How To Use QueryPerformanceCounter to Time Code (172338)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 2000
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Control Creation Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Standard Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Access 2002
  • Microsoft Access 2000
  • Microsoft Access 97
  • Microsoft Access for Windows 95 7.0
  • Microsoft Excel 2002
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Word 2002
  • Microsoft Word 2000
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q172338


When timing code to identify performance bottlenecks, you want to use the highest resolution timer the system has to offer. This article describes how to use the QueryPerformanceCounter function to time application code.


Several timers of differing accuracy are offered by the operating system:
Function                 Units                      Resolution
Now, Time, Timer         seconds                    1 second
GetTickCount             milliseconds               approx. 10 ms
TimeGetTime              milliseconds               approx. 10 ms
QueryPerformanceCounter  QueryPerformanceFrequency  same
If your system supports a high-resolution counter, you can use QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency to do high-resolution timings.

The following sample code compares the various counters:

WARNING: ANY USE BY YOU OF THE CODE PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Microsoft provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

Step-by-Step Procedures

  1. Enter the following code into a Module. If you enter it into a class, form, or report module, make the declarations Private.
           Option Explicit
          Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "Kernel32" _
                                     (X As Currency) As Boolean
          Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "Kernel32" _
                                     (X As Currency) As Boolean
          Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "Kernel32" () As Long
          Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
          Sub Test_Timers()
          Dim Ctr1 As Currency, Ctr2 As Currency, Freq As Currency
          Dim Count1 As Long, Count2 As Long, Loops As Long
          ' Time QueryPerformanceCounter
            If QueryPerformanceCounter(Ctr1) Then
              QueryPerformanceCounter Ctr2
              Debug.Print "Start Value: "; Format$(Ctr1, "0.0000")
              Debug.Print "End Value: "; Format$(Ctr2, "0.0000")
              QueryPerformanceFrequency Freq
              Debug.Print "QueryPerformanceCounter minimum resolution: 1/" & _
                          Freq * 10000; " sec"
              Debug.Print "API Overhead: "; (Ctr2 - Ctr1) / Freq; "seconds"
              Debug.Print "High-resolution counter not supported."
            End If
          ' Time GetTickCount
            Loops = 0
            Count1 = GetTickCount()
              Count2 = GetTickCount()
              Loops = Loops + 1
            Loop Until Count1 <> Count2
            Debug.Print "GetTickCount minimum resolution: "; _
                        (Count2 - Count1); "ms"
            Debug.Print "Took"; Loops; "loops"
          ' Time timeGetTime
            Loops = 0
            Count1 = timeGetTime()
              Count2 = timeGetTime()
              Loops = Loops + 1
            Loop Until Count1 <> Count2
            Debug.Print "timeGetTime minimum resolution: "; _
                        (Count2 - Count1); "ms"
            Debug.Print "Took"; Loops; "loops"
          End Sub
  2. Run the function from the Debug/Immediate window. Your output should appear similar to the following:

    Start Value: 3516284.3498
    End Value: 3516284.3521
    QueryPerformanceCounter minimum resolution: 1/1193182 sec
    API Overhead: 1.92761875388667E-05 seconds

    GetTickCount minimum resolution: 10 ms
    Took 650 loops

    timeGetTime minimum resolution: 10 ms
    Took 1565 loops

Multiple statements execute before either GetTickCount or timeGetTime record a change. The actual number of loops will vary depending on the background tasks the operating system is executing.

On the other hand, QueryPerformanceCounter changes value between successive API calls, indicating its usefulness in high-resolution timing. The resolution in this case is on the order of a microsecond. Because the resolution is system-dependent, there are no standard units that it measures. You have to divide the difference by the QueryPerformanceFrequency to determine the number of seconds elapsed. In the case above, the overhead for just calling the API is about 19 microseconds. This would have to be subtracted when timing other code as follows:
   Private Sub Time_Addition()
   Dim Ctr1 As Currency, Ctr2 As Currency, Freq As Currency
   Dim Overhead As Currency, A As Long, I As Long
     QueryPerformanceFrequency Freq
     QueryPerformanceCounter Ctr1
     QueryPerformanceCounter Ctr2
     Overhead = Ctr2 - Ctr1        ' determine API overhead
     QueryPerformanceCounter Ctr1  ' time loop
     For I = 1 To 100
       A = A + I
     Next I
     QueryPerformanceCounter Ctr2
     Debug.Print "("; Ctr1; "-"; Ctr2; "-"; Overhead; ") /"; Freq
     Debug.Print "100 additions took";
     Debug.Print (Ctr2 - Ctr1 - Overhead) / Freq; "seconds"
   End Sub
Sample output:

( 3630876.6256 - 3630876.6388 - 0.0013 ) / 119.3182
100 additions took 9.97333181358753E-05 seconds

NOTE: Because currency variables are used, the values returned are 10000 times smaller than the actual counters. Because the calculation of seconds involves a division operation, this factor is cancelled out.


Microsoft Developer Network; topics: timeGetTime GetTickCount QueryPerformanceCounter QueryPerformanceFrequency

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/18/2005
Keywords:kbhowto kbProgramming KB172338