Small Business Server 4.0 Readme.wri File (180108)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server 4.0

This article was previously published under Q180108


This article contains a copy of the information in the Readme.wri file included with BackOffice Small Business Server version 4.0.


Microsoft BackOffice
Small Business Server

Important: Read Setup Notes before you install Small Business Server.

Setup Notes

Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server requires a minimum of 1.5
gigabytes of free disk space. Make sure that the hard drive on which you
wish to install Small Business Server has at least 1.5 gigabytes of free
disk space. If your hard drive has a previous installation of Windows NT
and does not have 1.5 gigabytes of free space, you may be asked if you
would like to upgrade the existing Windows NT. Do not choose to upgrade
the previous installation of Windows NT. To free up the required disk
space, you may wish to delete the existing installation of Windows NT.

Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server requires NTFS formatting to
operate correctly. Most hard drive configurations will be automatically
converted to NTFS formatting. However, under some circumstances, you will
be given the option to select FAT formatting instead of NTFS. Make sure
you choose NTFS formatting. Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server
requires the enhanced security provisions of NTFS formatting to function

Before you install Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server on a
computer that already has files on the hard drive(s), back up any files
that you wish to retain. Some installation configurations will require
you to repartition, reformat, or delete existing files on the hard drive.
Make sure that you have backed up any files you wish to retain before you
start the installation.

FAT32 partitions are not supported.
Windows NT and Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server do not support
FAT32 formatting. If you wish to install on an existing FAT32 partition,
you must delete the FAT32 partition prior to starting the installation.
Remember to back up any files you wish to retain.

Follow these steps if your network card is not detected during setup.
During the setup process, if a network card is not detected and a modem
attached to your computer, you will see the following message during the
network adapter detection phase of setup:

"A setup parameter specified by your system administrator or computer
manufacturer is missing or invalid. Setup may therefore ask you to
this information. You may wish to inform your system administrator or
computer manufacturer that the detectadapters section is missing or

In this event, Small Business Server will install the MS Loopback
adapter. This adapter is a software driver that simulates a network
adapter driver for internal loopback operation only. The MS Loopback
driver does not provide full network communication functionality. It is
used for diagnostic purposes only. Small Business Server will not
communicate on your network until a network card is installed and the MS
Loopback adapter is removed. After Small Business Server Setup is
complete and the server has rebooted, perform the following steps to
remove the MS Loopback adapter and install the driver that matches the
network adapter that is installed in the Small Business Server.

1.  On the Start menu, click Settings and then click Control Panel.
2.  Double click Network and select the Adapters tab.
3.  Click Add.
4.  Select your network card from the adapter list or click Have Disk and
    specify the path to the network card driver files.
5.  Select MS Loopback adapter and click Remove.
6.  Click the Bindings tab.
7.  Click the Protocols tab and click Properties.
8.  On the IP Address tab, enter the following:
    IP Address
    Subnet Mask
    Default Gateway   <leave blank>
9.  Click OK and then Close, and click Yes when prompted to restart your

Turn on external modems before you start Small Business Server Setup. If
your server computer has an external modem, you must plug it in, connect
it to the server, and turn it on before you run Small Business Server
Setup. Setup will not detect the modem if it is turned off or not

If a modem is not detected, the following Small Business Server services
will not be installed: Remote Access Service, Microsoft Modem Sharing
Service, Microsoft Fax Service, and the Internet Connection wizard.

At least one Class 1 modem is required to complete Small Business Server
Setup. If the server does not have at least one modem installed, Small
Business Server will not install correctly. If the modem is external, it
must be connected and turned on. If your modem has not been properly
detected, Windows NT Setup will prompt you to select the proper modem and
insert the modem driver floppy disk if necessary.

Microsoft suggests that you install two modems: one for your ISP
connection and incoming Dial-Up Networking calls and one for fax.

Follow these steps to create boot disks.
1.  Insert Disc 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
2.  Open a command box by clicking Programs on the Start menu and
    Command Prompt.
3.  In Command Prompt, change the drive to your CD-ROM drive letter. If
    your CD-ROM drive is E:, type E: and press the Enter key.
4.  Type cd i386.
5.  Type winnt32 /ox.
6.  After the third boot floppy disk is created, copy winnt.sif from
    d:\support directory (replace d: with the correct drive letter for
    CD-ROM) to BOOT DISK #2.

Note:  If you wish to run the emergency repair process, you will need
three boot disks without winnt.sif on boot disk #2.

The Start Here book is on Disc 2.
1.  Put Disc 2 into your CD-ROM drive.
2.  Double-click My Computer, double-click the icon for your CD-ROM
    and then double-click the StartHre folder.
3.  Select Shtoc.doc to read the table of contents.
4.  In the StartHre folder, select the chapter file you want to read.

Do not apply NT Service Pack 3 to your Small Business Server.
Do not apply NT Service Pack 3 to your Small Business Server. You are
already running Service Pack 3. Reapplying Service Pack 3 may cause
and other problems in your Small Business Server.

When you run Setup from floppy disks, remove the floppy disk after you
insert Small Business Server Disc 1. After you are asked to insert Small
Business Server Disc 1and click Continue, remove the floppy disk from
your computer. If you see the message, "Could not find NTLDR," this is
the cause. Simply remove the floppy disk and restart the system.

"Could not find NTLDR" message appears during setup.
Please remove floppy disk 3 from the floppy drive and restart the system.

Read this section for OEM / VAR custom driver installation procedures. If
you want to install Small Business Server on a computer that requires a
custom driver (such as a SCSI driver or HAL) that is not supported by
Small Business Server Setup, you will need to follow the procedures shown

In all the procedures described below, Small Business Server Setup will
stop at the Mass Storage Devices page to let you add a custom third-party
driver. Small Business Server Setup will also stop at the Hardware
Detected page, which will allow you to add a custom HAL if your hardware
requires it.

To install a custom driver with Small Business Server Setup using the
setup boot floppies (x86 only)

1.  Insert Disc 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
2.  Open a command window or prompt.
3.  In Command Prompt, change the drive to your CD-ROM drive letter. If
    your CD-ROM drive is E:, type E: and press the Enter key.
4.  Type cd i386.
5.  Create a second set of setup boot floppies by running the following
    winnt32.exe /ox (or winnt.exe /ox)
6.  Copy the winnt.sif located in this directory to the second setup boot

Use the boot floppies to begin Small Business Server setup.

To install a custom driver with Small Business Server Setup when starting
from an existing OS (Windows 95, Windows NT, DOS)

1.  Insert Disc 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
2.  Open a command window or prompt.
3.  In Command Prompt, change the drive to your CD-ROM drive letter. If
    your CD-ROM drive is E:, type E: and press the Enter key.
4.  Type cd i386. If you have an Alpha-processor machine, type cd alpha.
5.  Copy the unattend.txt file located in this directory to another
    location on your computer.
6.  Open this unattend.txt file in Notepad or a text editor, and change
The OEMPreinstall value is located in the [unattend] block of the
unattend.txt file.
7.  To start Small Business Server Setup, run the following command line:
    If setting up from Windows NT:
       winnt32 /e:iisreg.cmd /u:%path%\unattend.txt
    If setting up from Windows 95/DOS:
       winnt     /e:iisreg.cmd /u:%path%\unattend.txt /s:%cd%\i386
    where %path% is the path to the unattend.txt file that you modified,
    and %cd% is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.

If you are running this from Windows 95, you will need to specify a path
to the Small Business Server install files using the /S switch.

To install a custom driver with Small Business Server Setup when starting
from a bootable CD-ROM (x86) or ARC Boot menu (Alpha only)

Insert the CD, and start Small Business Server Setup as described in the
Start Here book.

Follow these steps to install Small Business Server on a computer with an
Alpha processor.

1.  Restart the system.
2.  When the boot menu appears, select Run a Program. (Your boot menu may
    be slightly different.)
3.  Type CD:alpha\setupldr. (Some Alpha computers may have a selection
    called Install Windows NT from CD ROM on the Supplementary menu.)

When you run Small Business Server Setup on a Windows 95 computer, you
must manually restart the computer. If you are installing Small Business
Server on a computer that is currently running Windows 95, you must
manually restart the computer after the Setup program has finished
copying files and the Setup screen disappears. Follow these steps:

1.  Insert Small Business Server Disc 1 CD into the CD-ROM drive of your
    Windows 95 computer.
2.  Click Start, click Run, and type:
    where D: is your CD-ROM drive.
3.  Click Small Business Server Setup.
4.  Wait approximately 5 minutes for Setup to copy files to your hard
5.  When the Setup screen disappears, restart your computer.
6.  Setup continues normally.

Server Notes

Do not replace the network adapter card that is installed on the server.
Microsoft recommends that you do not replace your network adapter card
after completing installation. Multiple components are dependent upon the
network adapter card configurations, and inconsistent behavior could
if the card is replaced.

To change the password for the Administrator account, use only the Change
Password wizard from the Small Business Server console. The Administrator
account is created during setup. Do not change the password for this
account from the logon dialog box or the User Manager for Domains. You
must change the password only from the Small Business Server console.
Only the Change Password wizard takes care of changing the password for
the Small Business Server services (Microsoft Exchange, and so on) that
run using the Administrator account. To run the Change Password wizard in
the console, click Tasks, click Manage Users, select the user account,
and click Change Password for a User.

If you inadvertently change the Administrator account password using the
Windows NT User Manager, you can repair the dependent services by using
the console's Change Password option to change the password a second

Do not restart the server using the computer's reset button unless you
are sure the computer has stopped responding. Any time you shut down the
server, it may take several minutes of apparent inactivity before the
server responds. This is because of the large number of services that
must stop themselves. Do not restart the computer with the reset button.
You may incur data loss and corrupted files, since the disk cache does
not get cleared until all the services have stopped and the cache is

You must be logged on with administrator privileges to run the Manage
Server console. If you see the error message, "You must be an
administrator to run the console," make sure that you are logged on with
administrator privileges and that your network card is working. This
error message may also appear if two Small Business Servers are installed
on the same physical network. This situation is usually accompanied by an
error message indicating that there is a "duplicate name on the network."

To give a user account administrator privileges, log on as administrator,
click Start and Manage Server, and click the Manage Users option. Select
the user who should be an administrator and click Review or Change User
Information. The last step in the wizard will allow the user to be set up
as an administrator. Note that administrators can read any file, create
new user accounts, reset passwords for others, and so on.

Do not uninstall Internet Explorer from the server. To function properly,
the Small Business Server console requires that Internet Explorer be
installed. If you uninstall Internet Explorer from the server, you will
need to reinstall it for the console to function properly.

Delete the old Windows NT Workstation client machine account before you
try to set up the same machine account name again. If you need to repeat
a Windows NT Workstation client machine setup with the Set Up Computer
wizard, or if the first attempt at setting up the client machine fails,
you must first delete the old machine account using More Tasks, Manage
Computers, and Remove a Computer from Your Network. Then you can recreate
the machine account with the Set Up Computer wizard. Note: this does not
apply to Windows 95 clients.

If you wish to make changes to a user's logon script, you need to make
the changes to the logon script template file. Each time a user is
created or his or her application state is changed with the Set Up
Computer wizard, the logon script is regenerated using the logon script
template file, c:\smallbusiness\template\template.bat. If you make
changes to an existing logon script, the changes will be removed any time
that user is selected in the Set Up Computer wizard. If you wish to make
permanent changes to the logon scripts, you can edit the template.bat
file, and your changes will be propagated to all the logon scripts that
are subsequently created.

Make sure you add your changes in the correct location. If you want the
new commands to run for every user even if he or she logs onto the
server, insert the users immediately before "if "%COMPUTERNAME%" == ""
goto proc_test". If you only want the new commands to run on a client
machine, insert them immediately before ":exit".

In the Add User wizard, only a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 are allowed in the user
This field is used to create your e-mail name and must be compatible with
Internet naming standards.

If you grant administrative privileges to a user, you need to create an
Exchange profile for that user on the Small Business Server so that the
user can use the console and create new accounts. To manage Small
Business Server using the console, a user must have an Exchange profile
on the Small Business Server. The Administrator account already has an
Exchange profile. However, if you add a user account and grant it
administrative privileges, you need to create a profile for that user so
that he or she can use the console. Follow these steps:

1.  Log onto the Small Business Server using the created user account.
2.  On the desktop, right-click the Inbox and choose Properties.
    The Mail dialog box opens.
3.  On the General tab, click Add.
    The Microsoft Exchange Setup wizard starts.
4.  Make sure that the Use the following information services button is
    selected and that Microsoft Exchange Server is checked.
5.  Click Next.
6.  Type the name of the Microsoft Exchange server.
    This is the same as your servername. (If you don't know the name of
    Your server, on the desktop right-click Network Neighborhood and
    select Properties. This will start the Network Control Panel applet.
    Your servername will be listed as Computer Name. Click Cancel to
7.  Click Next.
    This screen asks if you travel with this computer.
8.  Make sure that the No button is selected.
9.  Click Next.
    This screen asks where to store your personal address book. The
    default is OK.
10.  Click Next.
     This screen asks if you want to automatically run Microsoft Exchange
     When you start Windows.
11.  Make sure that the Do not add Exchange to the Startup group button
12.  Click Next, Finish, and Close.

Follow these steps when managing users or e-mail if you get a mailbox
error message. If you see a message that says, "An error has occurred
while searching for mailboxes," you need to make sure you have a working
mailbox and that your profile is pointing to it. No mailboxes will be
listed. You need to do the following:

1.  On the desktop, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft
    Exchange (Common), and then point to Microsoft Exchange
2.  If this is the first time you have run Microsoft Exchange
    Administrator, the Connect to server dialog box will open. Type your
    Server name and click OK.
3.  Double-click your server name.
4.  Double-click Recipients.
5.  On the File menu, click New Mailbox.
6.  Fill in the Display and Alias fields with USERNAME, where USERNAME is
    the userid of the user account that requires a mailbox. To check the
    userid of the user account, press CTRL+ALT+DEL. This will open the
    Windows NT Security dialog box. The current logon information is
    with the appropriate userid. Press ESC to return to Microsoft
7.  Click OK.
8.  Choose Select an existing Windows NT account.
9.  Click OK.
10.  A message will say, "You have not chosen a Primary Windows NT
     for this mailbox. Would you like the NT account
     to be this account?" Here SERVERNAME is the name of your Small
     Business Server and username is the username for the mailbox you
     to create.
11.  Click Yes.
12.  On the File menu, click Exit.

If the Small Business Server console displays the message, "Can't create
ActiveX component," stop and restart the World Wide Web Publishing
Service. When you open the Manage E-Mail or Manage Faxes page, you may
get an ASP error that says, "Can't create ActiveX component." You must
stop and start the World Wide Web Publishing Service. To do this, follow
these steps:

1.  Close the console.
2.  Open Control Panel, double-click Services, select World Wide Web
    Publishing Service, and click Stop.
3.  After the service is stopped, click Start to restart the service.
4.  On the Start menu, click Manage Server and return to the page.

You may experience difficulty the first time you use the Find command in
the Online Guide. The first time you use the Find command, the Small
Business Server will build the list of topics to search. You will see the
message, "Small Business Server is creating or updating the list of
search topics to search. Topics related to the text you specified may not
have been added to the server list yet. Wait a moment and try your query

If after waiting a few moments you still receive the message, "No
documents matched the query: 'your query'. Please try a different query,"
follow these steps:

1.  Close the console.
2.  Start the console. (Click Start and Manage Server.)
3.  Click Online Guide and Find and try your query again.

You can use the console to administer Small Business Server remotely over
a RAS connection. The Small Business Server console can be used to
administer a Small Business Server domain when you dial in over a RAS
connection. To set up the console to access a Small Business Server
domain, make sure you have the following:

 - A computer with Windows NT Workstation 4.0 installed.
 - Internet Explorer 3.02 installed.
 - Dial-Up Networking installed on the computer.
 - An Exchange e-mail client installed.

To install the remote console

1.  Add a user account on Small Business Server. Grant that user
    administrative privileges and dial-up access to the server.
2.  We recommend that you create a local account on your Windows NT
    Workstation with the same user account name and password as the
    created on Small Business Server. This account will be used when
    administering the remote domain.
3.  Install the Remote Console package by running samcsl.exe, which is in
    the \remotecsl directory of Small Business Server CD Disc 1.
4.  Add a phonebook entry for Small Business Server and use the user
    account name, password, and Small Business Server domain to dial into
    Small Business Server.
5.  Make sure that you are not connected to a network that has a WINS
6.  Log on to your Windows NT Workstation computer using the Logon using
    Dial-Up Networking option. If you are already logged on to your
    NT Workstation, use Dial-Up Networking to log on to the Small
    Server domain.

If the local and Small Business Server accounts do not have the same name
and password, you will need to establish a validated connection to the
Small Business Server domain by using the following command: net use
\\sbsservername\IPC$ /u:sbsdomain\useraccount where sbsservername is the
computer name of the Small Business Server, sbsdomain is the domain name
of the Small Business Server, and useraccount is the user account name.

7.  Start the Microsoft Exchange client. You will need to add an Exchange
    profile for the user account on Small Business Server. The mailbox
    be the user account name and the Exchange Server will be the domain
    name of the Small Business Server.
8.  Start the console application using the following command:
    console /r sbsdomain where sbsdomain is the domain name of the Small
    Business Server.

It is possible to administer multiple Small Business Servers. To do this,
you will need a separate profile for each of the servers you want to
administer. When you want to administer a Small Business Server, log on
to the corresponding server, start the appropriate Exchange profile, and
then start the console application.

The remote Small Business Server console runs only on Windows NT 4.0
Workstation systems. Remote administration is not supported on Windows 95
systems, Windows 3.x, Macintosh, MS-DOS, or UNIX clients.

You may have problems with remote administration between two Small
Business Server networks. If you are connected to a Small Business Server
network (or to any network running WINS), you may experience difficulty
if you attempt to dial up a different Small Business Server network and
perform remote administration. This is usually accompanied by an error
message indicating that there is a "duplicate name on the network." We
recommend that you disconnect from your original Small Business Server
network before you dial into a different Small Business Server network.

Follow these steps if you have an Internet Connection wizard dial-up
problem. If you dial 9 to reach an outside line, you may experience
problems accessing the referral server or your Internet Service Provider.
If the Internet Connection wizard fails to dial after three attempts it
will return you to a dialog box. Click Dialing Properties and make sure
that the To access an outside line fields are correct. Your phone system
may require you to dial 9 to access an outside line. If so, fill in both
fields with a 9.

Proxy Server must be installed in order to use the Internet Connection
wizard. If you do not install Proxy Server, the Internet Connection
wizard cannot run. During Small Business Server Setup, be sure that the
box next to Proxy Server 1.0 is checked. Note that Proxy Server is
automatically installed if you select the Complete Installation option.

For domain name registration, it may take up to approximately 24 hours
all Internet users to be able to send e-mail to your new domain.
After you register a domain name with the Domain Registration wizard, it
takes approximately 24 hours for the domain name to be fully replicated
the Internet. This means that e-mail sent to you that uses your newly
registered domain name may not be delivered to you and may be returned to
the sender.

To bypass this problem, you should have Internet users send e-mail to the
address that you received from your Internet Service Provider when you
signed up for Internet access. This 24-hour propagation period does not
affect your ability to send e-mail.

Internet directory browsing is not enabled by default.
The Online Guide states in "Web Site Organization" that directory
is turned on by default. This is not the case, and you will need to
it if you want this functionality.

To turn on directory browsing

1.  Start Internet Service Manager: Click Start, click Programs, and then
    click Microsoft Internet Server (Common).
2.  Double-click the name of the computer that is running the WWW
3.  Click the Directories tab.
4.  In the Directories property sheet, click Directory Browsing Allowed.

If an administrative user is logged onto the server and opens Internet
Explorer, his or her start page is not the default home page.
If you log on as an administrative user on the server and want to open
default Small Business Server home page as the start page, follow these

1.  Log onto the server as an administrative user.
2.  Start Internet Explorer.
3.  Choose View and Options.
4.  Click the Navigation tab.
5.  In the Address box, type:

   http://%server name%/intranet/SBSCLientHelp/default.asp?where=server

   where %servername% is the computer name of your server.

6.  Click OK.

Note: This occurs only for a user who has administrative privileges, but
is not the "Administrator" user.

Internet Explorer 4.0 is not compatible with Small Business Server.
For this release, Internet Explorer 4.0 is not compatible with the Small
Business Server. Installing Internet Explorer 4.0 on the server will
the console to behave inconsistently. However, this does not affect
Internet Explorer 4.0 on network clients. If you install Internet
4.0 on a Small Business Server client, the client will function properly.

Here are Alpha-only notes for Crystal Reports.
Save As on the File menu does not save reports in formats other than
To save reports in formats other than .rpt, use the Export button in the
toolbar at the bottom of the Crystal Reports viewer.

Launch Crystal Reports Designer on the Edit menu does not start the
designer. To start the Crystal Reports Designer, click Start, Programs,
Crystal Reports 4.5, and Crystal Reports 4.5.

If you receive an error performing a "View/Update indexing of virtual
roots" or "Force Scan Virtual Roots" when you use the Index Server
Administrator, you need to set some file permissions. You must set the
permissions for \inetpub\wwwroot\SrchAdm\admin.htm. Follow these steps.

1.  Open Explorer and go to the directory \inetpub\wwwroot\SrchAdm.
2.  Right-click the file Admin.HTM, and click Properties.
3.  Select the Security tab, and then click Permissions.
4.  For this file, the following permissions must be added or removed:
    Remove Everyone
    Add SYSTEM (Full Control)
    Add CREATOR OWNER (Full Control)
    Add Administrator (Full Control).

Client Notes

Client installation requires 60 megabytes of free disk space. Make sure
that you have sufficient disk space before you install the client

Remove non-Microsoft protocols and network clients before you run Setup
on a client computer. The Setup program will attempt to reconfigure a
wide variety of networking configurations. If the enlistment procedure
fails, then remove all the existing networking components and try again.
In some cases, you will need the uninstall application from the vendor.
These can typically be found on the vendor's Web site.

Follow these steps if a client computer already has a Novell client
installed. The Small Business Server Client Setup program functions in
the presence of a Novell client as long as the Novell Client32 has
ODINSUP support loaded. If the ODINDUP support is not loaded, Setup will
not work. You either have to remove the Client32 or add the ODINSUP
support. If all else fails, remove any existing networking clients and
try again. If you know the network adapter is supported on the Windows 95
CD, or if you have the vendor's network adapter driver, remove all
networking. When you run setup.exe and are asked to choose a network
adapter, select your adapter from the list or select Have Disk if you
have the appropriate driver on a floppy disk.

Close all dial-up connections when logging off from the server if you are
using the server as a client. If you are logged onto the server and have
created a dial-up connection with your Internet Service Provider, this
connection will remain open when you log off. It is best to close the
connection before you log off.

If you use the Explorer to open a floppy disk window and then double-
click setup.exe, a "Floppy Not Found" error message is displayed after
the computer restarts. To avoid this, close the floppy disk window
manually before you restart the computer. Or choose Run from the Start
menu and specify a:\setup.exe as the command.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/5/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbreadme KB180108