Mac Bookshelf 98: Minimum System Requirements (183192)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Bookshelf 98 for Macintosh

This article was previously published under Q183192


This article lists the minimum system requirements to run Bookshelf 98 for Macintosh.


The minimum system requirements to run Bookshelf 98 for Macintosh are:
  • A Power Macintosh, or a Macintosh with a 25 MHz, 68030 or faster processor (includes Macintosh IIci, LCIII, Performa 450, and later models).
  • System 7.1 or later.
  • 8 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM) for System 7.1; 12 MB of RAM for system 7.5 or later.
  • A double-speed or faster CD-ROM drive.
  • A monitor that supports 256 colors at 640 X 480 or higher resolution.
To install Bookshelf 98 for Macintosh to the hard disk, you need:
  • 8 MB of available hard disk space.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/19/1999
Keywords:kbinfo kbref KB183192