GW 2.0: Contents of README file (174955)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Greetings Workshop 2.0

This article was previously published under Q174955


This article contains the complete text of the Microsoft Greetings Workshop README.doc file located on the Microsoft Greetings Workshop version 2.0 compact disc (CD-ROM).

NOTE: This Readme document refers to the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL). As of 12/31/1998, the MSDL service is no longer available. To download support files, visit one of the following Microsoft Internet sites:


   Microsoft Greetings Workshop Deluxe, 2.0
   Supplemental Information File

   Thank you for purchasing Microsoft Greetings Workshop. This file will
   help you get the most out of Greetings Workshop.

   You can print this file by opening it in any Windows word processing
   program and choosing the Print command from the File menu. To read this
   file on screen, use the Page Down and Page Up keys on your keyboard.

   Table of Contents
   1.  Installation tips
   2.  Upgrading from Greetings Workshop 1.0
   3.  Upgrading from Greetings Workshop 2.0 to Greetings Workshop Deluxe
   4.  Picture It! and working with photographs in Greetings Workshop
   5.  Video cards and display problems
   6.  CD-ROM problems
   7.  Audio problems
   8.  Printing problems
   9.  Printing tips
   10.  Saving your projects
   11.  Internet and e-mail issues
   12.  Making Projects with Hallmark Connections special paper
   13.  Product Support folder on the CD
   14.  GWNetCD: Installing onto a network

   The following are a few suggested solutions for problems encountered
   while using Greetings Workshop.

   1. Installation tips

   Shut down other applications
   It is best to shut down other applications, including virus checkers
   running in the background, before running Setup. Setup installs system
   files that may be shared with other applications.

   Setup options
   You have two choices when installing Greetings Workshop:
   1. Typical Configuration - Recommended for best performance. This
      installation uses about 83MB of hard disk space.
   2. Minimum Configuration - Installs a minimal amount of files onto your
      hard drive. Best used if you have a limited amount of hard disk
      space. This installation uses 40MB of hard disk space.

   Free hard disk space on your computer
   If the install program indicates that the drive you are installing
   Greetings Workshop onto does not have enough disk space, either make
   room on that drive (by deleting files), or choose another drive before
   attempting installation again. If you do not have enough space for a
   Typical Configuration than you will have to choose Minimal Configuration
   or free up more hard disk space.

   If you've made the above change and you still cannot install Greetings
   Workshop, check to see if the following is the cause of your problem:

   Verify disk space on the drive containing Windows
   Even if there is enough disk space on the drive you want to install
   Greetings Workshop onto; there may not be enough disk space on the drive
   containing Windows. This is a problem because Greetings Workshop
   installs all of its utilities, fonts, graphic filters, and system files
   on the Windows drive. Therefore, you need at least 20MB of space on the
   drive containing Windows in order to install Greetings Workshop.

   Online registration
   Online registration requires that your computer has a correctly
   installed modem. Please refer to Windows documentation on how to check
   for and install a modem on your computer.

   If the online registration for Greetings Workshop does not work, the
   only way to try again is to rerun the setup program.  If the problem
   continues, please use the postal registration card included in the
   Greetings Workshop box.

   Log in as administrator on Windows NT 4.0
   In some cases, Greetings Workshop will not install correctly on a
   Windows NT system when you are logged on as a user.  To work around
   this, log in as an administrator before running Setup. Greetings
   Workshop runs on Windows NT, version 4.0 or higher.

   Reinstall Greetings Workshop if you uninstall Office95
   Uninstalling Office95 removes some shared components that are needed by
   Greetings Workshop. If you uninstall Office95 from your computer, be
   sure to re-install Greetings Workshop prior to using it again.

   2. Upgrading from Greetings Workshop 1.0

   NOTE: It is recommended that you install Greetings Workshop 2.0 into the
   same directory where Greetings Workshop 1.0 was installed.  This way you
   will not have to copy your old projects into your new Greetings Workshop
   2.0 Projects folder.

   I added graphics to Art Gallery, where did they go?
   If you have added your own pictures and graphics to Greetings Workshop's
   Art Gallery, the art will automatically get transferred over to
   Greetings Workshop 2.0. You will find it in the "My Art" category in the
   Art Gallery.

   If you added a lot of art, Setup may take a while
   If the setup process is taking a long time, it doesn't necessarily mean
   that there is a problem. As long as there is occasional movement on the
   setup progress bar, Setup is working correctly. It takes Greetings
   Workshop a long time to integrate all of the art that you added to
   Greetings Workshop's Art Gallery.

   Reinstalling Greetings Workshop 1.0
   If you wish to reinstall Greetings Workshop 1.0, we recommend that you
   first uninstall Greetings Workshop 2.0.

   Once you have opened a Greetings Workshop 1.0 project in Greetings
   Workshop 2.0 you will not be able to open it again in Greetings Workshop
   1.0 When you open a previously saved Greetings Workshop 1.0 project in
   Greetings Workshop 2.0 it will be converted to 2.0 format.  Greetings
   Workshop 1.0 cannot open projects saved or created in Greetings Workshop

   WARNING! If you plan on reinstalling Greetings Workshop 1.0
   If you plan to reinstall Greetings Workshop 1.0, we recommend that you
   make backup copies of your Greetings Workshop 1.0 projects before you
   open them in Greetings Workshop 2.0. Once you have reinstalled Greetings
   Workshop 1.0, move the backup copies of 1.0 projects into the Projects
   folder of Greetings Workshop.

   3. Upgrading from Greetings Workshop 2.0 to Greetings Workshop Deluxe
   2.0 We recommend that you install Greetings Workshop Deluxe 2.0 into the
   same directory as Greetings Workshop 2.0. We also recommend that you do
   not uninstall Greetings Workshop 2.0 before installing Greetings
   Workshop Deluxe 2.0.

   4. Picture It! and working with photographs in Greetings Workshop

   Greetings Workshop is designed to work with Microsoft Picture It!. If
   Microsoft Picture It! is installed on your computer, Greetings Workshop
   will look for photographs in the same folder that you use to save your
   Microsoft Picture It! photographs. Otherwise, Greetings Workshop will
   look for photographs in the last folder you were in.

   Launching Greetings Workshop from Picture It! 2.0
   You can launch Greetings Workshop from Picture It! 2.0 by opening a
   photo and selecting Greetings Workshop in the Fun Stuff drop-down in the
   Projects tab of Picture It!. Make sure that you have the CD labeled
   'Printable Projects' inserted into your CD-ROM drive. Also, make sure
   that Greetings Workshop is not already running when you select the icon
   in the Fun Stuff drop-down.

   Double-clicking on Picture It! photo to launch Picture It!
   If you double-click on a Picture It! photo in a Greetings Workshop
   project, Picture It! will be launched and you can edit the photo and
   then return to Greetings Workshop. If Picture It! is already running,
   then please close Picture It! before double-clicking on the photo. If
   the photo was inserted from the Greetings Workshop Art Gallery, then
   double-clicking on it will bring up the Art Gallery.

   Server Busy message
   If you get a 'Server Busy' message while inserting or editing a Picture
   It! photograph in Greetings Workshop, click Retry to continue with
   inserting or editing the photograph.

   WARNING! Uninstalling Picture It! 1.0
   Uninstalling Picture It! 1.0 will remove the MIX and FPX graphics
   filters from your system.  Greetings Workshop will not be able to open
   images of this format without these filters.  Please reinstall Picture
   It! 1.0 or reinstall Greetings Workshop if you need to use these

   5. Video cards and display problems

   Greetings Workshop will not run in 16 color mode. However, if you have a
   VGA-only video card or monitor, you can change to a higher color mode,
   such as 256 colors, which is the minimum requirement to run Greetings
   Workshop. Refer to your Windows documentation for instructions on
   changing to a higher color mode.

   Your system may already have a driver installed that displays 256 colors
   or more. For instructions on how to determine what video driver you have
   installed, or how to install or change drivers, refer to the Windows

   If you are having additional display problems, try doing the following:
    * Close down other applications to ensure there is enough memory.
    * Switch to the Super-VGA driver supplied by Windows 95 or Windows
      NT 4.0, or better.
    * Change to a different display mode. An alternative to using a
      different driver is to change your video mode to a standard video
      mode such as 640x480 resolution with 256 colors.
    * Obtain updated drivers from your video card manufacturer. Most
      problems can be fixed by obtaining new drivers.  Contact the
      manufacturer of your video card to determine if there are newer
      versions available. The phone number should be in the manuals that
      came with the video card or with your personal computer. Another
      option for obtaining updated drivers is the Microsoft Download
      Service, an electronic bulletin board that can be accessed via a
      modem at (425) 936-MSDL (425-936-6735).

   6. CD-ROM problems

   NOTE:  Make sure that one of the Greetings Workshop Deluxe CDs is in
   your CD-ROM drive when you are running Greetings Workshop. Greetings
   Workshop will tell you if you need to switch them.

   Verify that the CD-ROM drive is working
   First, make sure that the CD-ROM drive is working. Insert a different CD
   that you have used before and make sure that it works. If other CDs do
   not work in your CD-ROM drive, then try the following:
    * Check for conflicts with your CD-ROM by clicking on the My Computer
      icon on the Windows desktop with the right mouse button and selecting
      Properties. On the System Properties screen select the Device Manager
      tab and look for the CD-ROM in the list. If it appears with an
      exclamation point to the right of it, there is a conflict with the
      hardware setup, and you should check the manuals that came with the
      CD-ROM drive for information on setting it up correctly.
    * If you still see an error message after checking the points above,
      check the manuals that came with the CD-ROM drive for information on
      how to set up a CD-ROM, or contact the company that supplied the
      CD-ROM drive.

   Verify that the CD is working
   If other CDs work, check the following:
    * Make sure that the Greetings Workshop compact disc is correctly
      inserted into the CD-ROM drive.
    * Ensure that the CD is clean of dust or marks. Clean the CD with a
      dry cloth.
    * Try the CD in a different computer's CD-ROM drive.
    * Make sure all the files on the Greetings Workshop CD are visible in
      Windows Explorer by doing the following:
      1. Insert the Greetings Workshop CD
      2. Click on the Start button, select Programs, then click on
         Windows Explorer.
      3. Click the plus symbol (+) next to the CD-ROM drive containing
         the Greetings Workshop CD.  It will be listed as "GreetingsWm"
         or "GreetingsWp."
      4. Locate and open the Clipart folder.
      5. Locate the file named "ZZZZZ.wmf."

   If you cannot see this file on the Greetings Workshop CD, you may be
   using an older version of the CD-ROM driver. Contact the CD-ROM drive
   manufacturer for an updated driver.

   If you can see this file on the Greetings Workshop CD, try to copy this
   file from the CD to a location on your hard drive. If the file does not
   copy successfully, you may be using an older version of the CD-ROM
   driver. Contact the CD-ROM drive manufacturer for an updated driver.

   If you have determined that the CD-ROM drive is working and that the CD
   is not, then return the product to the retail store where it was
   purchased and exchange it.

   7. Audio problems

   If sound does not play at all
   If the volume is turned up and you do not hear sound, something may be
   wrong with your audio card installation. Check to see that the audio
   card drivers are installed correctly and reinstall them if necessary.
   You can do this by running Media Player from the Accessories group and
   playing a .WAV file (from the Start menu item on the taskbar, select
   Programs, then click on Accessories). You should also try to play a .MID
   (midi) file.

   In addition, check the following:
    * Are the speakers plugged in to the computer and connected to the
      batteries or to the power outlet?
    * Check the volume control on the speaker itself.
    * Check the volume control in Windows by clicking on the speaker icon
      on the bottom right corner of the Windows taskbar.
    * Do you hear sounds in other programs? If not, make sure you have a
      properly installed sound card by checking the sound card manual or
      by calling the sound card manufacturer for help. If yes, then contact
      Microsoft Product Support using the contact information in the
      Greetings Workshop companion booklet.

   To find out if you have a sound card
    1. Right click on My Computer.
    2. Click Properties, then click the Device Manager tab. If you have a
       sound card, it will be listed in the Device Manager box. If you do
       not have one, it will not be listed.

   If sound plays but is distorted or "fuzzy"
   Playing sounds at a higher volume than your speakers are able to handle
   often causes sound distortion. You can adjust the volume in one of two
    * Turn the volume dial on the back of the sound card (in the rear of
      the computer where the speakers plug in.)
    * Change the volume control in Windows by clicking on the speaker icon
      on the bottom right corner of the Windows taskbar.

   If sounds are cut off
   Most audio cards play one sound at a time; therefore, other sound-
   producing programs could interrupt the sounds from Greetings Workshop.
   If you suspect you have such a program, do not run it at the same time
   as Greetings Workshop.

   Error Message: "Sound is not available on your machine."
   Another thing to try: On the Start menu select Settings. Open the
   Control Panel and double-click on Add/Remove Programs. Select the
   Windows Setup tab and click on Multimedia. Click Details, and check to
   see if Audio Compression is checked in the Multimedia dialog. If it is
   not checked, check it and click OK.

   8. Printing problems

   Printers differ in their ability to print fonts, colors, graphics,
   spacing, alignment, and character formats; thus, the appearance of your
   printed project may vary greatly from printer to printer. If you
   encounter problems while printing from Greetings Workshop, such as no
   printout, low print quality, or missing text, there are several ways to
   troubleshoot the problem.

   NOTE: If the printer displays a message or an error indicator, see the
   printer manual for information on how to correct the problem.

   When the printer does not print at all
   When a printer does not print at all, the cause is often mechanical:
    * Check that the printer is plugged in and turned on.
    * Check that the correct port is specified for the printer. Most
      printers are connected to the LPT1 port on the computer.
    * Make sure that you have the correct cable for your printer and that
      the cable is connected properly.
    * Try printing from another application, such as Word. If you are not
      able to print, and the printer is turned on and correctly connected,
      refer to the printer manual for further assistance. If you are able
      to print, contact Microsoft Product Support using the contact
      information in the Greetings Workshop CD case booklet.
    * Check to ensure that you are using the correct printer driver.
      Refer to the documentation that came with the printer or contact the
      printer manufacturer.
    * Check the printer setup: click Start, Settings, and then Printers.
      Verify the printer information displayed. Click on the General tab
      and try printing a test page from this dialog. Click on the Details
      tab and verify port and driver settings.

   Graphics could be clipped or may not print on some printers
   Some printer drivers have difficulty printing some graphics. An updated
   printer driver often corrects the problem. Contact the printer
   manufacturer to obtain the latest printer drivers for your printer.

   In addition, Canon printers may 'clip' graphics (part of the graphic
   does not print). If you are using a Canon printer, using the latest
   printer driver may help correct the problem.

   Partial Printing - Graphics get clipped
   If you have a problem with graphics getting clipped or if the spooler
   crashes when you try to print, try changing the settings of your printer
   by doing the following:
    * On the Windows taskbar select Start, Settings, then Printers. You
      will see the Printers folder.
    * Select the icon of the printer you want to print to, then click the
      Right button on the mouse. Select Properties on the displayed menu.
      The Properties dialog for the printer is displayed.
    * Click on the Details tab. Then select the Spool Settings button near
      the bottom of the dialog. The Spool Settings dialog will come up.
    * In the drop-down list next to Spool data format, select RAW. Click
      the OK button then click the OK button again to exit from the
      Properties dialog.
    * Restart your computer. Start Greetings Workshop and print your
      project again.

   This change will reduce the occurrence of a spooler crash. If you
   encounter this crash even after making these changes, switch off your
   computer and restart the computer again. Doing so may further reduce the
   chance of a spooler crash.

   Lighter color text, lines, and shapes might not print with some printers
   Some printers print lighter color text, lines, and shapes as white, thus
   causing the objects to "disappear." If this is the case, try to use a
   darker color in your project and print again.

   Borders might be clipped with some printers
   Greetings Workshop will alert you about a border (or any other item)
   that is in the unprintable area of the paper. However, some printer
   drivers provide misinformation about its unprintable region. As a
   result, portions of the border may not be printed correctly, or at all.
   Should you encounter this problem, reduce the border's size and print

   HP DeskJet 660C printers do not print rotated text correctly
   This problem occurs specifically with the version 7.0 printer driver.
   If you are using HP DeskJet660C printer, you must have the latest
   printer driver from Hewlett Packard to correctly print projects
   containing rotated text.

   One-pixel gap between the border and background
   Greetings Workshop paints any borders in your project after painting the
   background. There is a one-pixel gap between the interior edge of the
   border and the outer edge of the background. With most projects, this
   gap is not noticeable. If this gap is noticeable, you can reduce the
   visual effect of the gap by selecting backgrounds and borders that are
   similar in color.

   Canon BJC-610 printers may print banners differently
   When banners are printed on Canon BJC-610 printers, a smaller area of
   the page may be used for printing. The layout of the banner may have
   changed after you choose to print. (See Define your printer setup before
   designing a banner below.) To print banners correctly, change the page
   orientation settings of your printer to portrait instead of landscape.

   Rotated text & graphics may be clipped on some dot matrix printers
   Some older dot matrix printers with non-square pixels (e.g. Epson FX-80,
   Panasonic KX-P2180) will cause printing and display problems with
   rotated text and graphics. Text may be clipped by the frame edges.
   Pictures may also be clipped or significantly shrunken in size. If you
   can change your printer's resolution to square pixel resolution, this
   should fix the printing and display problems.

   9. Printing tips

   NOTE: You cannot print multimedia greetings. Multimedia greetings should
   be sent via e-mail, sent as an executable on a floppy disk, or posted on
   the Greetings Workshop Web Post Office.

   Double-sided printing
   Greetings Workshop demonstrates how to print on both sides of the paper,
   even if your printer does not support duplex printing.  The instructions
   for double-sided printing vary depending on the project type and type of
   printer; therefore, be sure to follow the instructions carefully each
   time you print a double-sided project.

   The animation demonstrating the process of printing on both sides of the
   paper displays a graphic at the top of the diagram-this represents the
   front page of your project. Always hold your project so that the front
   page is on top and then follow the animation.

   You may have to run a print test if Greetings Workshop is not familiar
   with your printer. Once you have followed all of the instructions,
   Greetings Workshop will know which set of double-sided printing
   instructions to show you. If you follow the instructions and get
   incorrect results, click on the Fix Printing Problems button displayed
   at the end of printing each project. Then click on the Printing Test
   button. This will start the print test again so that Greetings Workshop
   can update the information it has about your printer in order to show
   you the correct double-sided printing instructions. If Greetings
   Workshop did not ask you to run a print test the first time it showed
   you instructions on double-sided or label printing, then you will not
   see the Printing Test option if you select Fix Printing Problems.

   Printing labels on a Laser printer
   Before you print labels using a laser printer, be sure to check that the
   labels are designed for laser printers.  Using non-laser printable
   labels in a laser printer may cause damage to the printer. Please read
   your laser printer's documentation on label printing carefully. Be
   certain that you do not feed the same sheet of label paper into a laser
   printer more than once or you may void your printer's warranty.

   Printing on Label Paper and Special Paper
   Be careful to place label paper or Hallmark Connections special paper in
   the tray facing the correct direction and with the correct side up.
   Greetings Workshop provides directions on how to place Hallmark
   Connections paper and label paper in the print tray. To avoid wasting
   label paper or special paper, try printing your project on a blank sheet
   of paper to test the orientation of your inserted paper.

   Use Raster Graphics for better printing on laser printers
   Printers using HP PCL language will print graphics better if you set the
   printer to "raster graphics mode."  To set the raster graphics mode,
   from the Start menu, click Settings, then Printers. Right click on the
   printer icon and then select Properties. Look through the dialog box to
   get to the tab for setting Raster Graphics Mode.

   10. Saving your projects

   If you intend to save your project to a floppy disk, make sure that
   there is sufficient disk space available. If Greetings Workshop does not
   allow you to save your project to disk, you should obtain a floppy disk
   with larger available free space.

   11. Internet and e-mail issues

   If you encounter problems while accessing the Greetings Workshop Web
   Site or Greetings Workshop Web Post Office using a modem, you should use
   the Modem Troubleshooter in Windows help. It provides you with step-by-
   step instructions about how to resolve modem problems.

   Can't connect to Greetings Workshop Web Post Office or Greetings
   Workshop Web Site
   You may be experiencing network connectivity problems. If you experience
   such problems, continue trying to connect. If you are able to connect to
   other sites, try connecting to the Greetings Workshop Web sites again at
   a later time.

   Recipient can't view greeting sent by e-mail or on diskette
   Try viewing the greeting yourself before you send it to others.  If you
   continue to have problems, try repackaging it by opening up your saved
   greeting or project and selecting Send on the toolbar. For further
   information, see the "Sending Projects and Greetings" section of the
   Greetings Workshop Help file.

   Launching Netscape Navigator to post a greeting
   When you post a greeting to the Greetings Workshop Web Post Office,
   Greetings Workshop launches your Web browser. However, if you are using
   Netscape Navigator on Windows 95, the browser window may be hidden
   behind Greetings Workshop after it is launched. If the browser window is
   hidden, you will need to manually bring the browser window to the front
   to proceed with posting your greeting. You can bring the browser window
   to the front either by holding down the Alt key and hitting Tab until
   the icon for Netscape Navigator is selected or by clicking the button
   for Netscape Navigator on your Windows 95 taskbar.

   12. Making Projects with Hallmark Connections special paper

   Hallmark Connections Home Computer Papers can be used for creating
   greeting cards, invitations, announcements, stationery, labels, flyers
   and awards that you design on your own. Either select "Hallmark Papers"
   on the start-up screen or choose the project type you want to create.
   Then click on "Start with a blank project". Select the blank project
   that has the same paper number as your Hallmark Connections special

   13. Product Support folder on the CD

   The Greetings Workshop Product Support team has provided additional
   information and tools to help you resolve problems that you might
   encounter. This information is contained in the "PSS" folder in your
   Greetings Workshop CD. The PSS folder contains the following:

    * Articles on frequently asked questions and issues are contained in
      the sub-folder "Articles".  Please check this folder before calling
      Product Support. It is likely that the question you have has already
      been answered by one of the articles.
    * The Printers sub-folder contains links to the World Wide Web sites of
      popular printer manufacturers. Using the latest printer driver for
      your printer can solve most printing problems. These Web sites are a
      great way to download the printer drivers if you have a modem and
      Internet connection.
    * The Exchange sub-folder contains two useful tools that let you
      download files from Microsoft and let you submit your files to
      Microsoft in case it is needed to resolve problems. Your computer
      must have a modem in order to use these tools. lets you
      download informational and binary files. lets you submit
      files to Microsoft and be able to get them back. Please note that
      these tools require you to have a Login ID and a Login Password. Your
      Product Support representative will assign you a Login ID and a Login
      Password if you need to use this tool to exchange files with

   14. GWNetCD: Installing onto a network

   Greetings Workshop comes with a utility that will make installing onto a
   network much easier. This utility is located in the PSS folder on the
   "Multimedia Greetings and Setup" CD. Double-click on GWNetCD.exe to
   start this utility and follow the instructions. GWNetCD will allow you
   to easily change the registry entries that point to the path for the
   "Multimedia Greetings and Setup" CD and the path for the "Printable
   Projects" CD.

   Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/30/2000
Keywords:kbinfo kbreadme KB174955