XL97: List of ID Numbers for Built-In Command Bar Controls (159466)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q159466


In Microsoft Excel 97, each element of the CommandBars collection uses a unique number for its ID property. This number determines the built-in action for each control in the CommandBars collection.

NOTE: The value of the ID property for Custom controls is 1.


The CommandBars collection consists of CommandBar objects. The following items are represented by CommandBar objects:

  • Menu bars, toolbars, and shortcut menus
  • Menus on menu bars and toolbars
  • Submenus on menus, submenus, and shortcut menus
The following tables list all of the controls in the CommandBars collection, arranged by the CommandBar to which the control belongs.
Worksheet Menu Bar

   CommandBar          Control               ID

   File                &New...               18
   File                &Open...              23
   File                &Close                106
   File                &Save                 3
   File                Save &As...           748
   File                Save &Workspace       846
   File                Page Set&up...        247
   File                Prin&t Area           30255
   File                Print Pre&view        109
   File                &Print...             4
   File                Sen&d To              30095
   File                Propert&ies           750
   File                &Recent File Name
                          Goes here          831
   File                E&xit                 752

   Edit                &Undo                 128
   Edit                Can't Repeat          37
   Edit                Cu&t                  21
   Edit                &Copy                 19
   Edit                &Paste                22
   Edit                Paste &Special...     755
   Edit                Paste as &Hyperlink   2787
   Edit                F&ill                 30020
   Edit                Cle&ar                30021
   Edit                &Delete...            478
   Edit                De&lete Sheet         847
   Edit                &Move or Copy Sheet...848
   Edit                &Find...              1849
   Edit                R&eplace...           313
   Edit                &Go To...             757
   Edit                Lin&ks...             759
   Edit                &Object               961
   Edit                &Object               30019

   View                &Normal               723
   View                &Page Break Preview   724
   View                &Toolbars             30045
   View                &Formula Bar          849
   View                &Status Bar           850
   View                &Header and Footer... 762
   View                &Comments             1594
   View                Custom &Views...      950
   View                F&ull Screen          178
   View                &Zoom...              925

   Insert              C&ells...             295
   Insert              &Rows                 296
   Insert              &Columns              297
   Insert              &Worksheet            852
   Insert              C&hart...             1957
   Insert              Page &Break           509
   Insert              Reset All Page
                          &Breaks            1585
   Insert              &Function...          385
   Insert              &Name                 30023
   Insert              Co&mment              1589
   Insert              &Picture              30180
   Insert              M&ap...               1741
   Insert              &Object...            546
   Insert              Hyperl&ink...         1576

   Format              C&ells...             855
   Format              &Row                  30024
   Format              &Column               30025
   Format              S&heet                30026
   Format              &AutoFormat...        786
   Format              Con&ditional
                          Formatting...      3058
   Format              &Style...             254

   Tools               &Spelling...          2
   Tools               &AutoCorrect...       793
   Tools               S&hare Workbook...    2040
   Tools               &Track Changes        30138
   Tools               Merge &Workbooks      2044
   Tools               &Protection           30029
   Tools               &Goal Seek...         856
   Tools               Sc&enarios...         857
   Tools               A&uditing             30028
   Tools               &Macro                30017
   Tools               Add-&Ins...           943
   Tools               &Customize...         797
   Tools               &Options...           522

   Data                &Sort...              928
   Data                &Filter               30031
   Data                F&orm...              860
   Data                Su&btotals...         861
   Data                Va&lidation...        2034
   Data                &Table...             862
   Data                T&ext to Columns...   806
   Data                Co&nsolidate...       863
   Data                &Group and Outline    30032
   Data                &PivotTable Report... 2915
   Data                Get External &Data    30101
   Data                &Refresh Data         459

   Window              &New Window           303
   Window              &Arrange...           298
   Window              &Hide                 865
   Window              &Unhide...            866
   Window              &Split                302
   Window              &Freeze Panes         443
   Window              &Window Name Goes
                          Here               830

   Help                Microsoft Excel &Help 984
   Help                &Contents and Index   983
   Help                What's &This?         124
   Help                Microsoft on the &Web 30222
   Help                &Lotus 1-2-3 Help...  936
   Help                &About Microsoft
                          Excel              927

   &Wizard             &Lookup...            1
   &Wizard             &File Conversion...   1
   &Wizard             &Conditional Sum...   1
   &Wizard             &Web Form...          1

Chart Menu Bar

   CommandBar          Control               ID

   View                Sized with &Window    908
   View                Ch&art Window         2571

   Format              S&elected Chart
                          Area...            917

   Chart               Chart &Type...        918
   Chart               &Source Data...       954
   Chart               Chart &Options        956
   Chart               &Location...          955
   Chart               &Add Data...          1963
   Chart               Add T&rendline...     914
   Chart               3-D &View...          919

Menu Bars

   CommandBar          Control               ID

   Worksheet Menu Bar  &File                 30002
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &Edit                 30003
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &View                 30004
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &Insert               30005
   Worksheet Menu Bar  F&ormat               30006
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &Tools                30007
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &Data                 30011
   Worksheet Menu Bar  A&ction               30083
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &Window               30009
   Worksheet Menu Bar  &Help                 30010

   Chart Menu Bar      &File                 30002
   Chart Menu Bar      &Edit                 30003
   Chart Menu Bar      &View                 30004
   Chart Menu Bar      &Insert               30005
   Chart Menu Bar      F&ormat               30006
   Chart Menu Bar      &Tools                30007
   Chart Menu Bar      &Chart                30022
   Chart Menu Bar      A&ction               30083
   Chart Menu Bar      &Window               30009
   Chart Menu Bar      &Help                 30010


   CommandBar          Control               ID

   Standard            &New                  2520
   Standard            Open                  23
   Standard            &Save                 3
   Standard            Print                 2521
   Standard            Print Pre&view        109
   Standard            &Spelling...          2
   Standard            Cu&t                  21
   Standard            &Copy                 19
   Standard            &Paste                22
   Standard            &Format Painter       108
   Standard            &Undo                 128
   Standard            &Redo                 129
   Standard            Hyperl&ink...         1576
   Standard            &Web Toolbar          2934
   Standard            &AutoSum              226
   Standard            Paste Function        385
   Standard            Sort &Ascending       210
   Standard            Sort Des&cending      211
   Standard            &Chart Wizard         436
   Standard            M&ap...               1741
   Standard            &Drawing              204
   Standard            &Zoom:                1733
   Standard            Microsoft Excel &Help 984

   Formatting          &Font:                1728
   Formatting          &Font Size:           1731
   Formatting          &Bold                 113
   Formatting          &Italic               114
   Formatting          &Underline            115
   Formatting          &Align Left           120
   Formatting          &Center               122
   Formatting          &Align Right          121
   Formatting          &Merge and Center     402
   Formatting          &Currency Style       395
   Formatting          &Percent Style        396
   Formatting          &Comma Style          397
   Formatting          &Increase Decimal     398
   Formatting          &Decrease Decimal     399
   Formatting          &Decrease Indent      3162
   Formatting          &Increase Indent      3161
   Formatting          &Borders              203
   Formatting          &Fill Color           1691
   Formatting          &Font Color           401

   PivotTable          &PivotTable           30253
   PivotTable          &Wizard...            457
   PivotTable          &Field...             460
   PivotTable          Show &Pages...        461
   PivotTable          &Ungroup...           3160
   PivotTable          &Group...             3159
   PivotTable          &Hide Detail          464
   PivotTable          &Show Detail          462
   PivotTable          &Refresh Data         459
   PivotTable          &Label                995
   PivotTable          &Data                 993
   PivotTable          Label &and Data       994

   Chart               &Chart Objects:       1622
   Chart               &Selected Object      917
   Chart               Chart &Type...        918
   Chart               &Legend               439
   Chart               &Data Table           987
   Chart               Series in &Rows       989
   Chart               Series in &Columns    988
   Chart               &Angle Text Downward 1014
   Chart               &Angle Text Upward   1013

   Reviewing           Co&mment             1589
   Reviewing           &Previous Comment    1590
   Reviewing           &Next Comment        1591
   Reviewing           Sh&ow Comment        1593
   Reviewing           &Comments            1594
   Reviewing           Delete Co&mment      1592
   Reviewing           &Create Microsoft
                          Outlook Task      837
   Reviewing           &Update File         455
   Reviewing           &Mail Recipient...   2188

   Forms               &Label               476
   Forms               &Edit Box            219
   Forms               &Group Box           467
   Forms               &Button              282
   Forms               &Check Box           220
   Forms               &Option Button       446
   Forms               &List Box            448
   Forms               &Combo Box           221
   Forms               &Combination
                          List-Edit         471
   Forms               &Combination
                          Drop-Down Edit    475
   Forms               &Scroll Bar          447
   Forms               &Spinner             468
   Forms               Control Properties   222
   Forms               &Code                488
   Forms               Toggle Grid          485
   Forms               &Run Dialog          470

   Stop Recording      Stop &Recording      2186
   Stop Recording      Relative Reference   896

   External Data       &Edit Query...       1950
   External Data       D&ata Range
                          Properties        1951
   External Data       Para&meters...       537
   External Data          &Refresh Data     459
   External Data       &Cancel Refresh      1953
   External Data       Refresh &All         1952
   External Data       &Refresh Status      1954

   Auditing            &Trace Precedents    486
   Auditing            &Remove
                          Precedent Arrows  452
   Auditing            Trace &Dependents    451
   Auditing            &Remove Dependent
                          Arrows            450
   Auditing            Remove &All Arrows   453
   Auditing            Trace &Error         463
   Auditing            Co&mment             1589
   Auditing            Circle Invalid Data  2035
   Auditing            &Clear Validation
                          Circles           2055

   Full Screen         F&ull Screen         178

   Circular Reference  &Navigate Circular
                          Reference:        1623
   Circular Reference  Trace &Dependents    451
   Circular Reference  &Trace Precedents    486
   Circular Reference  Remove &All Arrows   453

   Visual Basic        &Macros...           186
   Visual Basic        &Record New Macro... 184
   Visual Basic        Resume Macro         189
   Visual Basic        &Visual Basic Editor 1695
   Visual Basic        Control T&oolbox     548
   Visual Basic        &Design Mode         1605

   Web                 &Back                1017
   Web                 &Forward             1018
   Web                 &Stop Current Jump   1019
   Web                 &Refresh
                          Current Page      1020
   Web                 &Start Page          1016
   Web                 Search the &Web      1922
   Web                 Favorites            30176
   Web                 &Go                  30328
   Web                 &Show Only
                          Web Toolbar       1023
   Web                 &Address:            1740

   Control Toolbox     &Design Mode         1605
   Control Toolbox     &Properties          222
   Control Toolbox     &View Code           1561
   Control Toolbox     &Check Box           1848
   Control Toolbox     &Text Box            1850
   Control Toolbox     &Command Button      1851
   Control Toolbox     &Option Button       1852
   Control Toolbox     &List Box            1853
   Control Toolbox     &Combo Box           1854
   Control Toolbox     &Toggle Button       1855
   Control Toolbox     &Spin Button         1856
   Control Toolbox     &Scroll Bar          1857
   Control Toolbox     &Label               1858
   Control Toolbox     &Image               2089
   Control Toolbox     &More Controls...    642

   Exit Design Mode    &Design Mode         1605

   Drawing             D&raw                30013
   Drawing             &Select Objects      182
   Drawing             Free Ro&tate         688
   Drawing             A&utoShapes          30177
   Drawing             &Line                130
   Drawing             &Arrow               243
   Drawing             &Rectangle           1111
   Drawing             &Oval                1119
   Drawing             Te&xt Box            139
   Drawing             &WordArt...          1031
   Drawing             &Fill Color          1691
   Drawing             &Line Color          1692
   Drawing             &Font Color          401
   Drawing             &Line Style          692
   Drawing             &Dash Style          693
   Drawing             &Arrow Style         694
   Drawing             &Shadow              394
   Drawing             &3-D                 339

   Query and Pivot     &Wizard...           457
   Query and Pivot     &Refresh Data        459
   Query and Pivot     &Select              30252
   Query and Pivot     For&mulas            30254
   Query and Pivot     &Field...            460
   Query and Pivot     &Options...          1604

   Picture             &From File...        2619
   Picture             &Image Control       1403
   Picture             &More Contrast       1064
   Picture             &Less Contrast       1065
   Picture             &More Brightness     1066
   Picture             &Less Brightness     1067
   Picture             &Crop                732
   Picture             &Line Style          692
   Picture             &Object...           962
   Picture             &Set Transparent
                          Color             2827
   Picture             &Reset Picture       1362

   WordArt             &WordArt...          1031
   WordArt             Edit Te&xt...        2094
   WordArt             &WordArt Gallery     1606
   WordArt             &Object...           962
   WordArt             &WordArt Shape       1058
   WordArt             Free Ro&tate         688
   WordArt             &WordArt Same
                          Letter Heights    1063
   WordArt             &WordArt Vertical
                          Text              1061
   WordArt             &WordArt Alignment   1059
   WordArt             &WordArt Character
                          Spacing           1060

   Shadow Settings     &Shadow On/Off       2175
   Shadow Settings     &Nudge Shadow Up     1068
   Shadow Settings     &Nudge Shadow Down   1069
   Shadow Settings     &Nudge Shadow Left   1070
   Shadow Settings     &Nudge Shadow Right  1071
   Shadow Settings     &Shadow Color        1693

   3-D Settings        &3-D On/Off          1374
   3-D Settings        &Tilt Down           1375
   3-D Settings        &Tilt Up             1376
   3-D Settings        &Tilt Left           1377
   3-D Settings        &Tilt Right          1378
   3-D Settings        &Depth               1379
   3-D Settings        &Direction           1380
   3-D Settings        &Lighting            1382
   3-D Settings        &Surface             1383
   3-D Settings        3-D Color            1694

Shortcut Menus

   CommandBar          Control              ID

   Workbook tabs       &Sheet List          957

   Cell                Cu&t                 21
   Cell                &Copy                19
   Cell                &Paste               22
   Cell                Paste &Special...    755
   Cell                C&ells...            295
   Cell                &Delete...           292
   Cell                Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Cell                Insert Co&mment      2031
   Cell                Delete Co&mment      1592
   Cell                Sh&ow Comment        1593
   Cell                &Format Cells...     855
   Cell                Pic&k From List...   1966
   Cell                &Hyperlink           30094

   Column              Cu&t                 21
   Column              &Copy                19
   Column              &Paste               22
   Column              Paste &Special...    755
   Column              &Insert              3183
   Column              &Delete...           294
   Column              Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Column              &Format Cells...     855
   Column              &Column Width...     542
   Column              &Hide                886
   Column              &Unhide              887

   Row                 Cu&t                 21
   Row                 &Copy                19
   Row                 &Paste               22
   Row                 Paste &Special...    755
   Row                 &Rows                296
   Row                 &Delete...           293
   Row                 Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Row                 &Format Cells...     855
   Row                 &Row Height...       541
   Row                 &Hide                883
   Row                 &Unhide              884

   Cell                Cu&t                 21
   Cell                &Copy                19
   Cell                &Paste               22
   Cell                Paste &Special...    755
   Cell                C&ells...            295
   Cell                &Delete...           292
   Cell                Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Cell                Insert Co&mment      2031
   Cell                Delete Co&mment      1592
   Cell                Sh&ow Comment        1593
   Cell                &Format Cells...     855
   Cell                Insert Page &Break   1588
   Cell                Reset All
                          Page &Breaks      1585
   Cell                &Set Print Area      364
   Cell                &Add to Print Area   1583
   Cell                &Exclude From
                          Print Area        1586
   Cell                R&eset Print Area    2038
   Cell                Page Set&up...       247

   Column              Cu&t                 21
   Column              &Copy                19
   Column              &Paste               22
   Column              Paste &Special...    755
   Column              &Columns             297
   Column              &Delete...           294
   Column              Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Column              &Format Cells...     855
   Column              &Column Width...     542
   Column              &Hide                886
   Column              &Unhide              887
   Column              Insert Page &Break   1588
   Column              Reset All
                          Page &Breaks      1585
   Column              &Set Print Area      364
   Column              &Add to Print Area   1583
   Column              &Exclude From
                          Print Area        1586
   Column              R&eset Print Area    2038
   Column              Page Set&up...       247

   Row                 Cu&t                 21
   Row                 &Copy                19
   Row                 &Paste               22
   Row                 Paste &Special...    755
   Row                 &Rows                296
   Row                 &Delete...           293
   Row                 Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Row                 &Format Cells...     855
   Row                 &Row Height...       541
   Row                 &Hide                883
   Row                 &Unhide              884
   Row                 Insert Page &Break   1588
   Row                 Reset All
                          Page &Breaks      1585
   Row                 &Set Print Area      364
   Row                 &Add to Print Area   1583
   Row                 &Exclude From
                          Print Area        1586
   Row                 R&eset Print Area    2038
   Row                 Page Set&up...       247

   Ply                 &Ungroup Sheets      1968
   Ply                 &Insert...           945
   Ply                 &Delete              847
   Ply                 &Rename              889
   Ply                 &Move or Copy...     848
   Ply                 &Select All Sheets   946
   Ply                 &View Code           1561

   XLM Cell            Cu&t                 21
   XLM Cell            &Copy                19
   XLM Cell            &Paste               22
   XLM Cell            Paste &Special...    755
   XLM Cell            C&ells...            295
   XLM Cell            &Delete...           292
   XLM Cell            Clear Co&ntents      3125
   XLM Cell            Insert Co&mment      2031
   XLM Cell            Delete Co&mment      1592
   XLM Cell            Sh&ow Comment        1593
   XLM Cell            &Format Cells...     522
   XLM Cell            &Run...              186

   Document            &Save                3
   Document            Save &As...          748
   Document            &Print...            4
   Document            Page Set&up...       247
   Document            &Spelling...         2
   Document            &New Window          303
   Document            &Arrange...          298
   Document            &Zoom...             925
   Document            &View Code           1561

   Desktop             &New...              18
   Desktop             &Open...             23
   Desktop             Save &Workspace...   846
   Desktop             &Calculate Now       960
   Desktop             &Options...          522
   Desktop             &Toolbars            30045

   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          &Move Here        2046
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          &Copy Here        2045
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop Copy
                          Here as
                          &Values Only      2048
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop Copy
                          Here as &Formats
                          Only              2047
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          &Link Here        2158
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          &Hyperlink Here   2159
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          &Shift Down and
                          Copy              2049
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          Shif&t Right
                          and Copy          2050
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          Shift &Down
                          and Move          2051
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          Shift &Right
                          and Move          2052
   Nondefault          Drag and Drop
                          C&ancel           569

   AutoFill            &Copy Cells          2019
   AutoFill            Fill &Series         2020
   AutoFill            Fill &Formats        2021
   AutoFill            Fill &Values         2022
   AutoFill            Fill &Days           2023
   AutoFill            Fill &Weekdays       2024
   AutoFill            Fill &Months         2025
   AutoFill            Fill &Years          2026
   AutoFill            &Linear Trend        2027
   AutoFill            &Growth Trend        2028
   AutoFill            S&eries...           2029

   Button              Cu&t                 21
   Button              &Copy                19
   Button              &Paste               22
   Button              Clear                47
   Button              Edit Object          961
   Button              &Object              30019
   Button              &Format Object...    962
   Button              Bring to Fron&t      166
   Button              Send to Bac&k        167
   Button              &Group               164
   Button              Assig&n Macro...     859

   Dialog              &Paste               22
   Dialog              Ta&b Order...        469
   Dialog              &Run Dialog          470

   Series              &Selected Object     917
   Series              Chart &Type...       918
   Series              &Source Data...      954
   Series              Add T&rendline...    914
   Series              Cle&ar               47

   Plot Area           &Selected Object     917
   Plot Area           Chart &Type...       918
   Plot Area           &Source Data...      954
   Plot Area           Chart &Options...    956
   Plot Area           &Location...         955
   Plot Area           3-D &View...         919
   Plot Area           Ch&art Window        2571
   Plot Area           Cle&ar               47

   Floor and Walls     &Selected Object     917
   Floor and Walls     3-D &View...         919
   Floor and Walls     Cle&ar               47

   Trendline           &Selected Object     917
   Trendline           Cle&ar               47

   Chart               &Selected Object     917
   Chart               Cle&ar               47

   Formula Bar         Cu&t                 21
   Formula Bar         &Copy                19
   Formula Bar         &Paste               22
   Formula Bar         &Format Cells...     855
   Formula Bar         Pic&k From List...   1966

   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Format Cells...     855
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             C&ells...            295
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Delete...           292
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Wizard...           457
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Refresh Data        459
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Select              30252
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Group and Outline   30251
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             For&mulas            30254
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Field...            460
   PivotTable Context
      Menu             &Options...          1604
   PivotTable Context
      Menu Show        &Pages...            461

   Query               Cu&t                 21
   Query               &Copy                19
   Query               &Paste               22
   Query               Paste &Special...    755
   Query               C&ells...            295
   Query               &Delete...           292
   Query               Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Query               Insert Co&mment      2031
   Query               Delete Co&mment      1592
   Query               Sh&ow Comment        1593
   Query               &Format Cells...     855
   Query               &Edit Query...       1950
   Query               D&ata Range
                          Properties        1951
   Query               Para&meters...       537
   Query               &Refresh Data        459

   Query Layout        Cu&t                 21
   Query Layout        &Copy                19
   Query Layout        &Paste               22
   Query Layout        Paste &Special...    755
   Query Layout        C&ells...            295
   Query Layout        &Delete...           292
   Query Layout        Clear Co&ntents      3125
   Query Layout        Insert Co&mment      2031
   Query Layout        Delete Co&mment      1592
   Query Layout        Sh&ow Comment        1593
   Query Layout        &Format Cells...     855
   Query Layout        &Edit Query...       1950
   Query Layout        D&ata Range
                          Properties        1951
   Query Layout        Para&meters...       537
   Query Layout        &Refresh Data        459
   Query Layout        Insert Page &Break   1588
   Query Layout        Reset All Page
                          &Breaks           1585
   Query Layout        &Set Print Area      364
   Query Layout        &Add to Print Area   1583
   Query Layout        &Exclude From Print
                          Area              1586
   Query Layout        R&eset Print Area    2038
   Query Layout        Page Set&up...       247

   AutoCalculate       &None                2012
   AutoCalculate       &Average             2013
   AutoCalculate       &Count               2014
   AutoCalculate       C&ount Nums          2015
   AutoCalculate       &Max                 2016
   AutoCalculate       M&in                 2017
   AutoCalculate       &Sum                 2018

   Object/Plot         &Format Object...    917
   Object/Plot         Chart &Type...       918
   Object/Plot         &Source Data...      954
   Object/Plot         Chart &Options...    956
   Object/Plot         &Location...         955
   Object/Plot         3-D &View...         919
   Object/Plot         Ch&art Window        2571
   Object/Plot         Cu&t                 21
   Object/Plot         &Copy                19
   Object/Plot         &Paste               22
   Object/Plot         Cle&ar               47
   Object/Plot         Bring to Fron&t      166
   Object/Plot         Send to Bac&k        167
   Object/Plot         Assig&n Macro...     859

   Title Bar(Charting) &Print...            4
   Title Bar(Charting) Page Set&up...       247
   Title Bar(Charting) &Spelling...         2

   Layout              &Format Cells...     855
   Layout              C&ells...            295
   Layout              &Delete...           292
   Layout              &Wizard...           457
   Layout              &Refresh Data        459
   Layout              &Select              30252
   Layout              &Group and Outline   30251
   Layout              For&mulas            30254
   Layout              &Field...            460
   Layout              &Options...          1604
   Layout              Show &Pages...       461
   Layout              Insert Page &Break   1588
   Layout              Reset All Page
                          &Breaks           1585
   Layout              &Set Print Area      364
   Layout              &Add to Print Area   1583
   Layout              &Exclude From Print
                          Area              1586
   Layout              R&eset Print Area    2038
   Layout              Page Set&up...       247

   Shapes              Cu&t                 21
   Shapes              &Copy                19
   Shapes              &Paste               22
   Shapes              Edit Te&xt           1401
   Shapes              &Grouping            30175
   Shapes              O&rder               30078
   Shapes              Assig&n Macro...     859
   Shapes              Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   Shapes              &Object...           962
   Shapes              &Hyperlink           30094

   Inactive Chart      Cu&t                 21
   Inactive Chart      &Copy                19
   Inactive Chart      &Paste               22
   Inactive Chart      &Object...           961
   Inactive Chart      &Grouping            30175
   Inactive Chart      O&rder               30078
   Inactive Chart      Assig&n Macro...     859
   Inactive Chart      Set AutoShape
                          Defaults          2179
   Inactive Chart      &Object...           962

   ActiveX Control     Cu&t                 21
   ActiveX Control     &Copy                19
   ActiveX Control     &Paste               22
   ActiveX Control     &Properties          222
   ActiveX Control     &View Code           1561
   ActiveX Control     &Object              30019
   ActiveX Control     &Grouping            30175
   ActiveX Control     O&rder               30078
   ActiveX Control     &Object...           962

   OLE Object          Cu&t                 21
   OLE Object          &Copy                19
   OLE Object          &Paste               22
   OLE Object          &Object              30019

   OLE Object          Show Picture
                          Toolba&r          1413
   OLE Object          &Grouping            30175
   OLE Object          O&rder               30078
   OLE Object          Assig&n Macro...     859
   OLE Object          &Object...           962

   Excel Control       Cu&t                 21
   Excel Control       &Copy                19
   Excel Control       &Paste               22
   Excel Control       Edit Te&xt           1401
   Excel Control       &Grouping            30175
   Excel Control       O&rder               30078
   Excel Control       Assig&n Macro...     859
   Excel Control       &Object...           962

   WordArt Context
      Menu             Cu&t                 21
   WordArt Context
      Menu             &Copy                19
   WordArt Context
      Menu             &Paste               22
   WordArt Context
      Menu Edit        Te&xt...             2094
   WordArt Context
      Menu             Show WordArt
                          Toolba&r          1410
   WordArt Context
      Menu             &Grouping            30175
   WordArt Context
      Menu             O&rder               30078
   WordArt Context
      Menu             Assig&n Macro...     859
   WordArt Context
      Menu             Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   WordArt Context
      Menu             &Object...           962
   WordArt Context
      Menu             &Hyperlink           30094

   Curve               Cu&t                 21
   Curve               &Copy                19
   Curve               &Paste               22
   Curve               &Edit Points         206
   Curve               Open C&urve          2693
   Curve               Close C&urve         1420
   Curve               &Grouping            30175
   Curve               O&rder               30078
   Curve               Assig&n Macro...     859
   Curve               Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   Curve               &Object...           962
   Curve               &Hyperlink           30094

   Curve Node          &Add Point           1415
   Curve Node          De&lete Point        1416
   Curve Node          Open C&urve          2693
   Curve Node          Close C&urve         1420
   Curve Node          Au&to Point          1421
   Curve Node          &Smooth Point        1422
   Curve Node          St&raight Point      1423
   Curve Node          &Corner Point        1424
   Curve Node          Exit &Edit Point     1425
   Curve Node          Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   Curve Node          &Object...           962
   Curve Node          &Hyperlink           30094

   Curve Segment       &Add Point           1415
   Curve Segment       De&lete Segment      2692
   Curve Segment       Open C&urve          2693
   Curve Segment       Close C&urve         1420
   Curve Segment       &Straight Segment    1417
   Curve Segment       &Curved Segment      1418
   Curve Segment       Exit &Edit Point     1425
   Curve Segment       Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   Curve Segment       &Object...           962
   Curve Segment       &Hyperlink           30094

   Pictures Context
      Menu             Cu&t                 21
   Pictures Context
      Menu             &Copy                19
   Pictures Context
      Menu             &Paste               22
   Pictures Context
      Menu             Show Picture
                          Toolba&r          1413
   Pictures Context
      Menu             &Grouping            30175
   Pictures Context
      Menu             O&rder               30078
   Pictures Context
      Menu             Assig&n Macro...     859

   Pictures Context
      Menu             &Object...           962
   Pictures Context
      Menu             &Hyperlink           30094

   Rotate Mode         Cu&t                 21
   Rotate Mode         &Copy                19
   Rotate Mode         &Paste               22
   Rotate Mode         &Exit Rotate Mode    1412
   Rotate Mode         Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   Rotate Mode         &Object...           962

   Connector           Cu&t                 21
   Connector           &Copy                19
   Connector           &Paste               22
   Connector           &Straight Connector  2091
   Connector           &Elbow Connector     2092
   Connector           C&urved Connector    2093
   Connector           Rerou&te Connectors  1033
   Connector           Assig&n Macro...     859
   Connector           Set AutoShape
                          &Defaults         2179
   Connector           &Object...           962
   Connector           &Hyperlink           30094

   System              &Restore             839
   System              &Move                841
   System              &Size                842
   System              Mi&nimize            838
   System              Ma&ximize            843
   System              &Close               840

Tear-off Menus on Drawing Toolbar

   CommandBar          Control              ID

   Font Color          &Automatic Color     1926
   Font Color          &Color Scheme        1927
   Font Color          &Color               1928

   Fill Color          &No Color            1453
   Fill Color          &Color Scheme        1455
   Fill Color          &Standard Colors     1456
   Fill Color          &Recently Used
                          Colors            1457
   Fill Color          &More Fill Colors... 1051
   Fill Color          &Fill Effects...     1006
   Fill Color          &Fill Effects...     2668

   Line Color          &No Color            1458
   Line Color          &Automatic Color     1459
   Line Color          &Color Scheme        1460
   Line Color          &Standard Colors     1461
   Line Color          &Recently Used
                          Colors            1462
   Line Color          &More Line Colors... 1052
   Line Color          &Patterned Lines...  1053

Draw Menu on Drawing Toolbar

   CommandBar          Control              ID

   Order               Bring to Fron&t      166
   Order               Send to Bac&k        167
   Order               Bring &Forward       170
   Order               Send &Backward       171

   Nudge               &Up                  1035
   Nudge               &Down                1036
   Nudge               &Left                1037
   Nudge               &Right               1038

   Align or
      Distribute       Align &Left          664
   Align or
      Distribute       Align &Center        668
   Align or
      Distribute       Align &Right         665
   Align or
      Distribute       Align &Top           666
   Align or
      Distribute       Align &Middle        669
   Align or
      Distribute       Align &Bottom        667
   Align or
      Distribute       Distribute
                          &Horizontally     408
   Align or
      Distribute       Distribute
                          &Vertically       465

   Rotate or Flip      Free Ro&tate         688
   Rotate or Flip      Rotate &Left         199
   Rotate or Flip      Rotate &Right        198
   Rotate or Flip      Flip &Horizontal     196
   Rotate or Flip      Flip &Vertical       197

AutoShapes Menu on Drawing Toolbar

   CommandBar          Control              ID

   AutoShapes          &Lines               2631
   AutoShapes          Co&nnectors          2633
   AutoShapes          &Basic Shapes        2632
   AutoShapes          Block &Arrows        1049
   AutoShapes          &Flowchart           1048
   AutoShapes          &Stars and Banners   1050
   AutoShapes          &Callouts            1047

   Lines               &Line                130
   Lines               &Arrow               243
   Lines               &Double Arrow        1639
   Lines               &Curve               1041
   Lines               &Freeform            200
   Lines               &Scribble            409

   Connectors          St&raight Connector  1042
   Connectors          &Straight Arrow
                         Connector          2640
   Connectors          &Straight Double-
                         Arrow Connector    2641
   Connectors          &Elbow Connector     1043
   Connectors          &Elbow Arrow
                         Connector          2642
   Connectors          &Elbow Double-
                         Arrow Connector    2643
   Connectors          C&urved Connector    1044
   Connectors          &Curved Arrow
                          Connector         2644
   Connectors          &Curved Double-
                          Arrow Connector   2645
   Callouts            &Rectangular Callout 1172
   Callouts            &Rounded Rectangular
                          Callout           1173
   Callouts            &Oval Callout        1174
   Callouts            &Cloud Callout       1175
   Callouts            &Line Callout 1      1219
   Callouts            &Line Callout 2      1176
   Callouts            &Line Callout 3      1177
   Callouts            &Line Callout 4      1178
   Callouts            &Line Callout 1
                          (Accent Bar)      1220
   Callouts            &Line Callout 2
                          (Accent Bar)      1221
   Callouts            &Line Callout 3
                          (Accent Bar)      1222
   Callouts            &Line Callout 4
                          (Accent Bar)      1223
   Callouts            &Line Callout 1
                          (No Border)       1224
   Callouts            &Line Callout 2
                          (No Border)       1225
   Callouts            &Line Callout 3
                          (No Border)       1226
   Callouts            &Line Callout 4
                          (No Border)       1227
   Callouts            &Line Callout 1
                          (Border and
                          Accent Bar)       1228
   Callouts            &Line Callout 2
                          (Border and
                          Accent Bar)       1229
   Callouts            &Line Callout 3
                          (Border and
                           Accent Bar)      1230
   Callouts            &Line Callout 4
                          (Border and
                           Accent Bar)      1110

   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Process  1190
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Alternate Process 1191
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Decision 1192
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Data     1193
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                         Predefined Process 1194
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Internal
                          Storage           1195
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Document 1196
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Multidocument     1197
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Terminator        1198
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Preparation       1199
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Manual
                          Input             1200
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Manual
                          Operation         1201
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Connector         1202
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Off-page
                          Connector         1203
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Card     1204
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Punched
                          Tape              1205
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Summing
                          Junction          1206
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Or       1207
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Collate  1208
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Sort     1209
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Extract  1210
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Merge    1211
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Stored
                          Data              1213
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Delay    1218
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Sequential Access
                          Storage           1214
   Flowchart           &Flowchart:
                          Magnetic Disk     1215
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Direct
                          Access Storage    1216
   Flowchart           &Flowchart: Display  1217

   Block Arrows        &Right Arrow         1142
   Block Arrows        &Left Arrow          1143
   Block Arrows        &Up Arrow            1144
   Block Arrows        &Down Arrow          1145
   Block Arrows        &Left-Right Arrow    1146
   Block Arrows        &Up-Down Arrow       1147
   Block Arrows        &Quad Arrow          1148
   Block Arrows        &Left-Right-Up Arrow 1149
   Block Arrows        &Bent Arrow          1152
   Block Arrows        &U-Turn Arrow        1153
   Block Arrows        &Left-Up Arrow       1150
   Block Arrows        &Bent-Up Arrow       1151
   Block Arrows        &Curved Right Arrow  1160
   Block Arrows        &Curved Left Arrow   1161
   Block Arrows        &Curved Up Arrow     1162
   Block Arrows        &Curved Down Arrow   1163
   Block Arrows        &Striped Right Arrow 1154
   Block Arrows        &Notched Right Arrow 1155
   Block Arrows        &Pentagon            1156
   Block Arrows        &Chevron             1157
   Block Arrows        &Right Arrow Callout 1164
   Block Arrows        &Left Arrow Callout  1165
   Block Arrows        &Up Arrow Callout    1166
   Block Arrows        &Down Arrow Callout  1167
   Block Arrows        &Left-Right Arrow
                          Callout           1168
   Block Arrows        &Up-Down Arrow
                          Callout           1169
   Block Arrows        &Quad Arrow Callout  1170
   Block Arrows        &Circular Arrow      1158

   Stars & Banners     &Explosion 1         1188
   Stars & Banners     &Explosion 2         1189
   Stars & Banners     &4-Point Star        2638
   Stars & Banners     &5-Point Star        1183
   Stars & Banners     &8-Point Star        1184
   Stars & Banners     &16-Point Star       1185
   Stars & Banners     &24-Point Star       1186
   Stars & Banners     &32-Point Star       1187
   Stars & Banners     &Up Ribbon           1180
   Stars & Banners     &Down Ribbon         1179
   Stars & Banners     &Curved Up Ribbon    1182
   Stars & Banners     &Curved Down Ribbon  1181
   Stars & Banners     &Vertical Scroll     1127
   Stars & Banners     &Horizontal Scroll   1128
   Stars & Banners     &Wave                1125
   Stars & Banners     &Double Wave         2639

   Basic Shapes        &Rectangle           1111
   Basic Shapes        &Parallelogram       1112
   Basic Shapes        &Trapezoid           1113
   Basic Shapes        &Diamond             1114
   Basic Shapes        &Rounded Rectangle   1115
   Basic Shapes        &Octagon             1116
   Basic Shapes        &Isosceles Triangle  1117
   Basic Shapes        &Right Triangle      1118
   Basic Shapes        &Oval                1119
   Basic Shapes        &Hexagon             1120
   Basic Shapes        &Cross               1121
   Basic Shapes        &Regular Pentagon    1124
   Basic Shapes        &Can                 1126
   Basic Shapes        &Cube                1122
   Basic Shapes        &Bevel               1130
   Basic Shapes        &Folded Corner       1129
   Basic Shapes        &Smiley Face         1131
   Basic Shapes        &Donut               1132
   Basic Shapes        &"No" Symbol         1133
   Basic Shapes        &Block Arc           1134
   Basic Shapes        &Heart               1141
   Basic Shapes        &Lightning Bolt      1140
   Basic Shapes        &Sun                 2634
   Basic Shapes        &Moon                2635
   Basic Shapes        &Arc                 1139
   Basic Shapes        &Double Bracket      2636
   Basic Shapes        &Double Brace        2637
   Basic Shapes        &Plaque              1123
   Basic Shapes        &Left Bracket        1135
   Basic Shapes        &Right Bracket       1136
   Basic Shapes        &Left Brace          1137
   Basic Shapes        &Right Brace         1138

Tear-off Menus

   CommandBar          Control              ID

   Borders             &Border              1618

   Chart Type          &Chart Type          1616

   Pattern             &Pattern             1617
   Pattern             &Automatic Color     3141
   Pattern             &Color Scheme        1929
   Pattern             &Color               1930
For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

162814 XL97: Sample Macros to Return ID for a CommandBar Control


For more information about the ID Property, click the Office Assistant in the Visual Basic Editor, type "ID property" (without the quotation marks) click Search, and then click Id Property to view the topic.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/10/2006
Keywords:kbProgramming KB159466