COBOL FILLER Generated Incorrectly After Recordset Array (182678)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft COM Transaction Integrator for CICS and IMS 1.0, when used with:
    • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0

This article was previously published under Q182678


You can use the Component Builder (CB) to export COBOL statements from a component library. However, under certain circumstances, the exported COBOL statements will not be correct.

The situation involves method parameters that are recordsets, and the recordset parameter is declared as an array and also as having trailing FILLER.

Under these conditions, when the component library is saved and COBOL is exported, the trailing FILLER item in the exported COBOL statements is generated as part of each element of the array of recordsets. This is incorrect; there should be one occurrence of the trailing FILLER following the array as a whole. For an example of this situation, see the sample COBOL code in the MORE INFORMATION section of this article.


To work around this problem, use a text editor to manually correct the exported COBOL.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft COM Transaction Integrator for CICS and IMS version 1.0. This problem was corrected in the latest SNA Server version 4.0 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining this Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):



For example, the COBOL below was generated from a simple typelib. All contents of the typelib were declared manually within CB, without using the Import COBOL Wizard. In this code, a recordset with two elements, COLUMN1 and COLUMN2, is declared. A method is declared that has one parameter, PARAMETER1. PARAMETER1 is declared as an array of 12 elements with 25 bytes of trailing FILLER.

In this COBOL code that was generated from the typelib, the trailing FILLER was generated as part of the array instead of following the entire array:
       05  FILLER OCCURS 12 TIMES.
           10  PARAMETER1 OCCURS 1 TIMES.
               15  COLUMN1                  PIC S9(4) COMP.
               15  COLUMN2                  PIC S9(4) COMP.
           10  FILLER                       PIC X(25).
In this example, the preceding COBOL code should be modified so that the FILLER is not part of the array, as shown in the following code:
       05  FILLER OCCURS 12 TIMES.
           10  PARAMETER1 OCCURS 1 TIMES.
               15  COLUMN1                  PIC S9(4) COMP.
               15  COLUMN2                  PIC S9(4) COMP.
       05  FILLER                           PIC X(25).

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:3/18/2004
Keywords:kbbug kbfix KB182678