Distribution information for Outlook 97, version 8.02 (166024)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Outlook 97 8.02

This article was previously published under Q166024


This article describes the configurations of Microsoft Outlook 97, version 8.02, the differences between the configurations, and recommendations on when and how you should upgrade to Outlook 8.02.


Outlook 8.02, is available in three separate configurations, and each configuration has a slightly different set of changes from Outlook 8.0.
  • Outlook 8.02 ships with Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.0 Service Pack 1 (SP-1)
  • Outlook 8.02 ships in the Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 1 Patch (SR-1 Patch)
  • Outlook 8.02 ships in the Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 1 Enterprise Update (SR-1 Ent Upd)
The following table lists major features of Outlook 8.02 for each configuration:
   Feature                              SP-1     SR-1 Patch   SR-1 Ent Upd

   Internet Mail Enhancement Patch      No       Yes          Yes

   Schedule+ Driver to Read Outlook     Yes      No           No

   Supports Exchange AutoUpgrade        Yes      No           No

   CC:Mail Improvements                 Yes      No           Yes

   Misc. Import/Export Improvements     Yes      No           Yes

   Rules Wizard                         Yes      No           Yes

   Multiple Offline Address Books       Yes      No           Yes

   Updated MAPI and Exchange Server     Yes      No           Yes
   Service Files

   Outlook 8.01 Improvements*           Yes      Yes          Yes

   Additional Fixes**                   Yes      Yes          Yes

* Outlook 8.01 Improvements include a different sort method for the "By Conversation Topic" view, performance improvements for viewing free/busy times, changes to allow a greater number of fields in a form, and improved handling of attached EFD forms.

** Additional fixes include improvements in Outllib.dll, the calendar and scheduling, printing, nickname list management, Schedule+ importing, attachment handling, Windows CE synchronization, and Macintosh attachment interoperability. They also include the removal of the 32K VBScript limit, the inclusion of built-in attachment security and the Forms Fix utility.

For more detailed information on Outlook fixes, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

166022 Summary of changes in Outlook version 8.02

163743 Information about Outlook version 8.01

167146 Improvements in the Internet Mail Enhancement Patch



The Service Pack 1 for Exchange Server 5.0 (SP1) version is available on the Microsoft Internet site at: Additional information on SP-1 is available on the Microsoft Internet site at: The Outlook version with Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 Service Pack 1, requires Outlook 8.01 (which shipped with Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0) to be installed.

SR-1 Patch

For information on the availability of the Office 97 Service Release 1 Patch (SR-1 Patch) version, see the Microsoft Internet site at: The Outlook version with Office 97 Service Release 1 Patch, requires Outlook 8.0 to be installed; it will not upgrade Outlook 8.01 to version 8.02. If you have Office 97 and have separately upgraded Outlook to 8.01, running the SR-1 Patch will upgrade all Office programs except Outlook.

SR-1 Ent Upd

The Office 97 Service Release 1 Enterprise Update will be available from the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561.

The version with Office 97 Service Release 1 Enterprise Update, will install over 8.0 or 8.01 as it requires an entire re-install of Outlook.

Distribution Decision Flowchart

          START HERE
   |  Have you already     |
   |  deployed Office 97?  |--- No ---> Deploy the Office SR-1 Enterprise
   |                       |            Update
   |Are you running Outlook|
   |from network servers?  |---Yes---> Deploy the Office SR-1 Enterprise
   |                       |           Update
   | Are you using the     |
   | Outlook Client?       |--- No ---> Deploy the Office SR-1 Patch
   |                       |
   | Did you deploy Outlook|
   | with Microsoft        |---No ---> Deploy the Office SR-1
   | Exchange Server Patch |
   | Version 5.0?          |
   | Are you upgrading Out-|
   | look separately from  |---No ---> Deploy the Office SR-1 Enterprise
   | Office SR-1?          |           Update
               +---------------------> Deploy the Microsoft Exchange
                                       Service Pack 1 to update Outlook
                                       and deploy the Office SR-1 Patch
                                       to update other Office products


Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/18/2005
Keywords:kbhowto kbinfo kbpatch kbSecurity KB166024