XADM: Customizing the Default Moderator Address for a Moderated NewsGroup (174298)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5

This article was previously published under Q174298


This article describes the procedure to customize or change the moderator for a newsgroup in Exchange Server.


When a moderated newsgroup public folder is created, the default moderator address is determined by rules specified in the Moderatr.txt file, located in the Exchsrvr\Add-ins\Ins folder. You can customize the default moderator address by editing the rules in this file by using a text editor such as Notepad.

Each entry in the Moderatr.txt file is the Simple Network Management Protocol (SMTP) address of the newsgroup moderator in the format of newsgroup:address, where the newsgroup is a newsgroup name or a wildcard pattern that matches multiple names. The rules are processed from top to bottom, and the first match that is found is used.

The special value "%s" in the address causes all dots in the newsgroup name to be replaced with dashes. For example, the default rule in the moderator file is *:%s@uunet.uu.net. The asterisk (*) matches all newsgroup names, and the %s substitutes the newsgroup name in the address. If a moderated newsgroup called news.day is created, the default moderator address is news-day@uunet.uu.net.

After a newsgroup public folder has been created, the public folder owner can change the moderator address with the Microsoft Exchange Client or Microsoft Outlook by editing the moderator rule in the folder properties.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/28/2005
Keywords:kbinfo KB174298