INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Documentation Issues (165682)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 5.0

This article was previously published under Q165682


Documentation Issues

Inactive Links in the Online Documentation
Avoid Disc Swapping During Full-Text Search of the Documentation
ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide
Error in the Scribble MDI Drawing Application Documentation
The Properties Menu Item is Now Located on the View Menu
Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver is Missing from the "ODBC Driver List" Topic
Typographical Error in Circle Tutorial
Documentation Errors in ATL Tutorial
Missing Help Topic for "Ignore Export Library" Check Box
Changes to ATL Stock Property Macros
Changes to the MFC Reference Documentation


Inactive Links in the Online Documentation

Certain types of links in the online documentation do not work. They look like links, but if you click them, nothing happens.

Such inactive links may be due to a setting in your Internet Explorer 3.0 that prevents ActiveX scripts from running.

To enable the links, do the following:

  1. Open Internet Explorer 3.0.
  2. From the View menu, select Options.
  3. In the Options dialog box, click the Security tab.
  4. Under Active content, check the Run ActiveX scripts check box.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click OK.

Avoid Disc Swapping During Full-Text Search of the Documentation

The MSDN CD contains all of the online documentation for all products in Visual Studio 97. If you install MSDN and leave it in the CD drive, you will not have to swap discs to search online content.

If you chose the CD-ROM installation option when you installed Visual C++, you will need to have the Visual C++ CD in your CD ROM drive most of the time. To avoid looking for on-line content that is not on the Visual C++ CD, use the Define Subsets command from the Help menu to create a restricted search subset of the following Visual C++ documentation:

  • Welcome to Visual C++ (vcedit)
  • Visual C++ Tutorials (vctutor)
  • Visual C++ Programmer's Guide (vccore)
  • Microsoft Foundation Class Reference (vcmfc)
  • C/C++ Language and C++ Libraries (vclang)
  • Visual C++ Samples (vcsample)
Use this subset when doing most full-text searches. Use the "Entire Contents" subset when you need to search all of the online documentation and don't care about disc swapping.

ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide

The ODBC 3.0 documentation was not available for integration into Visual C++ 5.0 Infoviewer at the time of manufacture. (The ODBC documentation that you can find in the InfoViewer is for ODBC 2.5)

However, the following Windows Help files (WinHlp32.exe) are installed during setup in the DevStudio\SharedIDE\Help directory:

  • ODBC.HLP -- ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference
  • SDKGUIDE.HLP -- ODBC 3.0 SDK Guide
  • ODBCJET.HLP -- ODBC Microsoft Desktop Database Drivers Help
  • ODBCJTNW.HLP -- ODBC Desktop Database Drivers - What's New Help
Use the following procedure to add them to the Tools menu:

  1. From the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. Click the Tools tab.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Menu contents grid, add a string to represent launching one of the Help files. For example, type "ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference".
  4. In the Command edit box, type "WinHlp32.exe".
  5. In the Arguments edit box, type the location of ODBC.hlp. For example, type "C:\Program Files\DevStudio\SharedIDE\Help\ODBC.hlp".
  6. Click Close.
  7. Repeat for each Help file you wish to use.

Error in the Scribble MDI Drawing Application Documentation

In the topic "Create the Dialog Box," in the procedure, "To create the Pen Widths dialog box," Step 3 suggests that you double-click the dialog box to bring up the dialog box property page. To bring up the property page, right- click the dialog box, and then click Properties.

The Properties Menu Item is Now Located on the View Menu

In the topics "Associating the Toolbar Button with a Command ID" and "Adding a Tool Tip" in the Scribble MDI Drawing Application, you are instructed to click Properties from the Edit menu. The Properties item is now located on the View menu.

Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver is Missing From the "ODBC Driver List" Topic

The list of ODBC drivers, found in the "ODBC Driver List" topic, should include the Microsoft Oracle ODBC driver.

Typographical Error in Circle Tutorial

In the topic "Creating the Basic Control," the first class name in the table that describes the class templates created by ControlWizards is incorrect. The correct class name is CCircApp.
   Class      Files        Comments
   CCircApp   CIRC.H       Implements the main DLL source.
              CIRC.CPP     Typically, there is no need to modify this code.

Documentation Errors in ATL Tutorial

The ATL Tutorial contains the following two errors:

  • Step 4 includes instructions for removing the DllMain entry point. Because the ATL COM AppWizard no longer sets DllMain as the entry point, this step is unnecessary.
  • In Step 6, the statement:
       #include Polygon.h
    should be replaced by
       #include "Polygon.h"

Missing Help Topic for "Ignore Export Library" Check Box

On the Link tab, General category, when a DLL project (/DLL is one of the link options) is selected in the file tree, there is a new check box, Ignore export library. The context-sensitive Help for this check box is not available. The Help text for the Ignore export library check box is as follows:

When the Ignore export library box is checked, the parent project will not automatically attempt to link to the export library of the subproject. Select this setting when building a resource-only DLL as a subproject of an EXE.

Changes to ATL Stock Property Macros

The macro IMPLEMENT_SMARTPTR_STOCKPROP has been removed from ATL. The macro IMPLEMENT_BOOL_STOCKPROP has been added and should be used for all stock properties that are boolean values, such as the standard AUTOSIZE, BORDERVISIBLE, ENABLED, TABSTOP, and VALID stock properties.

Changes to the MFC Reference Documentation

Three changes to the MFC Reference documentation are included below.

  1. Details aboutCOleDateTime If you create a COleDateTime object with a date less than 100, the date will be accepted, but subsequent calls to GetYear, GetMonth, GetDay, GetHour, GetMinute, and GetSecond will fail and return -1. Previously, you could use two-digit dates, but dates must be 100 or greater in VC++ 4.2.To avoid problems, specify a four-digit date. For example:
  2. A new override of GetHttpConnection was added: CHttpConnection* GetHttpConnection(LPCTSTR pstrServer, DWORD dwFlags, INTERNET_PORT nPort = INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, LPCTSTR pstrUserName = NULL, LPCTSTR pstrPassword = NULL);
  3. The following replacement topic for CInternetSession::OpenURL:
       CStdioFile* OpenURL( LPCTSTR pstrURL, DWORD dwContext = 1,
       DWORD dwFlags = 0, LPCTSTR pstrHeaders = NULL, DWORD
       dwHeadersLength = 0 );
       Throw ( CInternetException );
Return Value

Returns a file handle for FTP, GOPHER, HTTP, and FILE-type Internet services only. Returns NULL if parsing was unsuccessful. The pointer that OpenURL returns depends on pszURL's type of service. The table below illustrates the possible pointers OpenURL can return.

URL type Returns






pstrURL A pointer to the name of the URL to begin reading. Only URLs beginning with file:, ftp:, gopher:, or http: are supported. ASSERTS if pszURL is NULL.

dwContext An application-defined value passed with the returned handle in callback.

dwFlags The flags describing how to handle this connection. The valid flags, which can be combined with the bitwise OR operator (|), are:

  • INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_ASCII The file is transferred as a text file.
  • INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY The file is transferred as a binary file.
  • INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD Get the data from the wire even if it is locally cached.
  • INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE Do not cache the data, either locally or in any gateways.
  • INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE This flag is applicable to HTTP requests only. It requests secure transactions on the wire with Secure Sockets Layer or PCT.
  • INTERNET_OPEN_FLAG_USE_EXISTING_CONNECT If possible, reuse the existing connections to the server for new requests generated by OpenURL instead of creating a new session for each connection request.
  • INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE Used for an FTP site. Uses passive FTP semantics. Used with CInternetConnection of OpenURL.
pstrHeaders A pointer to a string containing the headers to be sent to the HTTP server.

dwHeadersLength The length, in characters, of the additional headers. If this is -1L and pstrHeaders is non-NULL, then pstrHeaders is assumed to be zero terminated and the length is calculated.


Call this member function to send the specified request to the HTTP server and allow the client to specify additional RFC822, MIME, or HTTP headers to send along with the request. OpenURL, which wraps the Win32 function InternetOpenURL, allows only downloading, retrieving, and reading the data from an Internet server. OpenURL allows no file manipulation on a remote location, so it requires no CInternetConnection object. To use connection- specific (that is, protocol-specific) functions, such as writing to a file, you must open a session, then open a particular kind of connection, then use that connection to open a file in the desired mode. See CInternetConnection for more information about connection-specific functions.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/24/2003