OFF98: Only the Title Bar Appears When You Use Office Assistant (184361)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition

This article was previously published under Q184361


In any of the programs listed at the beginning of this article, when you click the Office Assistant button or view any undocked toolbars, only the title bar appears.


This problem may occur when the following conditions are true:

  • You click the collapse box (in the upper-right corner) in the Office Assistant or in any of the toolbars.

  • You then close the toolbar or the Office Assistant with the window collapsed.
NOTE: This behavior affects only the Office Assistant under Mac OS 8.0 or later.


To work around this problem, click the collapse box again to open the window of the Office Assistant or any affected toolbars.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


A WindowShade control panel device is included in System 7.5x and 7.6x. However, the WindowShade behavior is different from the behavior of the feature that is built into Mac OS 8.0. In versions of the Macintosh operating system earlier than Mac OS 8.0, no collapse box exists in the title bar, and you control the WindowShade feature through the Control Panel icon. You can use the WindowShade feature only with the Office Assistant and toolbars in Mac OS 8.0. You cannot collapse the Office Assistant or toolbar windows in versions of the Macintosh operating earlier than 8.0 even if the WindowShade feature is turned on in Control Panel.

In Mac OS 8.0, when you clear the "Double-click title bar to collapse" check box in the Options window of the Appearance icon in Control Panel, a collapse box remains in the title bar. You can collapse and expand the window by clicking that box.


For more information about the Office Assistant, click Contents and Index on the Help menu (or on the Balloon Help menu if you are using a version of the Macintosh operating system earlier than 8.0), click the Index button in Microsoft Excel 98 Help, type the following text

office assistant, overview

and then click Show Topics. Select the "Ways to get assistance while you work" topic, and click Go To. If you are unable to find the information you need, ask the Office Assistant.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/25/2003
Keywords:kbbug kbpending KB184361