HOWTO: Use ODBC API SQLTables Function with Visual Basic and RDO (166284)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q166284


Using the rdoTables collection is generally the best way to retrieve the tables from an rdoConnection because the collection is built-in and requires very little code.

If you want to take advantage of anything that the rdoTables collection does not provide, you can use the ODBC API SQLTables function. For example, SQLTables is a little faster at returning the table names; this can be especially apparent with an Oracle database. Also, the SQLTables function can return the table owner with each table. This article demonstrates each method in code so you can chose which is best for your situation.


The following example uses the rdoTables collection and the SQLTables ODBC API function to fill two list boxes with the table names and print the performance numbers.

For this example, SQL Server and the Pubs database are used, but you can change the DSN, UID, and PWD to match any ODBC database.

  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic and choose "Standard EXE." Form1 is created by default.
  2. Add one CommandButton, Command1, and two list boxes, List1 and List2, to Form1.
  3. Paste the following code into the General Declarations section of Form1:
          Dim cn As New rdoConnection
             Private Sub Form_Load()
               'establish rdoConnection to use hDbc for SQLTables
               'SQL Server example
               'cn.Connect = _
               '  "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=MyServer; " & _
               '  "Database=Pubs; " & _
               '  "Uid=sa; Pwd="
               'Oracle example
               cn.Connect = _
                 "Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle}; " & _
                 "; " & _
                 "Uid=demo; Pwd=demo"
             End Sub
             Private Sub Command1_Click()
               Dim sngT As Single, intN As Integer
               'Get tables using ODBC API
               intN = 0
               sngT = Timer
               aTables = GetODBCTables(hDbc:=cn.hDbc, Owner:=True, _
                 TableType:="'TABLE', 'VIEW'")
               Dim i As Integer
               For i = 0 To UBound(aTables) - 1
                 List1.AddItem aTables(i)
                 intN = intN + 1
               Next i
               Debug.Print intN, "odbc tables: ", Timer - sngT
               'Get tables using rdoTables collection
               intN = 0
               sngT = Timer
               intN = cn.rdoTables.Count
               For i = 0 To intN - 1
                 List2.AddItem cn.rdoTables(i).Name
               Next i
               Debug.Print intN, "rdo tables: ", Timer - sngT
             End Sub
             Public Function GetODBCTables(ByVal hDbc As Long, _
               Optional Owner = True, _
               Optional TableType = "'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SYSTEM TABLE'") _
               As Variant
               On Error GoTo ehGetDSNTables
               Dim intHstmt As Long, intRc As Integer
               Dim strErrMsg As String * SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH
               Dim strSqlState As String * 5
               Dim arrTables() As Variant, intCounter As Integer
               Dim strTable As String
               Dim strName As String * 255, strOwner As String * 255
               Dim lngLenRead As Long
               intRc = SQLAllocStmt(ByVal hDbc, intHstmt)
               intRc = SQLTables(ByVal intHstmt, ByVal 0&, SQL_NTS, _
                 ByVal 0&, SQL_NTS, ByVal 0&, SQL_NTS, _
                 ByVal CStr(TableType), Len(TableType))
               If intRc <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
                 GoTo ehGetDSNTables
               End If
               strOwner = String(255, 0)       'Init string to hold data.
               strName = String(255, 0)        'Init string to hold data.
               intRc = SQLFetch(intHstmt)
               If intRc <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
                 GoTo ehGetDSNTables
               End If
               intCounter = 0
               ReDim Preserve arrTables(intCounter)
               While intRc <> SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND
                 intRc = SQLGetData(ByVal intHstmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, _
                   ByVal strOwner, 254, lngLenRead)
                 intRc = SQLGetData(ByVal intHstmt, 3, SQL_C_CHAR, _
                   ByVal strName, 254, lngLenRead)
                 strTable = IIf(Owner, Mid(strOwner, 1, _
                   InStr(strOwner, Chr(0)) - 1) & ".", "")
                 strTable = strTable & Mid(strName, 1, _
                   InStr(strName, Chr(0)) - 1)
                 ReDim Preserve arrTables(intCounter)
                 arrTables(intCounter) = strTable
                 intCounter = intCounter + 1
                 strOwner = String(255, 0)    'Init string to hold data.
                 strName = String(255, 0)     'Init string to hold data.
                 intRc = SQLFetch(intHstmt)
               intRc = SQLFreeStmt(ByVal intHstmt, SQL_CLOSE)
               GetODBCTables = arrTables
               Exit Function
               intRc = SQLError(ByVal henv, ByVal hDbc, _
                 ByVal intHstmt, strSqlState, 0, strErrMsg, _
                 SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, 0)
               Debug.Print "(" & strSqlState & ")" & strErrMsg
             End Function
  4. From the Project menu, select Add Module, and then click on Module1. Then paste the following code into the General Declarations section of Module1:
          'As an alternative you could include the entire ODBC32.TXT* file
          Global Const SQL_NTS As Long = -3
          Global Const SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH As Long = 512
          Global Const SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND As Long = 100
          Global Const SQL_SUCCESS As Long = 0
          Global Const SQL_CHAR As Long = 1
          Global Const SQL_C_CHAR As Long = SQL_CHAR
          Global Const SQL_CLOSE As Long = 0
          Declare Function SQLAllocStmt Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hDbc&, _
            phstmt&amp;) As Integer
          Declare Function SQLTables Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hstmt&, _
            szTblQualifier As Any, ByVal cbTblQualifier%, szTblOwner As Any, _
            ByVal cbTblOwner%, szTblName As Any, ByVal cbTblName%, _
            szTblType As Any, ByVal cbTblType%) As Integer
          Declare Function SQLFetch Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hstmt&) As Integer
          Declare Function SQLGetData Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hstmt&, _
            ByVal icol%, ByVal fCType%, ByVal rgbValue As String, _
            ByVal cbValueMax&, pcbValue&) As Integer
          Declare Function SQLFreeStmt Lib "odbc32.dll" _
            (ByVal hstmt&, ByVal fOption%) As Integer
          Declare Function SQLError Lib "odbc32.dll" _
            (ByVal henv&, ByVal hDbc&,_
          ByVal hstmt&, ByVal szSqlState$, pfNativeError&, _
            ByVal szErrorMsg$,_
            ByVal cbErrorMsgMax%, pcbErrorMsg%) As Integer
    *For more information about the ODBC32.TXT file, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    173050 FILE: ODBCTXT.EXE: ODBC API Declare Statements Text File

  5. Change the DSN, UID, and PWD in Form1 to match the ODBC database you are using.
  6. Start the program or press the F5 key.
  7. Click the Command1 button to execute the code, fill each list box, and display the table count and performance numbers in the debug window.


In Visual Basic Books Online see:
  Guide to Building Client Server Applications in Visual Basic (Enterprise)
    Part 3: Data Access Options
      Using the ODBC API
        ODBC API Overview
          Retrieving Information about ODBC Data Sources

(c) Microsoft Corporation 1997, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Jon Fowler, Microsoft Corporation

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:3/2/2005
Keywords:kbhowto KB166284