SMS: Wuser2.exe GPF When Using Hurricane VMM (154503)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.0
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.1
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.2

This article was previously published under Q154503


When you are using the Hurricane virtual memory manager (VMM) and you attempt to remotely control a Systems Management Server client, the following error message appears:
WUSER2 caused a General Protection Fault in module IDIS_LM.DLL


Hurricane is a virtual memory manager that performs GDI object mapping in a manner incompatible with the remote control functionality of Systems Management Server.


To remove GDI Object Mapping, edit the Hurricane.ini file found in the Hurricane directory and turn off GDIObjectMapping by adding the following entry:
   [Heap Expander]


Hurricane version 2.1 is manufactured by Helix Software, a vendor independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/14/2005
Keywords:kb3rdparty kbRemoteProg kbtshoot KB154503