PRB: Errors Starting the Coverage Profiler (186009)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q186009


When starting the Coverage Profiler application, the following error message occurs:
OLE error code 0x.


The Comdlg32.ocx is not present or is an incompatible version for use with the Coverage Profiler.


Listed below are three possible resolutions to this problem.

  • Obtain the correct version of the Comdlg32.ocx and make sure it is installed in the \Windows\System or \Winnt\System32 directory, as appropriate.

  • Choose Ignore and OK in the error messages. The Visual FoxPro GETFILE() dialog box appears allowing a log file to be opened.

  • Modify the Coverage Profiler application so it does not use the Comdlg32.ocx. The following steps can be used to modify the
    1. Unzip the file found in the \VFP6\Tools\XSource folder. If the Winzip option to Use Folder Names is used, a Coverage directory, along with other folders, is created that contains the Coverage Profiler source files.
    2. Open the Coverage.pjx project.
    3. Go to the Other tab and expand the Text Files node. Find the COV_TUNE file and modify the file.
    4. In the COV_TUNE.h file, find the # DEFINE COV_USE_OCXS .T. line. Change the .T. to .F. then save and close the COV_TUNE.h file.
    5. Rebuild the application. Be sure to save the application in the Visual FoxPro 6.0 folder or point the _Coverage system memory variable to the location of the rebuilt


This behavior is by design.


The Coverage Profiler is a new tool in Visual FoxPro 6.0 that provides information about the lines of code run in a program. The Coverage Profiler writes a log file. Issuing the SET COVERAGE TO "somefile.log" command when a program or form runs creates a log file. You access the Coverage Profiler application to analyze the log file from the Visual Foxpro Tools menu. However, there are other ways to start the Coverage Profiler application.

When the Coverage Profiler application starts, if a log file has not specified, the Open dialog box appears prompting for the name of the log file to open. The Open dialog box comes from the Comdlg32.ocx and installs with Visual FoxPro.

If, for some reason, the Comdlg32.ocx is missing or is an incompatible version, a series of error messages occur. Below is a list of the error messages that occur. Errors 2, 3 and 4 appear when you select Ignore in the first error message.

Error 1:
Program Error
OLE error code 0x.
<Cancel> <Suspend> <Ignore> <Help>
Error 2:
Coverage Profiler Problem
Property CDLCOV_GETFILE is not found.
Error 3:
Coverage Profiler Problem
Expression is not valid outside of WITH/ENDWITH.
Error 4:
Coverage Profiler Problem
WITH/ENDWITH mismatch.
After choosing Ignore to the first error and then OK on all the others, a dialog box appears asking what log file to open. This dialog box is based on the Visual FoxPro GETFILE() function rather than the Comdlg32.ocx.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

To receive the error messages shown above, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the \Windows\System or \Winnt\System32 folder, as appropriate for the operating system and copy the Comdlg32.ocx to another folder. Once the Comdlg32.ocx is safely backed up in another location, delete the copy in the \Windows\System(32) directory.
  2. From the Tools menu in Visual FoxPro, choose the Coverage Profiler command. The error messages listed above should appear. Choose Ignore on the first one error.


Visual FoxPro Books Online: Chapter 32: Application Development and Developer Productivity; Coverage Profiler Application

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/20/1999
Keywords:kbprb KB186009