Printer setup is not remembered when you run an MFC application that was created by using Visual C++ 4.0 and later versions (148891)

The information in this article applies to:

  • The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), when used with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions 4.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions 4.1
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 4.2
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 5.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 6.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 4.2
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 5.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 6.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition 6.0

This article was previously published under Q148891


As you run an MFC application that was created by using Visual C++ 4.0 and greater on Windows NT 3.51, the printer setup is not remembered. This behavior occurs only with Windows NT 3.51, not with Windows 95.


When an application displays the Print dialog box, displays the Print Setup dialog box, or goes into Print Preview, MFC calls the function CWinApp::UpdatePrinterSelection(). MFC checks for the following conditions if the default printer is being used:

  • Default printer no longer has a printer.
  • Default printer has changed.
  • Default printer has not changed.
Depending on the results of these tests, MFC sets up the Device Names and the Device Mode variables in the PRINTDLG structure (m_pd) of the CPrintDialog object.

In evaulating whether the default printer has changed, MFC checks to see if the Driver Name, Device Name, and Port Name has changed by comparing these parameters against the defaults obtained from using PD_RETURNDEFAULT. In Windows NT 3.51, ::PrintDlg() is not obtaining the same Port Name when using PD_RETURNDEFAULT as it does when it obtains the Port Name from displaying the print dialog. Therefore, the overall "IF" check succeeds making MFC think that the default printer has changed. This forces the Print dialog box to repopulate itself with the original default values.

This was not a problem in earlier 32-bit versions of MFC because there the port name was not checked.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in Windows NT version 3.51. This problem has been corrected in Windows NT Service Pack 4. For information on how to obtain it, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

128465 How To Obtain Windows NT Version 3.51 U.S. Service Pack

There is no programmatic workaround in MFC. The user should select the printer properties button from the print dialog in order to set the paper orientation or any other settings.


Sample Code

To recreate this problem, create an AppWizard-generated application, run it, and choose Print Setup from the File menu. Change the page orientation to landscape, and click OK. Bring up the Print Setup dialog box again, and notice that the orientation has been set back to portrait.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/26/2005
Keywords:kbenv kbOSWinNT400sp4fix kbprb kbprint KB148891 kbAudDeveloper