PUB98: Read-Only Publisher File Opens in Single Session Only (178798)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Publisher 98

This article was previously published under Q178798


If you change the attributes of a Publisher document to read-only, you cannot open more than one session of the document at a time. This is by design.


Most Windows-based applications allow you to open more than one session of a file if it is a read-only file. For example, if an Excel worksheet document is read-only, it can be opened simultaneously from several workstations (though no changes can be made to it). A Microsoft Publisher document marked as read-only can be opened only in one session at a time. If an attempt is made to open a second session of a read-only Publisher document, the following message appears:
The file is already being used in another Publisher session. Press F1 now if you want more information.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/10/1999
Keywords:kbinfo kbusage KB178798