PRB: Breakpoints Not Hit If Class Is Not Preloaded (165549)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual J++ 1.0
  • Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1

This article was previously published under Q165549


You set a breakpoint in a Java source file before starting the debugging session and Visual J++ does not stop on the breakpoint.


For performance reasons, the debugger pre-loads only the main class of your project. The main class is either the class with the same name as the project or the class you specify in the "Build Menu-Settings-Debug tab- General Category-Class for debugging/executing." If you set breakpoints in other classes via the editor before the classes are loaded, the breakpoints are disabled.


Do one of the following to resolve the problem:

  • Specify the class in Project Settings, Debug tab, category Additional Classes, and make sure the first column is checked. This loads the class when the debugging session starts.
  • Right-click on a method in the ClassView pane of the Project Workspace and select "Set Breakpoint" from the Shortcut menu. This causes a break when program execution enters the method.
  • Set the breakpoint after Visual J++ has loaded the class during debugging. You may need to step through your Java source until the class is loaded.


This behavior is by design.


When a breakpoint is set during debugging, the class is preloaded in subsequent debugging sessions and the breakpoint is valid from that point on.


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Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/25/2005
Keywords:kbBug kbDebug kbide kbprb KB165549