

MSG -- Additional Notes

If no user or session is specified, msg displays an error message. If the you specify the name of a session, it must identify an active session. Wildcards may be used for parameters. If a single wildcard is present (*), it specifies all users in the system.

MSG -- Examples

To send the message titled Falafel? to all sessions for user MIKES, type:
msg MIKES Falafel?

To send a message to session MODEM02, type:
msg modem02 Let's meet at 1PM today

To send a message to session 12, type:
msg 12 Call John at 11:00

To send a message to all sessions contained in the file USERLIST, type:
msg @userlist Logout because your session will be reset

To send the text in the file MSG.DAT as a message to all sessions for username TERRYJ, type:
msg TerryJ < MSG.DAT

To send a message to all logged-on users, type:
msg * Meeting in 5 minutes

To send the message to all users, with an acknowledgment timeout of 10 seconds, type:
msg * /TIME:10 Coffee break!?!

NOTE: Messages do not queue on the Client screen. It may be useful to use the TIME: parameter so initial messages will expire and be replaced by new messages.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/28/2004
Keywords:kbinfo KB186480