Serial, Parallel, and SDLC Cable End To End Pin Connections (183780)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000
  • Microsoft SNA Server 2.11
  • Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 SP1
  • Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 SP2
  • Microsoft SNA Server 3.0
  • Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 SP1
  • Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 SP2
  • Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 SP3
  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0
  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP1

This article was previously published under Q183780


This article provides serial, parallel, and SDLC cable end to end pin configurations.


Normal PC Interface Cables.

9-25 Pin Serial Cable

9 Pin End    Line Name          25 Pin End
       1     Carrier Detect         8
       2     Receive Data           3
       3     Transmit Data          2
       4     Data Terminal ready    20
       5     Signal Ground          7  (Inner Lead Shields)
       6     Data Set Ready         6
       7     Request To Send        4
       8     Clear To Send          5
       9     Ring Indicate          22

9 Pin Serial Cable

      1     Carrier Detect          1
      2     Receive Data            2
      3     Transmit Data           3
      4     Data Terminal Ready     4
      5     Signal Ground           5
      6     Data Set Ready          6
      7     Request to send         7
      8     Clear to send           8
      9     Ring Indicate           9

25 Pin Serial Cable

      2     Transmit Data           2
      3     Receive Data            3
      4     Request To Send         4
      5     Clear To Send           5
      6     Data Set Ready          6
      7     Inner Lead Shields(Gnd) 7
      8     Carrier Detect          8
      20    Data Terminal Ready     20
      22    Ring Indicate           22

Parallel Printer Cable

25 Pin End    Centronics End
      1-14    1-14
        15      32
        16      31
        17      36
        18      33
        19      19
        20      21
        21      23
        22      25
        23      27
        24      29
        25      30
The following are the cables used for SDLC communications.

EIA RS232D Cable

Adapter End Pin   Name Of Line       Modem Emd Pin

             1    Shields             1   The cable shields are connected
                                          to pin 1 at the modem end and to
                                          the shell at the adapter end.
             2    Transmit Data       2
             3    Receive Data        3
             4    Request To Send     4
             5    Clear to send       5
             6    Data Set Ready      6
             7    Signal Ground       7
             8    Carrier Detect      8
             11   Select Standby      11
             15   Transmit Clock      15
             17   Receive Clock       17
             18   Test                18
             20   Data Terminal Ready 20
             22   Ring Indicate       22
             23   Data Rate Select    23
NOTE: Transmit Clock (15) and Receive Clock (17) lines are used to provide clocking of the data in and out of the adaptor. The clocks are usually provided by the modem.

V.35 Cable

25 Pin End    Lead Name           34 Pin END
       1      Shield                 A
       20     +Data Terminal Ready   H
       6      +Data Set Ready        E
       8      +Carrier Detect        F
       10     -Transmit Data A       P
       9      +Transmit Data B       S
       21     -Transmit Clock A      Y
       19     +Transmit Clock B      a
       12     -Receive Data A        R
       13     +Receive Data B        T
       25     -Receive Clock A       V
       7       Signal Ground         B
       24     +Receive Clock B       X
       5      +Clear To Send         D
       4      +Request To Send       C
NOTE: This cable uses double clock and data leads.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/24/2004
Keywords:kbinfo KB183780