ACC2: "Publish It With MS Word" Loses CanShrink Formatting (148298)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access 2.0

This article was previously published under Q148298
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.


When you use the "Publish It With MS Word" button for a report or use the Output To command on the File menu to output the report as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file, the report does not retain the CanShrink property formatting of the report.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Access version 2.0. This problem no longer occurs in Microsoft Access version 7.0.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Open any database. Create a new table with the following two fields:
          Field Name: State
          Data Type:  Text
          Field Name: City
          Data Type: Text

    Save the table as tblPublishIt. Do not create a primary key.
  2. View the tblPublishIt table in Datasheet view and type 10 records with WA in the State field and 10 different cities of your choice in the City field.
  3. Type 1 record with TX in the State field and 1 city of your choice in the City field.
  4. Type 10 records with NC in the State field and 10 cities of your choice in the City field. Save and then close the tblPublishIt table.
  5. Create a new report based on the tblPublishIt table by using the Groups/Totals Wizard. When prompted, move the State field and the City field form the Available fields box to the Field Order On Report box and click Next. Move the State field from the Available fields box to the Group Records By box, and click Finish. Save the report as rptPublishIt.
  6. Open the rptPublishIt report in Design view. Drag the State field from the State header to the detail section so that it is even with the City field. Set the properties for the State field as follows:
          Height: 1 inch
          CanShrink: Yes
  7. Set the detail section's CanShrink property to Yes.
  8. Preview the rptPublishIt report and note that the CanShrink property behaves as expected.
  9. Click the "Publish It With Microsoft Word" button or click the Output To command on the File menu to output the report to Rich Text Format. Note that when Microsoft Word loads the document, the distance between rows in the document is the same as the Height property setting of the State text box.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/25/2002
Keywords:kbbug kbinterop KB148298